The Ball

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~Ariana's POV~
I woke up at the sound of a knock on my door, popping one eye open, the knob turned and Mia walked in, I grumbled, shutting my eyes, she got on my bed, shaking me lightly.

"I know you're awake Ana, come on," I ignored her, turning on my side,

"come on Ana, the ball is today." she insisted, I groaned in annoyance, sitting up, I rubbed my eyes and turned to check the time, 7:05, turning to look at her in shock,

"It's 7 am in the morning Mia, what is wrong with you, it's a fucking saturday and the ball starts by 7pm, stop persecuting me." I complained, before dropping back into position and shutting my eyes.

"Ana..." She grumbled, I threw a pillow at her,

"shut up and get out please..." I whined, she laughed,

"No can do, we have a lot to do, hair, nails etc." she informed me, I gave her a confused look.

"And we have to start this early because....?" I trailed off,

"well you're still gonna want to hit the gym, which on a regular day you spend about an hour or two in there before you're satisfied, regular days are days you have classes, you spend more time holed up in there on Saturdays, so we have to get an early start at least." she explained, I sighed, realizing they must have noticed my frequent visits to the gym most mornings, it wasn't really a surprise though, they were wolves after all, they we're probably curious as to my reasons, I hadn't told them about the dreams yet, it just didn't feel right, surprisingly, I didn't have any dream last night, perhaps whatever it was was finally done messing with me, I hoped so at least, sighing again, I sat up, stretching with a yawn as I got off my bed, got changed and headed down to the gym.

After about an hour and a half, I was out and on my way to my room to take a much needed bath, I went straight to my bathroom and began filling the bath tub with water, I always used the shower on week days cause I had to hurry up so I didn't miss classes, but saturdays were bath days, feeling the temperature, I smiled satisfied, pouring in a generous amount of my favorite bath bombs, I turned on my mp3, gangsta by kehlani sounded from my speakers, and I smiled.

"perfect.", getting into the bath, I relaxed, laying my head on the head rest and shut my eyes.
After a while, the water began cooling and I washed up, got out and drained the bath. I grabbed a towel and dried myself up, before wrapping it around me, and heading to my closet.

I got dressed in a casual Jean pants and white tank top that had the word 'boss' boldly printed in black across the front, throwing on a jean jacket and a pair of sneakers, I picked out a small scarf, heading to the mirror, I wrapped it round my hair, leaving out the top afro, satisfied, I grabbed my phone and headed out.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I saw Mia had already prepared breakfast, explaining the delicious aroma I had been perceiving, Dan was already there scarfing pancakes down with alarming speed.

"slow down dude, you'll choke." I said with a laugh and he swallowed before flashing me a grin,

"Good morning Ana and that's highly unlikely." He said with a grin, knowing he was right I didn't argue, he always ate this way, his system was probably accustomed to his pattern of eating, shaking my head I took a seat, Mia set a plate of food for me, and I smiled in gratitude as she handed me the syrup,

"thanks hon." I said,

"you're welcome." she said with a wink taking a seat as well.

"So I already called my hair stylist and she'll attend to us the moment we arrive, so we can leave as soon as we're done eating, that's if your ready." she informed me, I nodded and she smiled.

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