Jonathans POV

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Jonathan jumps at the sound of Lucy's voice as he looks up to see the terror in her eyes.

"What did you do?" she asked quietly as she walked closer to him.

He just shakes his head as he holds his hand close. He didn't know why he felt so afraid to see blood, especially his but after he saw the first drop of blood he panicked.

"I... I cut my hand on a knife and I saw the blood... I guess I just panicked" Jonathan replied, still not looking at her.

Lucy went to go get the first aid kit, telling Jonathan to wait in the bathroom as she did so. He obeyed and sat on the toilet with the lid down as he stared at the floor. Only jumping when Lucy put a hand on his shoulder. He hissed slightly when she put rubbing alcohol on it before getting a wipe to remove the dried blood. He watches her wrap it gently with medical tape before pulling her into a hug sighing softly.

"Are you okay, Jonathan?" she asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I'll be okay once today gets over with," he replied, not letting her go.

They hugged for what seems like hours before they finally finished getting ready before they had to leave for the courthouse. By the time it was ready to go Jonathan waited by the door while Lucy looked for the keys to the run down car they used. He smiled when she walked over to him with a little hop in her step like a child going to the icecream truck.

"What are you smiling at me like that?" she asked, tucking some hair behind her ear.

"I'm just admiring how beautiful and adorable you are." he replied, pulling her close as he kissed her lips softly.

"We have to get going Jonathan," Lucy giggled after kissing him back.

He smiles as he closes the door behind them and soon they were on their way to the courthouse. The closer they got the more nervous Jonathan got. He knew it was just to sign a few papers to make it legal and permanent but somehow he felt that something would go wrong. He looked at Lucy as she grabbed his hand pulling him from his thoughts as he softly smiled.

"Nothing will go wrong hun, I promise," she reassured him with a soft voice.

"How do you do that?" Jonathan asked, kissing her hand.

"Do what?"

"Make me so calm with just the sound of your voice." he whispered, staring into her eyes.

She blushes a bright red by his comment as she turns the car off. He smiled wider as they got out and headed inside to sit in the waiting area with his paperwork ready. Minutes turned to hours as they waited, making Jonathan's leg bounce with anticipation. He looked around worriedly seeing that they were the only one in the waiting area which only made him feel more anxious.

"Mr. Brian Waters?" A voice asked from in front of him.

"Yeah?" he replied back looking up from his current staring spot.

The person motioned them to follow and then turned to walk away, making them scramble to catch up. The woman they followed was short and full, her hair came to just the top of her tailbone as her heels clicked with a soft echo that filled the empty halls. She finally stopped at the door of their destination when she opened it for them.

"Mr. Myers will be with you shortly. Please have a seat, it will only be a moment." the woman said, motioning them inside.

Lucy thanked the woman as they sat down. She nodded and walked away the clicking of her heels getting quieter with each step. Soon a small round man came in with a folder in his hand. His smile made Jonathan's stomach churn as he watched the man sit down. Lucy grabbed his hand to settle his uneasiness as she spoke to him about what has led them to wanting the name change. The round man nodded as she spoke, never taking his eyes off of Lucy which made Jonathan a little jealous.

"So, Brian, the name change will take place immediately but it will take five to seven business days to get the new state ID in the mail." Mr. Myers explained, making Jonathan nod. And after what seemed like forever he signed the papers and then they were out the door to begin the rest of the day.

Jonathan took a deep breath as soon as he stepped outside not realizing how little he breathed while in the small office. Then he pulled Lucy into a kiss that lasted for a few minutes.

"What was that for?" she asked while smiling.

"Because I wanted to. Now, let's get something to eat. I'm starving." Jonathan replied, getting into the car.

She shook her head while laughing as she climbed into the car before driving off to the nearest fast food. While she ordered, Jonathan's hand snaked up her skirt making her bite her lip as she pulled away from the speaker to the first window.

"Bad girl you're not wearing panties," Jonathan said as his hand worked its way to her sensitive spot.

She swatted his hand away as she got the food and pulled off into the far corner of the parking lot, where his hand found its way back up the skirt.

"Jonathan," she moaned, making her legs open as he made contact with her vagina.

He smirked as he continued to tease her making her moan more as her back arched. Just as she was about to cum he pulled his hand away licking his finger as he grabbed a wet wipe before grabbing the food from the bag.

"Dick. Why do you tease me like that?" she asked, trying to get her breathing under control.

"Because it's so hot when you moan my name," he winked as he bit into a french fry.

She smiled as they both ate in silence knowing that it wouldn't be the last time she moaned his name for the day. 

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