Lucy's POV

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In the weeks following her father's arrest and Jonathan's release, a lot happened. Lucy's father was convicted of aggravated assault that led to him being sentenced to ten years in prison. Jonathan went to get his name legally changed from Brian to Jonathan because he started a new life with Lucy. Luka visited Jonathan and Lucy in the bunker quite often when he got out of work. And Lucy's mother stopped talking to Lucy entirely because of being exposed about her actions. Not like Lucy cared what her mother did.

A few weeks after everything happened with the cops and her father, Lucy woke up at 5 in the morning feeling sick to her stomach. Jonathan was still asleep when she rushed to the bathroom, throwing up as soon as she reached the toilet. She wasn't sure what caused her to suddenly wake up wanting to throw up, but she didn't appreciate it. As she slowly struggled to get up, Jonathan walked into the bathroom and noticed her having troubles with her balance. Jonathan went to her side immediately, just before she fell back to her knees. Something seemed off about this, and he helped Lucy to the bed, her face pale.

Lucy smiled weakly at Jonathan as he got back into the bed. She was still too thin to be deemed healthy for her age, so the fact that with how little she eats, now she was throwing up, made Lucy fear that something was wrong. She didn't want to worry Jonathan too much so she didn't say a word to him about it.

For the next couple days, Lucy was throwing up each morning, which was odd for her. She hoped she didn't have a stomach bug. Just to be safe, when Jonathan was asleep, Lucy head out from the bunker home to go to the nearest drugstore with forty dollars in her pocket. When she finally reached the store, Lucy went to grab a couple of pregnancy tests and went up to check out. By now, everyone in town knew who Lucy was and what her father had done, so it was no surprise that the cashier greeted her by name.

After Lucy paid for her items, she took to jogging back to the bunker. She hoped she was wrong about her gut feeling, but at the same time she hoped she wasn't. She wanted to be pregnant more than anything, even though it should be impossible. By the time she got back to the bunker, Jonathan was awake and making breakfast. She sat down the bag she had and went to greet him with a kiss.

"Well good morning," she said softly.

"Good morning, Lucy. Breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes," Jonathan replied happily.

The smell of bacon that filled the bunker caused Lucy's mouth to water. Jonathan laughed as she snagged a piece and took off back to grab the bag and headed to the bathroom. Taking out one of the packages, she read the instructions for the test and did as it said. She then repeated the procedure with the other test included in the first package. The instructions said to wait five minutes for the results to show so when Jonathan called saying breakfast was ready, so were both tests.

Lucy stared in disbelief at the tests. Both read positive and she wasn't sure what to do.

"Jonathan? Can you come here please?" Lucy called out. She felt her eyes beginning to water as Jonathan walked into the room.

"Lucy? What's wrong? Are you alright?" Jonathan asked as she started crying more. Lucy then pointed to the sink, where both tests sat.

Jonathan looked at the tests, knowing full well what it said, and was in shock. They didn't think she could get pregnant and yet by some miracle, she did. While Lucy knew she should've been happy, she couldn't help but feel like something would go wrong with the pregnancy. She wasn't supposed to be able to be pregnant. Even though she didn't get her uterus taken out when she had the surgery, she was told she wouldn't be able to have kids. Let alone get pregnant. She only hoped her baby would be healthy.

Lucy waited for Jonathan to say something, anything, just to give her a sense of peace. When Jonathan turned and looked at her, she felt calm because she could see the pure joy in his eyes. She smiled at him and gave him the biggest hug, knowing full well he would be a wonderful father. Something her own father couldn't say about himself.

Her hatred for her father and the amount of pain he caused her had left her scarred internally. While it made her relieved when she finally got the justice she deserved, it saddened her that she had to go about it the way she did. While Officer Blakely helped her in the weeks after getting her father where he belonged, she still felt saddened. It hurt that she destroyed her family but no one would pay attention to how she was harmed until she did something about it.

Pushing the thoughts of her father out of her mind, she focused on what they would have to prepare so that they were ready for their family to start. Lucy smiled wide as Jonathan got more and more excited about the baby on the way. Jonathan and Lucy still had money leftover from the hundred thousand that was given to them so they were going to use some of it to put into the nursery. Lucy sent Luka a text showing him the tests. Luka was ecstatic for them and because he would get to be an uncle after all. She couldn't stop smiling. Jonathan pulled Lucy into the biggest hug and even picked her up and swung her around as she laughed.

"Jonathan! Calm down, silly!" She laughed as she kissed him. She knew he was happy to be a father and that made her worries go away.

"Baby, we didn't even think you would be able to get pregnant! How am I supposed to be calm when my love is pregnant?" Jonathan's eyes shone with happiness and Lucy just laughed.

Later than night, Jonathan and Lucy went to a fancy restaurant for dinner to celebrate what they found out that day. Just as they were finished eating, Jonathan looked at Lucy with love and adoration and pulled a small box out of his back pocket. Lucy looked at him in shock. Was he...?

Jonathan got onto one knee and opened the box, presenting a beautiful 4 karat diamond ring. "Lucy, ever since I met you, I wanted to be yours. I didn't want to be anyone else's man because no one made me feel like the way you do. So will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Lucy began crying as she nodded her head yes, causing the whole restaurant to burst into applause. Jonathan put the ring on her finger and wrapped her into the second biggest hug that day. Everything was falling into place for Lucy. She had the love of her life, she was pregnant, and she didn't have to be afraid of her father for a long time. What could possibly go wrong?

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