Lucy's POV

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Lucy was exhausted after they had their fun. She wanted to sleep but couldn't because she wanted the moment to never end. She knew she couldn't get pregnant but the thought still worried her. She heard that people who were infertile could still get pregnant and hoped that wouldn't be the case for her. As she laid next to Jonathan, she felt what she never thought she would feel. The fact that Jonathan loves her made her feel like crying. But she couldn't and had to be strong. She didn't want to worry him if he woke to her in tears.

Wiggling from Jonathan's sleepy grasp, she went into the bathroom. She needed to cry and needed to be alone for it. The amount of love and joy Jonathan made her feel was too much for her to know how to handle. She was so used to feeling pain and sadness that she had forgotten how it felt to be loved. As tears rolled down her face, she started to realize that she wasn't going to go home. She couldn't leave Jonathan no matter what. No one wanted her the way he needed her. And she needed him. He brought her a sense of peace and helped her stay calm. Even though Jonathan had some things going on, she didn't want to leave him. She wanted to help him with everything and  anything he needed help with. She wanted to be his one and only. She didn't care what had happened that caused him to resort to what he did, but she needed to show him that he didn't need to do that to be happy.

Lucy dried her tears and walked back to the room where Jonathan was sleeping. She couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he looked. She knew he was the one and didn't want to change that. There were so many thoughts that went through her head when she looked at him. She quietly went over to his side, checking to see if the wound had reopened. Even though he moved so much when they had made love, the wound stayed closed. She sighed with relief and lifted his arm so she could lay in his arms. When she finally got comfortable, her eyes slowly drifted shut. But little did she know the nightmare that would follow.


Lucy was trapped, she had nowhere to run to. Her eyes widened with fear as her father came closer, the anger clear in his eyes. She knew she was going to be beat again and she couldn't do anything to stop him. As her father stopped in front of her, she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the pain that would follow. Her father reached down and grabbed her by the hair, causing her to cry out in pain. He dragged her to her room and threw her on the bed. Slamming the door shut, he stalked closer as she tried to get away into the nearest corner on her bed.

As her father became wild with fury, he grabbed her arm and yanked him close to her and started hitting her. Over and over, she cried out in pain. She struggled to get away but to no avail. She wanted him to stop, to get it over with, but he continued the abuse. Her father continued to hit her, harder than the last one with each blow. By the time he finished, she had finally submitted. She let him do whatever he wanted, just like every other day. She couldn't fight him because it would only make him more mad. She wasn't sure what she did this time to cause the abuse her father did, but no one seemed to care. Her mother knew her father abused Lucy but she refused to do anything about it.

When her father left the room, Lucy waited to get up to see how bad the bruises were this time. She knew her father didn't care if he left marks so she had to plan her outfits accordingly to avoid any suspicion. She didn't want her father to start beating her more if he got a phone call from someone about her bruises.

As she slowly moved, she felt an extreme pain in her abdomen. Slowly, she looked down and noticed that her lower stomach was bleeding really badly. She didn't even know her father had cut her, Let alone her stomach. She grabbed her cell phone and sent her older brother a text.

"I need you to take me to the ER. Stomach bleeding bad and doesn't show signs of stopping."

She clicked send and went to try and stop the bleeding as best as she could. Minutes later, her brother came into her room just as she started feeling lightheaded. He picked her up and put her in the car to head to the hospital. She didn't know when she got there because after being put in the car, she passed out from blood loss. Next thing she remembered was bright lights and her brother sitting next to her worried.

"Luka? What...what happened?" she said with a raspy voice.

"Your stomach was bleeding badly and you texted me telling me to take you here. You passed out after I put you in the car," Luka said as the doctor came in.

Luka has noticed the bruises that were fresh when he picked her up and knew that their father had abused her again. The hospital staff knew their father all too well and couldn't do anything because he was the main reason they still had jobs.

The doctor checked Lucy's vitals, added them to her chart, and looked and Lucy sadly. Lucy knew something had happened that the doctor would look at her in the way she did.

Taking a deep breath, Lucy spoke. "Tell me how it is, Doc. There's no point in trying to find an easier way to say it."

The doctor nodded as he told her the news. "Unfortunately, based off of where the cut was and how deep it was, it looks like your uterus was punctured. Even after we performed surgery on your stomach, we don't think you'll be able to have kids. I'm sorry."

Tears welled up in Lucy's eyes as the doctor told her she might not be able to have kids. Lucy nodded, signaling the doctor to take his leave. When the doctor left, Luka grabbed her hand reassuringly. He knew he couldn't say anything that would make his baby sister feel better and that all he could do was stay with her.

—End Nightmare/Flashback—

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