Friendship was not the Goal

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   ~Ariana's POV~
After eating, I went back to sleep, Talon stayed with me while Jay had to go to the office to get some work done. I woke up a while later, Talon wasn't there so I assumed he stepped out for a bit.

Getting up, I headed to the ground floor, as soon as I was out of the elevator, I heard a commotion from outside, heading out to the porch, I saw an angry Talon storming towards Claire who was currently yelling at Luca and the twins with her goons, rushing to catch up with him, I grabbed his hand, halting him, as he turned his furious eyes to me.

"Calm down Lon, you might hurt someone, let me handle this." I said, before heading to the middle of the fight whilst pondering if in my current condition I wasn't a worst option than Talon,

"that's enough Claire...Dan, Mia calm down." I said facing the twins,

"stay out of this African." I heard from Claire, I turned around with a raised brow,

"mind your words when speaking to my mate Claire." Talon growled, coming to stand beside me,

"no it's okay I supposed to be offended by that Claire?, Cause I'm not, how childish can you get, it's always this with you, do you think you're the only one who lives here, you're always causing a commotion, I don't even know if I can still classify that as attention seeking cause if it is, we're getting a little too desperate here don't you think?" I asked,
She glared hatefully at me,

"this situation has nothing to do with you Luna." she said mockingly,

"oh and why's that exactly Claire?" I asked smirking, I was well aware that the fact that Luca was her mate and she rejected him was kept a secret, she didn't respond, just glaring, I chuckled,

"no reason then?, good, because as the Luna of your pack and the Leo Reginae of the pride whose property you're currently occupying, I believe it is within my right to understand why there's a commotion between my pack members on my property." I stated with finality.

"You...." She began but probably didn't have anything to counter that, I ignored her turning to Luca,

"you okay Luc?" I asked softly and he nodded,

"Luc? I know you're desperate Luca but if this is to make me jealous then it ain't working." Claire said cockily and I sighed, before I could reply Luca did,

"and why would I want to make you jealous, it's not like you're anything to me." Luca said with a shrug and I smirked, Claire on the other hand went livid, forgetting that her situation was a secret and there was a crowd around us she yelled.

"Spare me that crap Luca, like you weren't the one begging me just a few minutes ago to take you back as my mate." she said scoffing, completely revealing her secret in the heat of her anger.

Luca's expression changed and I could see the hurt in his eyes, she didn't even save him some face. I on the other hand was angry, I glared at Luca angrily, how could he lower himself to that little bitch.

I turned
to her, her wordings had completely dishonored this warrior in front of his pack and members of the pride and somehow I felt an immense need to defend him.

"You're a horrible person Claire, you don't deserve Luca." I stated coldly before turning back to him,

"why Luc?" I asked, not understanding why he would do such a thing, knowing the kind of person Claire was, there was no way that conversation could have ended well, he sighed looking away,

"I just felt I should give it one last shot .." he began but I cut him off,

"fuck that one last conversation shit you think you need to have with her, you've had too many of those already and nothing changed, it'll just be an opportunity for her to feed you bull shit that part of you wants to hear, stop willingly wasting your time Luc." I said angrily, I totally understood him  but I just couldn't help but say it as it is, he needed a blunt wake up call.

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