Chapter 31

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Ellison Taylor

Brent is the cool guy, he doesn't hold grudge on anyone- usually. Ian must have pissed him off pretty well, as till now he hates that guy's guts.

"Why would you do that?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. Jeez.

"It's not like I found him on social media and asked him to meet me. He is my boss now and that's how I met him."

"He's your what now?" His eyes widened.

"Taylor sold the company to him and now he is the CEO and independent entrepreneur of the company." I said as I took a bite of my tacos.

"That piece of-" he shake his head. "How is he treating you?"

"We hanged out together." I learnt my lesson from years back to be honest with Brent. I never told him I used to hang out with Ian often- maybe a part of me regrets for not sharing anything with him.

He glared at me and signal me to go on with the story. "I mean.. we'll be seeing each other often because he is my boss now."

"You can keep it professional.You don't have to hang out with your boss." He said. "He can't force his employees to hang out with him."

"I know.. we did speak about years back."

"Please tell me you didn't give him another chance." He pleaded.

"I did." I said and his glare was so cold that I almost wanted to hide under the table.

"You got to be kidding me, El. He ruined your life!" His nostril flared with anger.

"We are just friends.."

"Friends?" He snorted in disbelief. "You will not hang out with that piece of shi*t outside work.You hear me? There are billions of people to hang out with."

I sighed. "Got it." I said. I don't have any plans to hang out with him outside work though. "He explained to me that he had no idea someone was recording us that time." I said in a smaller voice as I picked on my food with the fork.

"Are you defending him?" He asked. "This is no excuse."

"I know." I said.

"I don't want you to get hurt, again." He sighed. "Please Ellison, anyone but him." He said in a much softer tone and I nodded my head. He have way many things to be worried about and I don't want him to be worry about this matter.

Our lunch went smooth after that and we decided to go for bowling like old times. Sometime I wish he could move to the apartment with me. It definitely gets lonely and quiet. Mid-way during our game, he got a call from our cousins.

We are not very close with our cousins as they tend to go over board with stuffs. At young age they mastered the skills of stubbornness- if they want something, they have to get it and they get it easily too. Brent rolled his eyes as he picked up the call, he is not very fond our two cousins- Marilyn and Edith. Marilyn is older to Edith by two years.

"They want to talk to you." He said rolling his eyes. "Why the f*ck they don't call you on your cellphone." He whispered.

I took the phone while taking a deep breath. "Hello." I answered and in the other side I can hear Edith screaming at her sister. Typical them.

"How is our dear little Ellison?" She asked sweetly. I almost gagged at her sweetness. Even though we are of same age she likes pretending to be the older one- barking orders all the time.

"Good." I said. "It's so nice to hear from my older cousin." Two can play at this game. "How is my old cousin?"

"Good." I could hear her sudden change in tone in her voice.

Edith must have snatched the phone because I heard Marilyn complaining behind.

"We are coming to your city." She said way too excitedly.

"Okay. And?" I asked. "Not like you guys are coming here to meet us."

"That's right." Edith laughed. "We just need a place to crash in. Grandma said we should stay with you in your apartment." Now, I was really not happy with what I was hearing.

"Don't you guys have lots of friends here to crash at their place?" I said, my tone was sour.

"Aww.. Elli." It was Marilyn. "You can't handle us two for a week?"

I was irritated now. She knows where to push my buttons. "I'll let you know." I said as I rub my forehead.

"We are coming over next week. We will be staying over for a week. Pick us up at the airport at 8 am sharp on Sunday.Don't be late. I hate waiting. See you." Marilyn said as she hanged up the phone.

"Is she being serious?" I said as I stared at my phone. She didn't even wait for me to confirm whether they could stay with me and already assumed I would say yes.

My grandmother- Marissa Beth Taylor. She is a beautiful and sophisticated woman. She was the reason why I was pushed to go to that private school in the first place. She thinks I lack in mannerism and elegance. She adores Marilyn and Edith so much more and always compare me with them. While they use to wear dresses, socialize with great manners- I used to show up in jeans. She thinks I'm challenging her. I haven't seen her for two years now since our last family gathering.

I groaned as I sat down, pouting.

"What happened?"

"They are coming here for a week and will be staying with me."

Just when Brent was going to question me. My phone rang and I see my grandma's name.

"Ellison Dakota Taylor." My grandma started in a cool tone. "How have my lovely granddaughter been?"

I know this is her way of checking my politeness. "Good." I said. "Why did you call?" Going straight to the point, she never calls me and never picks up my call until she have something to say to me. In the beginning, as a young child I always wanted to please her. I didn't understand why everything I did, she was never happy or satisfied with? She used to ignore me and focus more on Marilyn and Edith's success and used to say I should be like them. When I got certificate in my Gymnastic classes for doing good, she told me I should have join Ballad like my cousins and I would stand quietly while she told me how embarrassed of a granddaughter I was while her husband who is my grandpa, whom I adore- Christopher Michael Taylor is the most relaxing person ever. He was always there for me as a young child. When my grandma used to point out all my flaw during the gathering. My grandpa would tell her off and support me. He used to come for my gymnastic classes and also for my music classes.

"Tsk." She started. "Look how poor your manners are.. You should have graduated from that school I sent you to. I can't believe your lack of manners. Anyway, your cousin. Marilyn and Edith will be joining you and your brother for a short vacation. They deserve that, they finally got a chance to show their photography to a big company. Be nice to them, take them out and make sure they eat! They always skip meals! Okay, that's it for now. Good night." She said and didn't even wait for my respond and hanged up on me. Now, I know where those two got the habit from.

Brent winced when I told him the news. "I'll stay over for a week." He said.

"Is that possible?" I asked.

"I actually asked for transfer to a hospital close to your place." My eyes widened and I squeal in delight.

"I'm just waiting for approval though." He frowned. "I hope they approve it."

And all of a sudden my excitement turned into disappointment. He is still waiting for approval but none the less I still can hope, right?

"Can't wait for Sunday." I said with sarcasm.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book.

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