Moving In.

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"Hey, Leo what's up?" I said, as I recognized the voice on the other end phone,

"Hey Ana, how are you doing?" He asked, I smiled,

"I'm good you?" ,

"I'm okay, my parents have concluded arrangements, how is it on Talon's end?" He asked,

"Bane and Mira are handling it, Cain updated me, Talon isn't taking the turn of events too well, but Mira is leading the charge and she has assured me she'd handle any objections Talon may have, how about Jay?" I asked,

"He's definitely not happy about it but even he can't stop a united Alpha couple, mom and dad have made their stand clear, the pride is expecting the pack already, Jaylen doesn't really have a choice in the matter." he assured me, I chuckled, it really was a good idea to recruit the parents,

"I've already made the arrangements, the pack will be completely settled in, in five days time and I will be coming to get you the day after, Mom and Dad insist you move in as soon as possible, so please don't say no, we need you there to keep the peace between them." Leo informed me,

"alright, I understand, I'll do as they say." I assured him, Jake and Leona had agreed to accommodating the pack on the condition I moved in as well, although I already had that in mind,  he sighed in relief,

"I know you probably aren't okay with all the pushing we're doing but please bear with us okay, we really need your help with this, and mom really wants to get to know her son's mate, you moving in will make her happy and we'd all be honored to have you." he assured me and I laughed,

"I knew I'd have to be close to be able to actually do something about the situation, I already had moving in in mind, it's more like a vacation to me, so don't worry, I'm not gonna back out, I was just worried it'd seem a little weird for me to move in, I mean considering I already rejected them and naturally shouldn't be getting involved anymore, but your mom wanting me around gives me a good alibi, however I just want you to know that, I might like them but that doesn't mean I'm willing to accept what being their mate entails, pack and pride leading and all, I'm in this mostly to help smoothen things between them, so they don't end up hurting themselves, the fact that I'm their only connection right now is why Im triggering their feelings but concerning my involvement with them beyond the plan, I still haven't made a decision, I'm saying this so you can let your mom know not to get her hopes up, I'd actually rather not be dealing with all this if I had a choice, no offence intended." I informed him honestly and I heard his sigh,

"I understand Ariana, I just want you to keep your heart open, I'm not asking for anything but please don't push them away, if you end up feeling nothing for them then no one will hold you back, I promise." he said,

"okay, thanks, see you in a few days." with that I hung up and went back to finishing up my school work that was due the next day.

     ~Mia's POV~
"Ana....?" I whined, she lifted her gaze from the book she was reading, giving me a sharp glare, before returning her gaze to the book, Dan chuckled at my expression, we were currently in the living room, Ana was curled up on a love seat, reading one of those huge adventure books, one of the few I hadn't read yet, when it came to stories, I was a book worm as well.

Dan was laying on the couch, doing something on his phone, and I sat on another couch, with a frustrated look on my face, it was 9:30am and Leo was scheduled to come get us by 3 in the afternoon, we had just about five hours or so and Ana wasn't done packing, or at least I didn't think she was, she had packed up just one suitcase for God's sake, I don't know how she thinks that would be enough, when in my case I had packed 3, knowing fully well I still had a lot of stuff to get back at the pack house, now I know we weren't staying in the pride house forever but I liked to be prepared for anything.

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