Chapter 5

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Ellison Taylor

Instead of eating ice cream when she is upset, she usually go for fried chicken or pizza. We went to her house as she called her favourite fried chicken restaurant for delivery.

"I think you ordered way too much." I said stopping her from ordering anymore.

"We are two of us. It's not enough." She said as she brushed me off.

She usually order a lot when she is upset and I worry about the way she handle her emotions.

"Why are they not here?" She walked back and forth and peeped at the window.

"It takes time." I reminded her. She looked kind of scary now. She was frustrated and agitated. When the door bell rang I stood up from the couch.

"I will take care of that." I said to her. I didn't want her to jump and scream at the person who just came to deliver.

"Thanks." I said to the woman who came to deliver the food. I handed her a bottle of water along with her tip.

"Have a good night." She said and I give her a small tight smile.

"They forgot my damn sauce." Claire groaned as she looked through the bag. "I told them I wanted more hot sauce today!"

"They give you a lot." I said as I opened a separate bag with lots of hot sauce.

"Glad they took it seriously." She said as she started eating. Her parents walked inside the house and her Dad's mouth was wide opened. I shake my head, signalling them not to say anything to her.

"Guess, we didn't have to worry about dinner." Her dad said with a smile.

"Help yourself, we ordered a lot." Claire said as she took a bite of her salad.

Her mom give me a tight smile and looked at her daughter with a worry look. When I know she was asleep, I left her house and it was already 11:30 pm. Brent came to pick me up, again.

"She should find another way to deal with her emotions rather than overeating." Brent said worried.

"I think she will have upset stomach tomorrow."

"Maybe?" He said, shaking his head in a disapproval manner.

The next morning like I expected, she skipped school. I was kind of mad with Ian with the way how he told the truth to Claire. I know that one day someone will have to burst her bubble and bring her to reality, but I was hoping she would handle it in a better way.

Ian tried to start a conversation with me, but I stopped him. "Look, you seem like a nice guy, but you just made my best friend upset. Although, I want to punch your face right now. I have rules and consequences to follow, so if you don't want me to punch your million dollar face, you better move away."

And he give me a genuine smile, for the first time. I feel so unfair that whatever he does or whatever faces he makes, he still look handsome!

"You think my face is of million dollars?"

"You just heard that part of everything I just said?" I raised one of my eye brow. "Your face can actually bring you millions in front of your feet."

"Thanks for the compliment, but I highly doubt that." He brushed my comment off and said, "someone had to tell her the truth."

"Does Cooper know that she likes him?" I asked.

"You think he does?" He snorted. "Half the time I don't know what is inside his brain."

"So you mean to say he have no idea how she feels about him?"

"I doubt that." He said, thoughtfully.

"Do Claire have a chance with him?" I asked hopeful.

"Don't give me that look. I am not going to help her." He scrunched his nose.

"She is too dramatic."

My mouth dropped opened.

"I'm kidding." He sighed. "Sure, we can play cupid!" He said sarcastically. "But what do I get in return?" He smirked.

"What do you want?" I asked him, curiously.

"I don't know, yet?" He said, thoughtfully.

"Fine. I will owe you one if you help me set her up with Cooper, but no funny businesses." I warned.

"You really need to emphasis on funny businesses."

"For example." I started and whispered. "No sex" he burst out laughing.

"I don't take advantages of girls like that." He said seriously.

"Then I am in." I said as I took my hand out for a shake.

"Then you got yourself a deal, but I can't guarantee he will be in love or like her."

"That's for him to decide, we just have to set them up and let them decide."

"Fair enough." He said with a nod.

And that's how, my friendship with Ian Collins began.

I see El near his locker, scrolling through his iPad later that day.

"El!" I called him out, too excitedly.

He seemed surprised at first, but later smiled when he saw me.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Just checking on something." He said as he close his iPad and looked at me. "What's up?" This time he questioned me.

"Did you hear from Ian?" I asked, hopeful that at least he is up to date with the deal.

"Hear about what?"

I pouted. It seem like Ian didn't tell El about it, yet.

"Nothing." I brushed him off.

"Where is your best friend today?" He asked.

"She is not well." I said.

"No wonder you are looking for me."

My eyes widened.

"I'm kidding. We are friends now, ain't we?"

"I guess so.." I said. "Well, where is Cooper?"

"He is at home."

"Doing what?" I asked.

"His parents are filming a documentary about themselves, so he is at home."

"Sounds like a fun plan." I said.

"You can say that." He chuckled. "He thinks it is a waste of time because no one is going to watch it except the employees."

"Well, you never know? It might give some of them inspiration and learning experience?"

"We never know?"

"What do you mean we never know?" And then I see Ian beside me and I moved back in surprised.

"Can you not do that?"

"Do what?" He asked.

"Stand beside me silently! I just got scared." I said glaring at him.

"Well, then you need to pay attention to your surrounding."

El just chuckled as he watched his best friend and I argued over this topic.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give this chapter a Vote and share this book with other readers. Thank you for all your support. Next update will be later❤️

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