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  ~Talon's POV~
I raced through the woods, paws barely touching the ground as I darted past trees in the direction of Jay's territory, chanting a particular mantra in my mind.
"I'm not cursed!"
"I'm not cursed!"
"I'm not cursed!"
I didn't have any time to spare, I had to get Jay's forgiveness even if it meant I had to grovel.

I came to a screeching halt when a huge blonde furred Lion stepped into my way just as I was about crossing the border.
Reaching to his mind link, I waited for him to accept my request to convey my words through his mind link.

"Leo, please move aside." I thought to him and he growled in response.

"What the fuck do you want?!!" he thought back angrily and I sighed, giving him a pleading look.

"No access to Crescent Moon, Rex leonum's orders." he continued with finality.

"Please?" I tried and he growled dangerously.

"Haven't you done enough damage?" he asked in annoyance and my heart hurt at his aggressiveness, he used to be a good friend of mine.

"I didn't come here with the intention to cause damage." I explained patiently.

"Then what did you come here for?" he asked relaxing slightly.

"Well, I was thinking something along the lines of grovelling if I must to get Jay to forgive me and maybe after that hopefully seduce him into bed with me." I replied honestly and he gave me a shocked look before his huge fangs showed in what I assumed to be a grin as he burst into loud laughter, I winced at the loud sound in my head, rolling my eyes when he stopped then continued laughing again.

"Interesting, in that case, I believe I can make an exception just this once, in return, when y'all do take a tumble beneath the sheets, say if you could put in a good word for me, I think I'll shoot myself if I have to run one more patrol, I've been going at this for months." he complained aggrieved and I laughed softly before nodding, he grinned again before disconnecting the link, with a short nod of approval to me, he turned around, darting back within the cover of the trees.

I grinned in relief, my grin cut short as anxiety creeped in again and I swallowed down my fear, before continuing on my way to the pride house.

Getting to the edge of the forest, I shifted to my human form, pulling on some spare pants from one of the trees, before jogging the rest of the way.

"You must have a death wish." a deadly voice sounded from within Jay's office just as I lifted my hand to knock, I froze,my heart beating loudly, as fear coursed through my veins, I bit my lip trying to still my frantically beating heart as I pushed open the door and went in.

I stood still for a few minutes, unable to muster the courage to speak, he didn't even look up at me, still typing on his laptop, I sighed in devastation, not knowing where or how to start, I mean how did you tell your mate you have caused them so much pain for five years just because you were scared of a so called curse that predicted you being with them would cause them pain, I mean I ended up doing just that either ways.

"Jay...." I began, he frowned in distaste but didn't look up at me, putting aside his laptop and grabbing a file pushing it towards me without a glance in my direction.

"The renovation is complete, all files associated are within, you can discuss the rest of the details with the project director of shadow constructions, his contact details are also within, have a good day."  he said in a dismissive tone before continuing his work on his laptop.

"I....I'm not here for that." I stuttered hesitantly and he hummed, pointing a hand towards the door.

"Let yourself out." he said still not looking at me, I growled lowly as tears of frustration began slipping out my eyes, frustration at my foolish actions, frustration at the fact that even I didn't believe I deserved forgiveness, frustration at my current lack of words to express how sorry I was.

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