Jonathan's Pov.

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It was a little past one when the mystery man snuck into the young girl's room. He was quiet like a mouse but strong like your average athlete. The girl laid there sleeping probably dreaming of her being a princess. The man pulling back the covers so softly to make sure she didn't wake up during this horrible crime. Then swiftly picked her up and out the window they went. Into the night without a trace. When the sun comes up she will be long gone possibly to an underground bunker that only he knows the entrance is. The girl that was swept away from the comfort of her bed was none other than the only offspring of the richest family in town. His plan was coming into play more quickly than normal but he wasn't worried he knew what he was doing. He had no help and he knew what to say when and if he was caught by the cops which isn't likely considering that he had done this multiple times before. And he knew the signs of when it's time to give the child back. He never goes to the same place twice and he always changes his name. No one except him knows his real name except his mother that died months before. Right now his name is Jonathan. In the next month or so it might be Brad or Luke.

The travel to the bunker took longer than expected. The sun was rising and he was sure the cops will be out at any moment. And he still had at least 3 miles to go to get there. Twice the young girl almost woke up due to the cold air but quickly went back to sleep after she repositioned her head against his shoulder. She reminds Jonathan of the last girl he took late in the night: small, way too light for her age, and over all beautiful. He never did anything with the girls that he took but that didn't stop him from having thoughts. Jonathan was still young for his age to start doing crimes. Eighteen to be exact. He knew deep down he should stop but he needed the money to survive, especially since he had no home. Sighing, he saw the edge of the woods and smiled. The bunker was close and he was in the clear from the cops. Which means he sees another day of the same sun just in a different day.

Coming to the opening of the bunker he gently sat the girl down and opened the door. Picking her back up he swiftly shut the door with one arm and held her tight with the other. Then taking her to the small soundproof room he laid her down and covered her with the warm heavy blanket. Then he stared at her as if it was his first time seeing such a beautiful woman in the bed. A feeling in the pit of his stomach he only felt once in his life before he knew where this feeling will lead so he did his best to push it down but with every glance at the girl in bed it grew stronger.

"Where am I?" The girl asked after waking up.

"You're in my bunker. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I never hurt girls"

"Who are you?" She asked tears welling up in her eyes.

"Jonathan and your name?" He asked sitting in the corner.

She was silent at first debating whether or not she should reply or not. He looked nice for the most part and he sure didn't look like your average kidnapper so she answered him.

"Lucy...My name is Lucy"

Jonathan smiles and ran into another part of the bunker. Shuffling can be heard and within five minutes he reappeared with a bowl of food what looked like cereal.

"I'm sorry it's not much and I'm sorry you're in this problem but I need you, okay? You're gonna get me the money I need. And then you're free to go home," He explained, handing her the bowl.

Sitting up she took it and shook her head. "You won't get any money from me or the family, I'm considered a constant run away so they wouldn't even know I was kidnapped." She said taking a small bite.

Jonathan said nothing but his frown said everything. He was not upset about the money he was upset because she wasn't happy at home. He can't explain why he cares so much but he just does.

"Um there's the bathroom on the other side of the kitchen and a tv right there. I have plenty of food so you can eat whenever you felt really light when i picked you up so I figured you don't eat much." Jonathan said blushing at the last sentence.

Lucy smiled slightly at his awkwardness towards her but remembered that he manage to kidnap her in the night. She should be angry but couldn't find the ability to. Secretly she was glad that he took her maybe then her family will actually notice her. If not then she will stay in the bunker with him. She could help him in the long run and she secretly thought he was cute.

"How old are you Jonathan?" she asked placing the bowl down

"I should be asking you that question. I don't want to be labeled as rapist."

She smiled and replied, "I'm eighteen. Now, you?"

"I'm also eighteen, it's funny. You're awfully small for an eighteen year old," Jonathan replied.

"Yeah I get that a lot," She said blushing.

Jonathan picked up her bowl and returned it to the kitchen while she sat and thought of what would happen if she made him angry. Not that she would want to but the thought stayed and vowed to never let her guard down around him. She knew that he liked her she saw the signs but a part of her liked him but refused to admit it to herself. She didn't know how long she would be down there but she did know that when the time came for her to leave she would be slightly upset. And Lucy knew that she will learn more about this Jonathan.

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