Healing Begins

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   ~Jaylen's POV~
I followed her scent through the building and ended up in the kitchen, getting in I noticed my mom was there, probably showing off her amazing cooking skills to Ana, smiling as I saw her stuffing her face with sandwiches. I took a seat across from her and she looked up at me, offering me a small smile that had my heart pounding, my mom placed a plate pilled with sandwiches before me and I shook my head pushing it away, I hadn't been feeling up to eating this past week, Leo walked in as my mom sent Ana a pointed look, she nodded at my mom before swallowing and turning to glare at me, I raised a brow and she gestured at the plate of food I had set aside, slapping Leo's hand away, I chuckled shaking my head and her glare intensified.

She moved the plate to my front,

"eat." she instructed, leaving no rooms for argument, my Lion purred at this and I sighed,

"eat and then we talk." she promised and I picked up a fork, she rolled her eyes at me, as she picked up another sandwich and I chuckled, eating slowly, she was done soon enough, standing up and going to wash her hands, she came back and took her seat, glaring at me,

"how long exactly do you plan on taking with that?" She asked gesturing to the pile of food that still didn't show a difference, I shrugged and she stood up

"knowing I might not be coming back here anytime soon, maybe I should go...." She trailed off and my eyes widened as I stood up but started coughing due to the force, Leo laughed loudly and I glared at him but smiled as she came to my side rubbing my back softly to ease my discomfort, her brows creased in worry,

"hey, hey relax, I'm not going anywhere." she assured and I grinned taking my seat.

"What a baby, choking to get attention huh, why don't you just ask her to feed you?" Leo grumbled annoyed things were going my way, I glared at him

"shut up." I growled, he smirked at me,

"you know I'm not totally against that idea." Ana said referring to Leo's suggestion to feed me, I looked up at her in shock meanwhile my Lion was victory dancing within me, Leo's smirk fell off his face and we all laughed at his expression, when the laughter died down, I looked up at her hopefully and she rolled her eyes at me,

"maybe if you're good and eat well today, I'll consider it some other time." I sighed in devastation and she laughed, I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips, she was so beautiful and here she was, right in front of me, and deep within me, I couldn't help the hope that spurred to life, that may be, despite everything, she'd be willing to have me.

We had finished eating for the past 10 minutes and I still didn't know what to say, I began wondering exactly what I was thinking when I said I wanted to talk to her, I only wanted her to stay for a bit. Suddenly she started laughing and I looked at her puzzled,

"you should see your face right now, you don't have to say anything if you don't know what to say, I understand, I also know you just wanted me to stay a bit longer, why don't we go for a walk in the woods, it's been a while for me." she suggested and I nodded eagerly, standing up and leading the way out to the woods.

We had been walking for some minutes. She seemed lost in thoughts, after a while she took a deep breath in, spread her arms and closed her eyes, I couldn't help staring in awe, she looked so peaceful and serene, so innocent I feared I would never be worthy of her,

"it's gonna be okay you know, it'll all work out in the end, I promise." she said to me softly, then moved closer and wrapped her arms around me in a comforting hug that had me feeling warm and fuzzy within, I couldn't tell what exactly she was talking about but somehow, I believed her and all the walls I had built round my broken heart for the past 5 years came crumbling down.

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