Chapter 21

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Author's Note:  This chapter has sensitive topic about bullying. You are advised to read this chapter at your own risk. It is a reminder, this book is a fiction, so are the characters and the chapters. Please skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with the topic mentioned above.

Ellison Taylor

When I walked back in to the school after the bell rang, I see people giving me odd looks and then I see Brooke, walking at me with a smirk on her face.

"How was the kiss?" She laughed as she stood in front of me.

"Excuse me?"

"The goodbye kiss that Ian just give you?"

I was stunned for a moment. I have no idea what she was talking about or what conversation she is talking about.

"Please don't tell me you thought Ian liked you? He just took you for dinners, bought you some stuffs, pick and drop you off home. You guys hardly did anything together, but you said you like him? That's so funny." She laughed and so did the other students around her.

She showed me a video of Ian and I in the music room and my confession to him. I felt humiliated as students around me laughed out loud.

"You b*tch." I heard Claire screamed and then I see her punching Brooke in front of me, I couldn't stop her this time. I was too surprised and humiliated about what just happened.

El and Cooper stood in front of me, blocking me from the view. I see him beside Brooke, he looked helpless and guilty. He looked everywhere else apart from me and that's when I knew it was real. Whatever she said was real. He never said that he liked me, I believed that his action showed he liked me, but in reality it was all my assumption. I ran away like a coward that day, I felt like my world just fell apart. I ran to the field which was behind the school. There is a small hill in the field filled with big trees and it's impossible to find someone there. I sat down and sobbed until I couldn't cry anymore. It felt like hours, but most likely minutes.

"Ellison." I heard Claire called out. "I know you are there, I think you have had enough of your time alone. Now come out and took to me."

I wiped my tears before I stepped out from the place and see her, her face was filled with concerned.

"How long was I here?" I asked.

"For an hour." She sighed.

"Did you knew about this?"

"I found out when Ian pulled you away from the cafeteria and then I went to look for you."

"So Cooper and El knew about this damn thing." I said through gritted teeth.

"I still have to talk to them about this matter. I only know bits and pieces before I went to look for you."

"Let's go." I said, this time it was me who pulled her to the direction.

"Where?" She asked.

"To find them."

I was curled up on the couch with a blanket. The TV was on and some random movie was playing in the background. Claire moved around the place swiftly trying to figure out things at home. We couldn't catch up with El or Cooper after that.

Brooke's words kept running through my mind. She was right, Ian and I we only spent some moments together, how is it possible that I liked him? Maybe his carefree self that he showed me and then I realized he may have lied about that too and my chest tighten. Every single moment that we had together was a lie?

The door bell rang and Claire went to open the door. We had unexpected visitors. It was Cooper and El. I heard Claire saying something about now is not the right time to talk to me. I felt the need to ask what had happen because if I don't listen now,I'll be listening to it later.

"I'm fine Claire." I said to her. "Let them in." I might as well get this over with and pick myself up later.

They bought me ice creams and some snacks, irony. I was glad they didn't ask me how I was feeling or I would have snapped at them.

"I'm sure you're curious about what has happened and everything." El started.

"Go on." I said.

"I found out about this when I was practicing in the gym and overheard two guys talking secretly about it. That's when I confronted Ian in the parking lot and we got into a fight and then got suspended."

I blinked my eyes, "That's such a while ago."

"He and I, we made a deal. He stays away from you and I won't tell you about it."

I glared at him. "Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"You are too nice for the world and I didn't want you to break because of the cruel game."

"You are suppose to tell me. At least I would have did things differently." I snapped.

"What was the bet about?" Claire asked angrily.

"If she falls for Ian, Brooke will go on a date with Ian."

I laughed. "He did all of this to go on a date with Brooke?"

"Brooke usually have s*x during her first date which is also another reason why he wanted to go out with her."Cooper added.

"There we go!" I said shaking my head in disappointment. "I hope he have fun."

"We want to apologize on behalf of him." Cooper said. "And we would also apologize for hiding it from you."

I thought for a moment. "I'll accept your apologies, but I'm not accepting his." I shake my head.

"I know you're upset with him now, maybe in the future?"

I stood up, angry now. "He made me look stupid in front of the whole school by confessing to him! That was my first kiss. That sh*t just stole my first kiss for a f*cking deal to have s*x with someone else."

Cooper grimaced, while El stayed quiet. "I don't want to be friends with you anymore either. Wait, I was never your friends in the first place." I laughed. "I want you all to leave, including you Claire."

Claire looked hesitant. "Please, I want some time alone."

After a little more convincing they left and I locked the door behind them. I cried and cried behind the close door only to hope this time, no one was watching and making fun of me.

Author's Note: To each and everyone of you who is going through fights, silently. You're not alone. Your love ones are here for you and I'm here for you. There are helplines available and it's okay to ask for help or seek help because at the end, it's all about you. You deserve to be happy. Thank you for being strong and for fighting for your happiness. Please continue to stay strong, you got this!

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