The sun is what wakes me the next morning, blazing in through the pointless curtains that cover my window. A quick glance at the clock told me that it was eight fifteen, early for me when there wasn't school.
For some reason, I felt like going for a run this morning which is odd since I'm the least athletic person on the face of the Earth. After slipping on some track pants and a t shirt and throwing my wallet and phone into the pockets, I walked out the door. Starbucks sounded good this morning so that is where I set off to. Passers by didn't spare me a glance as I crossed pavement and asphalt.
The strip mall was visible across the street from me, it's lights glistening off the windows of the stores. There was a variety of restaurants up and down the strip, ranging from subway to Starbucks. The traffic slowed to a halt in front of me, giving me a chance to run the last twenty feet to the crosswalk.
Before I could get there however, I heard a sound somehow over the clamor of the day. A soft groaning, coming from my right. I allowed my eyes to flick over to the alleyway for a moment, catching a dark shape curled on the ground. Hesitantly, I tiptoed through the gap in the wall, crouching beside the shape. I place my hand gently on the fingers shoulder, earring no response but a pained groan. The shape is curled on its side, clutching at its stomach. It's obviously a male, tall with dark hair.
" Hey. It's okay" I whisper soothingly as a seemingly stray tear drips to the pavement " what's wrong"
He doesn't respond
"Are you hurt?" I ask gently. He shakes his head almost unnoticeably
" Are you hungry?" I ask, taking in his skinny form. He nods.
After debating for a few moments, I decide to get some subway.
" I'll be right back" I'm not sure if he heard me but I dash away anyways. "Don't go anywhere."
I return a few minutes later, subway bag in hand, finding the boy still curled on the ground.
" Hey" I whisper, alerting him to my presence. I take his hand in mine and loop one around his shoulders, helping him into a sitting position. He leans back against the wall, still clutching his stomach and groaning. His face, which was previously covered by his hair, is now on full display for my enjoyment. His cheek bones are prominent, complementing his spare upper and full lower lips. Hot Tris. Bad Tris.
His eyes open minutely, revealing his ocean blue iris's. He shudders weakly, groaning again. I hand him the sandwich.
A few minutes later, after finishing the sandwich, he's stopped clutching his stomach but the odd groan still slips through his lips. I debate on going to get another sandwich, but what's the point when I have about a million different options at home. Suddenly, his head drops onto my shoulder, but his eyes are still open. Now that I get a good look at him, I can see the bags under his eyes, dark in contrast to his pale skin.
" Sleep. You look tiered" I prompt. His eyes droop shut before he can protest and he relaxes into my side.
This has never been something I would do. My parents always told us to be selfless but I never found it easy. So why did my selfless gene come to the surface now.
I pull my phone slowly out of my pocket, trying not to wake the sleeping boy. I called a cab, having to wait for another fifteen minutes before it arrived. In the meantime, I looked online for effects of starvation, which included dehydration and fatigue.
The cab pulled up, the driver looking around confusedly.
" Hey" I muttered, shaking the boy awake " come on"
He blinked groggily, accepting my hand that I offered. As soon as he stood, his legs collapsed under him, almost causing him to fall before I wrap my arms around his waist. We stumbled to the cab together, greeting the cabbie.
The boy and I slid into the back, collapsing onto the seat.
"Where're we going?" He mutters, his voice deadpans scratchy. But ya know...still hot. No stop bad no
" My place" I say. He makes no move to protest so I rattle off my adress to the cabbie, watching in nod and drive away. The boys head falls onto my shoulder once again, his eyes fluttering closed. Dirt is matted in his hair, dulling the dark brown underneath.
Soon enough the cab pulls up in front if my house, jerking to a stop which shakes the boy awake. I shimmy out one side of the cab, crossing to the other side and yanking open the bright yellow door.
The boy, whose name I have neglected to learn, slides out the side and stands to his full hight. He puts his hands on the roof of the cab and presses his hands to his crossed wrists as he sways upon standing.
" Dizzy?" I ask. He nods slightly, pressing his hands harder to the roof of the vehicle. I slip under his raised arms, letting him lean on me for support. With a wad of money thrown to the cab driver, we make our way inside.
It doesn't take a doctor to tell that the bow is dehydrated, with the dizziness and all. So, as he slumps down on the couch, I find myself thinking that Gatorade is the best option.
I grab one of the bottles from the fridge, shoving some of the drinks aside to find it. I unscrew the cap, placing it next to the boy who sits on the plush couch. He shoots a quizzical look at me.
" Drink. You're obviously dehydrated and that has electrolytes in it. Pretty sure that's sound logic." I explain. He nods and tips the bottle to his lips.
After a few hours I've eaten dinner with the boy and still haven't learned his name. Right now I'm rinsing the dishes off in the sink as he sleeps on the couch in the living room. The door to the house creeks open, making me jump and splash small beads of water across the sleek counter top. I retreat into the living room to see a vacent couch and an opened door. I quickly slip outside in time to see the boy stumbling down the sidewalk.
My feet, covered only by thin socks, pound on the cool concrete as I chase behind him. He halts when I get close, turning to see who was following him. His steps falter as he sees me aproaching, a confused look crossing my face. My hand, withought my permission, finds its way onto his shoulder, stopping him in his retreat.
" Where're you going?" I ask
" Not sure" He shurg, I frown at him
" You dont have to leave you know" I assure him " You're welcome to stay"
" No" He mutters " I..."
" It wasnt a suggestion" I say, pulling him firmly back to the house

Alone(A Fourtris Story)
FanfictionIn a chance encounter, two unlikely friends meet, slowly forming a bond that couldn't be broken by even the greatest distance. Tobias Eaton, a boy who has experienced the earthen version of hell for the last almost sixteen years of his life, includi...