Lucy's POV

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Lucy's eyes fluttered open as she woke up in the cold room. How did she get here? She didn't remember running away last night. She looked around the room, then she saw him. The man watching her looked to be no older than his early twenties. But he was incredibly cute, and it surprised her. She wasn't sure why she felt the need to go to him, and it was strong. But she stayed put. She had to get to know him before she learned to trust him.

"Where am I?" She asked calmly.

She wasn't sure why she would ask, but it felt right. Something about this man intrigued her. Something she couldn't quite place. Abandonment? Loss? Sadness? She wasn't sure. It felt different. The aura he had was one she knew all too well. Loneliness. Something that she had to face in her household.

"You're in my bunker. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I never hurt girls," he spoke softly.

Lucy became afraid. He must be lying! He had to be lying! What did he mean he never hurts girls? Could he be lying?

"Who are you?" She asked as tears welled up in her eyes. She was going to be hurt. She just knew it. But no one would save her. Her parents didn't pay attention or even notice her.

The man sat in the corner as he said his name. "Jonathon and your name?"

Lucy sat for a little bit. Hoping she was just dreaming. She was afraid if she told him her name, he would do something to her. Aside from looking extremely young, he didn't look like he wanted to do this. Most kidnappers in stories she read were always wanting to kidnap people. So she gave him a shot.

"Lucy...My name is Lucy," she replied carefully. She had to be out of her mind to be telling him her name.

As she watched Jonathan hop up and walk away, she began to relax. She realized he wasn't that bad and started to actually like him. She could hear rustling and clanging in the next room and she couldn't help but giggle. When Jonathan walked out with a bowl in hand, she smiled.

He looked sad when he gave her the bowl of food. Almost like he needed something more. Handing it to her, Jonathan said, "I'm sorry it's not much and I'm sorry you're in this problem but I need you, okay? You're gonna get me the money I need. And then you're free to go home."

She was shocked. She didn't want to go home. Not when she knew what would happen if she did. She smiled, trying to not show the shock and sadness she felt inside.

She shook her head as she spoke. "You won't get any money from me or the family, I'm considered a constant run away so they wouldn't even know I was kidnapped." Looking at the food she had, she took a bite and for the first time in her life, felt wanted. She actually felt like she was useful to someone for once. Maybe she felt love as well?

She knew Jonathan was upset but she couldn't pinpoint what it was about. If he needed the money that bad, why not get a job? It wouldn't be nearly as risky as kidnapping people. She looked up at him apologetically.

Unsure of what he was thinking, she tilted her head as he spoke. "Um there's the bathroom on the other side of the kitchen and a tv right there. I have plenty of food so you can eat whenever. You felt really light when I picked you up so I figured you don't eat much." Lucy giggled as she saw him blush.  She knew she should be mad because he took her in the dead of night, but she couldn't find the want to be upset. She actually felt more at home here than she did at her house. Maybe if she stayed away long enough, her family would finally stop ignoring her and love her.

Based off of how he looked, he seemed to be in his early twenties. Too young to be resorting to kidnapping people for money. But she wanted to be sure her thoughts were right. "How old are you, Jonathan?" she asked with curiosity written all over her face.

She had to get to know him if she wanted to stay with him. She was shocked when he responded with not wanting to be labeled a rapist as he asked her age instead.

"I'm eighteen. Now, you?" she answered with a smile.

Upon finding out his age, she was saddened that he was so young and desperate for money. She couldn't help but want to reach out to him. What had happened before that caused him to have to resort to such drastic measures? Was he homeless because his home life was that terrible? Or was it because someone died? No matter what was his reason, she knew she needed to stay with him as long as he allowed her.

"— You're awfully small for an eighteen year old," Jonathan said with curiosity.

"Yeah. I get that a lot," Lucy said as her cheeks heated up. She knew he had to of got her here somehow. But she never thought he would notice how light she really was. She never ate much at home because of how her family normally went out to eat without her. She was too thin. She hoped he didn't feel her bones while he carried her to this place.

Jonathan took the bowl and left her alone as she wondered what he would do if she angered him. For safety, she vowed to herself not to let her guard down until she trusted him completely. She wanted to get to know him more before she told him how she felt about him. Maybe he would feel the same way she does and protect her from what her family did to her on a daily basis.

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