Jonathans POV

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The long agonizing weeks of waiting for the wedding day was finally over as Jonathan sat up in a room that was connected to the court house. Jonathan knew that Lucy was not getting the wedding of her dreams so Jonathan secretly went down to the court house the night before and the judge helped him put everything together. He scrunched up the few of Lucy's friends he could find and he even found a few of his family members that didn't hate him for killing his uncle. Then he sent Luca to go get them the night before to make sure they were all here on time. Just when things were just about done Gloria came in and offered a hand.

"No guy has even thought about doing what you're doing for my Lucy..thank you" she said, hugging him.

Jonathan hugged her back and couldn't help but smile as he had Gloria go get her dress that he caught her staring at a few times while in town. While she was gone Jonathan and the judge went to a kitchen cooking up more than enough food to feed their growing guests. Once that was done, Gloria came back in with not only the dress but also a wedding cake.

"You know you can't have a wedding without cake!" she smiled, setting it down on the table nearby.

"Okay we have the food, the guests, the dress, the cake why do I feel like I'm missing something" Jonathan listed as he counted on his fingers.

Gloria leaves and comes back with a tuxedo in hand as she smiles. "Maybe this will be what you're missing?"

Jonathan sighs in relief as he takes it from her after he said thank you. They shoved him away to get changed and then they finished the decorations for him while he returned almost fifteen minutes later.

"Well you sure do clean up nice for someone who lives in a bunker," Gloria scoffed slightly.

"Come on now Gloria you were nice literally twenty minutes ago," Jonathan countered as he smiles softly.

Gloria just shrugged as she left with the dress in hand, going to get Lucy ready. The nerves in Jonathan's stomach grew as he watched the time ticks away. He wondered what was taking so long and feared that Lucy got cold feet and decided to cancel at the last minute. He stopped pacing only when he saw Gloria walk back in with a dressed up Lucy and his breath left him as he stared at her beauty. She looks at him with tears in her eyes as she then looks around the room seeing all that Jonathan has put together.

"Jonathan it's absolutely beautiful..when did you have time to do all this?" she asked wiping the tears away gently trying not to smudge the makeup.

"Last night I couldn't sleep knowing you weren't getting the wedding of your dreams." he explained while taking her hand in his.

She just smiled as she was whisked away by Luca and everyone filed in and took a seat in the booths. The music started up, making Jonathan's heart flutter as he watched those doors with anticipation. When the doors opened he took a deep breath seeing her walk down that aisle as everyone stood to watch as well. Tears swelled in his eyes when he saw his beautiful girl walk towards him with her arm wrapped around Lucas as he walked her down the aisle. Her dress was floor length and just the right shade of tan that played well with her skin tone. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her standing in front of him as the judge started to speak his words getting drowned out by his heart beat as he just stared at her with such love.

"Do you, Jonathan Waters, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Jonathan smiled, taking Lucy's hand in his.

"And do you, Lucy Logworth, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold for as long as you both shall live?"

Lucy nodded as she smiles big "I do."

"By the power invested with me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the judge finished closing the bible.

Jonathan wasted no time as he pulled her close for the kiss while everyone cheered and clapped with joy. Soon everyone filed into the kitchen to get the food and to watch the couple cut the cake together. After a while Jonathan was pulled away by Lucy who seemed nervous and on edge as she held on to his hand.

"Lucy? What's wrong?" he asked with concern in his voice.

"Jonathan I need to tell you something and I wanted to wait till today to tell you," she explained, not really meeting his eyes.

"Okay tell me what? Lucy you're scaring me."

"Jonathan, I am pregnant." Lucy said getting it over with.

She looked up expecting him to be mad instead he hugged her close and laughed and cried at the same time. "My baby is having a baby. This is the best news of my life. I love you, Lucy Waters."

"And I love you, Jonathan."

They hugged again for what seemed like hours until Luca came and got them to eat. While they were eating they listened in on small talk as Gloria tried to get information from Jonathan's cousins about how he was as a child. They all said nothing and smiled which made Gloria irritated, causing her to leave for a while. Today was Jonathan's and Lucy's perfect day. They never would have thought it would be like this. To feel so much love and other things. Jonathan wrapped his arm around Lucy, pulling her close as she leaned against him. He smiled and knew that this warm fuzzy feeling that he felt on the very first day will never die down. 

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