Chapter 2

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Ellison Taylor

Claire and I sat at the furthest table in the loud cafeteria. I sipped my strawberry milk as I read the book, that I just borrowed from the library. There was a loud thud and I see a bag on our table and then I see him, sitting across from me with his tray of foods.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "What?" He questioned me. I should be the one questioning him and here he is questioning me.

"Nothing." Claire said, stopping me from my remark. I ignored him as I read the book in front of me. I feel hands on my arm as she squeezed it tightly, and I look at her. Her face glowing with happiness m. I see his two best friends making our way in the table. The whole cafeteria was buzzing with the sudden interaction between us and them. Ian didn't seem to care as he chew on his sandwich. The usual table that they sit with was half- filled with the rich children who was gawking at Claire and I.

"Hi there." Cooper greeted us as he waved at us. Claire seemed excited, but somehow managed to hide it. El, just give us a quick nod before slipping on the chair beside me, while Cooper sat beside Claire. They ate their lunch while having small talks and completely ignored Claire and I which honestly;I loved it! Keep me out of drama, please.

"Peanut." He called out and I looked at him to see who he was calling and I see all three of them staring at me.

"I have a name, you know?" I questioned him.

"What was your name again?" He asked and I give him a small scoff.

"You don't need to know." I pointed out.

He stood up abruptly and said, "From today, your name will be peanut. It will be easier to remember your name along with your allergy.

My mouth dropped opened. "She is also allergic to tree nuts." Claire pointed out.

"Very well." He said as he started taking his tray. "See you later, peanut."

"Hope not." I said.

And for the first time I see a new expression apart from his scowl look. His smug looks. He looked more handsome, but his arrogant face made me think twice again. I need to get a hold on myself.

"We shall see, peanut." He said as he walked away, leaving us with his friends.

"Very well." Cooper said, trying to ease the situation. "Ladies, my apologies on behalf of our friend." He paused to look at El, who simply just nodded his head in agreement. "It seemed like he is not in the mood, today." He continued and ended his sentence with a bright smile.

"Of course, we all have those days." Claire beamed as she put his hands on my arm.

"Right." I said, giving in.

"My name is Copper and this is my friend, El." He said as he pat El's back.

"We know you guys."Claire suddenly blurted. "Y-you guys are popular. I-I mean, everyone knows you. Right?" She nudged me and give me a look.

"Yea." I said. They already know they are popular, but Claire still wanted to let them know?

El, for the first time chuckled. His usual straight face was bright and beautiful. Damn, they are rich, smart and handsome.

"You're charming." El said looking at me.

"Thank you very much for your kind words." I said, sarcastically.

"My name is El. What about you?" He asked as he took out his hand for a hand-shake.

"Ellison." I said. "It's Ellison and not Alyson. It's E-L-L-I-S-O-N."I made sure to tell him the difference, apparently people seemed to get confuse between Alyson and Ellison.

"I will make sure to remember that, Ellison." He said.

"Very well." I said. "You should because I just spelt it out for you."

"How come you guys are sitting with us, today?" I asked.

Claire nudged me for my rudeness.

Cooper laughed. "Honestly, we just sat down because of Ian."

"You guys made it very obvious." I said. "It's okay, you guys can go to your table." I brushed them off. "We hardly take any offence."

Cooper gasped as his eyes widened. "That would be so rude of us."

"You think she and I care enough about if you guys are here or not? Actually, I have no idea about her- but I for sure don't care."

"You're pretty cool." Cooper said. "I actually don't mind hanging out with you guys."

"Please don't trouble yourself." I said.

"She is telling us to leave." El said as he laughed.

"No, she didn't mean that." Claire said. "She just think that you guys are being too nice with us." As she glared at me.

"Your presence brought us immense joy and attention." I give them a sweet smile as I looked around the cafeteria.

"You're welcome." Cooper said, not understanding the sarcasm.

"We usually have this kind of attention wherever we go."

"Of course." I said.

"Are we troubling you with our presence?" El asked, concerned on his face.

"Of course not." Cooper said. I raised my eyebrow at his replied.

"We are all good." I said as the bell rang.

"Well, it was nice hanging out with you guys. See you later." Cooper waved us goodbye and so did El.

"He is too innocent." I said to Claire.

"Right?" She said as she sighed seeing them walk away.

"Elli." I see Anne walking towards us. Anne is the only decent rich people who at times hang out with us, but mostly greet us when we bump into each other. The only thing that is common between us is that we both need to carry epipen everywhere we go.She was anaphylactic to sesame and peanuts. At least our school is strict when it comes to allergies. Most of the classroom have strict talks about bringing things that some of us are allergic to and it may not have to do with peanuts.

"I just found out that my epipen in the office is expiring soon." She laughed. I have no idea what is so funny about that. I feel epipen is too expensive, but well I forgot the fact she is rich. "Did you check with the school about your epipen's expiry date?"

"It's the same as this one." I said patting my fanny pack.

"Good for you. I should actually do the same, have the same date epipen. It's too difficult to have two different dates." She complained.

"Well, it's easier if you have the same but if the store doesn't have the same expiry date, we can't help it right?" I said.

"Just checking up with you.Anyway, later honey." As she waved us goodbye and ran towards what I assume towards her class. I can't wait to get out of school. I said to myself as I waved at her.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading. Next update will be tomorrow. Please add this book to your library and reading list ❤️ please don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you for your support!! ❤️

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