Reflection 1

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     ~Ariana's POV~
"There was lush greenery as far as the eye could see, I stood up from the log I sat on looking around in confusion and awe,

"where was I?" I pondered in wonder, the grasses came up to my waist, they were green, moist to touch and healthy looking, I took a deep breath and relaxed instantly with a little smile, my eyes fluttered close, the air was damp with the morning dew, completely fresh and devoid of pollution, I sighed in bliss and took slow steps forward, I felt the mud squelch beneath my feet and unconsciously registered I was bare footed, I wiggled my toes a bit as if to confirm the feet were mine...after a while of quietly enjoying the peaceful scenery, I took the time to examine myself, surprised at the sheer white silk I had as the only covering on me,

"what the?!" I thought, noting my nudity beneath the sorry excuse for clothing

"where the hell am I, how did I get out of my room and is this field even in Califonia ?", I pondered as I trudged through the field, trying to find a way out, I was drawn out of my reverie by a rustle in the grasses, I was on guard instantly, stopping all movements, I concentrated on my environment and then I felt a presence

"spacing out at a time like this, Good job Ana.", I grumbled to myself as my eyes flashed round, intent on identifying the origin of the sound, so I could decide on a destination that preferably took me away from whatever the hell that was, I noticed a movement from the corner of my eyes,

"fur"? I thought but couldn't be sure, the movement had been too fast, I waited quietly and eventually heard another rustle, this time the direction was clear to me and I naturally spun on my feet and strolled in the opposite way?

yeah right, I ran.

I could feel the presence quickly following after me, breaking into a sprint, I covered some distance before coming to an abrupt halt as I noticed a huge white furry beast, almost reaching an alarming six feet whilst standing, it was a good distance from me but immediately spun around probably sensing my presence, I gasped in awe as I stared at it,

"beautiful!", the words were out my lips before I could process them but I really couldn't care less, the sight before me was astounding.

A pure white Lion, fur of snow white covered it's healthy and muscular build, right from the mane to the tips of the tail, pure unadulterated white fur, I stared speechlessly at the sight before me, the majestic beast took a step in my direction, and I practically melted in a puddle as I noticed his eye colour for the first time, blue, the most astonishing electric blue eyes I had ever come across,

"you, I know you!" I whispered softly, and the beast's mouth spread in what I now knew to be a smile, he stared at me, eyes filled with longing, he took another step towards me and I could feel my body stiffen in anticipation, "snap" I turned sharply at the sound to see another furred beast, equally as majestic as the first, a wolf with fur as dark as night, it stared at me for a while, with a longing concealed in his forest green orbs as fierce as that seen within the Lion's orbs, he also took a step towards me and my heart fluttered in response to both, suddenly as if just noticing the white beast, the wolf's features turned dark as he took two steps back, my brows furrowed in confusion as I spun around to see the exact same reaction mirrored by the white beast, I moved quickly to an angle where I could see them both and said in a shaky voice

"please," I couldn't exactly tell what I was pleading for, but somehow I knew my pleas wouldn't be honored, and as it had happened everytime before, they looked at each other, numerous emotions flashing in their beautiful orbs, before finally settling on one, and with that came a hardening of their features, both beasts threw me one last look of longing, before taking opposite ways.... away from each other and inevitably away from me in the process,

"wait!" I called out, both beasts stopped as they had done in every dream prior to this, turning to me, no words were exchanged, but somehow I understood the silent request hidden in their gazes, as I had understood all the times before

"I can't..." I choked out stopping mid sentence,

"I can't choose," I completed within me, but they seemed to understand because both beasts turned and disappeared between the towering grasses.

  I woke up with a gasp, taking in huge breaths to calm myself as a tear slipped out my eye, the same dream again, I had been having  this dream since the night I arrived in California, I had attributed it to home sickness and change of environment but even after three years, there was no sign of improvement it had rather become more frequent as time went on, a different scenery everytime but same beasts, same actions, same emotions and each and every time, they walked away from me, I just couldn't understand it, I sighed reaching for my cellphone on the night stand,

"4:30 am." I sighed again with a shrug, oh well, I couldn't go back to sleep now, I kicked off my duvet, getting off my bed and stretching with a yawn, throwing off the oversized shirt I had on, I reached for a pair of work out pants and a sports bra, intent on letting out some steam, I walked out my room and quietly shut the door, not wanting to wake Mia and Dan, they had really tired themselves out with the chase back in the woods yesterday, while I sat waiting for their wolves to get their fill on freedom, shit sure took a while.

I walked down the stairs of our huge apartment, courtesy of the twins, not that I was complaining, I headed down to the basement which doubled as a gym room, taping my knuckles, I walked straight to the punching bag, once they were secured, I began a routine of throwing punches and kicks at the bag, in a quick and constant sequence, after about 30 minutes, I had calmed down a bit, ready to begin my routine work out session I reached for the bottle of water I had gotten from the kitchen and took a sip, taking a look at the treadmill, I checked the time,

"5:10" I shook my head, deciding to go for a run, I grabbed my earpiece, putting them on before leaving the apartment, I stared at the woods in longing but turned the other way, taking the road instead, I had stopped wood runs since discovering Mia and Dan, I didn't think I could handle more surprises, I jogged for a while, before picking up pace and finally after about an hour or so, fully sprinted back home, I walked in quietly, heading to my room, and shutting the door behind me.

Throwing my phone on the bed, I shuffled into my bathroom, and stripped before I put on my mp3 and got into the shower, I took my time washing up before turning off the water and getting out the shower, I reached for a towel, drying my self up, before wrapping it round my hair and throwing on a bath robe, I walked out into my room, walking into my closet, I looked around for a while, before reaching for my underwear, a pair of black jeans, a black tank top, a white pyramid studded belt and a white leather jacket.

I leisurely put them on, while swaying to the music from my mp3, once I was done, I got my white heeled boots and tugged them on, standing in front of my floor length mirror, I blow dried my type 4 afro hair, sighing at it's nature.

As an African woman, my hair was naturally kinky and tightly coiled, I loved my hair though, it was one of the physical features I was most proud of, that, and my beautiful almond skin tone, I styled my hair into a neat afro bun, smiling at how full my afro hair was, I recalled how short it had been back home, I smiled softly at the thought, my eyes flickered to the calendar on my night stand, April 10 2024.

I'd be turning 19 soon, time sure flew by, it had been three years I left home and I missed it badly, I grew up in a country that was known to be the Giant of Africa... Nigeria, precisely located in Western Africa, examining myself In the mirror, I smirked softly, standing at 5feet and 9inches, I was considered tall for an 18 year old, I mused only to be interrupted by a yell.

"Ariana Ebere, you alive up there!?" I chuckled at Dan's pronunciation of my surname which happened to originate from my native language, I turned back to the mirror, staring at the girl I saw.

The beauty was Ariana Ebere, an 18 year old Nigerian, third year student of the prestigious Stanford University, majoring in Medicine and Surgery, the beauty exuded confidence, grace and charisma, I smirked at the reflection and she smirked right back....the beauty was me.

     ~Author's Note~
I believe I promised to work in an introduction, there, our female lead has been successfully introduced 😁😁, I'm working on the next chapter so we'll get to know both male leads soon enough.

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