Chapter 48

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Ellison Taylor

"I doubt he would want to.." Brent said, nonchalantly.

"Why?" Marilyn asked, huffing.

"He's taken.." he said. What is he trying to imply.

"By who?" Edith asked.


My mouth dropped open. I didn't expect Brent to say something like that. Marilyn give me a dirty glance.

"He came to talk to me.." Brent started.

"He did what?" I asked.

"We met up for lunch yesterday."

"You did not." I said.

"We did.." he give me a look that he will explain to me later.

I can't believe he did that. I know he wanted to talk to Brent, but I thought he would let me know when he does that.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing that you should be concern about." Brent smiled, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes.

Edith pouted at the lack of response to her question. Our lunch went better than expected. While Marilyn bragged about her work as an influencer all Brent and I could do was give each other blank look. We are so out of social media's now. We don't use social media's often anymore.

After lunch Brent said we can go sight seeing. We went to the High museum of Art- Edith and Marilyn of course didn't care much and took pictures of the places and Edith wanted to do a sudden live video thing with her followers.

"I'm out of the video." I said and stepped back.

"Me too." Brent said with raised hands.

"Brent, I will get new followers quickly if you feature in my followers. A good looking doctor in my videos will boost my viewers!" Edith whined.

"Sorry.." he said sticking to his decision. Edith pouted.

While the two sisters was busy with their live stream. Brent decided to fill me in with details, right here in this place of all places.

"He called me up Friday midnight. He should be glad I was just done with work. He wanted to talk and initially at first I said No, but he said you guys just hanged out and will be hanging out tomorrow again and maybe much more. I decided why not! And well, we had lunch. He was genuinely nice to nice and was honest about his feelings. I doubt that guy has changed but then I can see his changes. He has grown a lot in these years. Seeing him talk openly about how much he cares for you. I doubt any guy will have the guts to come and talk to me about that. He said that I'm an important person in your life which is why he wants to make sure we were okay."

"So you are buddies with him now?" I raised my eyebrow at him. He shake his head and laugh.

"I warned him If he tries funny business with you again. I will not hold back with my punches and he said he will make sure that I don't have to do that." He sighed and looked at me. "They say people change, I don't know if he really change for good or he is just fooling around again, but all I want to say is be careful. You are old enough to make decisions and I hope you make wiser decisions and hope you two will think of each other's and your own feelings when making a decision. Your own true feelings shouldn't be thrown away for other's happiness. I know we want to please and make people happy, but let's not forget our own feelings and happiness."

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