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This is the chapter for the winner of the contest awhile back akair12

---------------Christina POV--------------

" Uriah, get ready, you're taking me on a date." I proclaim through the phone.

"Wh-what?" He stutters " I am?"

" You are. Meet me at Tris's, were going to the park." I decide, hanging the phone up.

He arrived five minutes later, I rumpled rose in hand. I smiled slightly at the gesture, even though the flowers petals were wilted and droopy.

" A rose?" I asked

" If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it right." He proclaimed. He proceeded to take me by the hand and walk me to the park, where he promptly climbed up the slide.

"WHEEEEE" He shrieks, waving his hands as he slides down, head first. At the bottom he tucks into himself and rolls upright, flicking his hands up flamboyantly

"TA-DA" he shouted. At this point I was laughing so hard I had to clutch the swing set for support.

" Nice Uriah."

" Why thank you. Now, miss Chrissy, why am I here with you?" He asks

" Will was being... well, Will. He and I didn't apply to any of the same collages. He knew what collages I had applied to and chose every one but those I had chosen. I'm not mad, he has a right to choose whatever, but I don't think it's okay for him to ignore my feelings."

" So I'm here because..." he trails off

" Because... Uriah I'm sorry. I'm not being fair to you. I forced you to come here just so I could spite Will. I'm sorry Uri." I sigh.

" It's alright" he replies cheerfully " I agreed to get Mar back aswell. So I guess this a spite-fest then."

" I suppose" I laugh. He suddenly tackles me to the ground, his hands racing up and down my sides, making me shriek in ecstasy.

" S...ss...stooop" I laugh " p-please Uri. Ahhhh"

My laugher continues until he decides that I've had enough, leaving me panting on the ground.

" Finished?" I giggle

" I suppose" Uriah sighs dramatically.

" Hey, Uriah?" I whisper

"Yeah Chris?" He replies, quiet as well

" Race you to the swings." I shout, jumping up and dashing over. uriah passes me and gets there about a second before me.

" Ha" he sticks his tongue out. " Come here."

He hops on the swing, patting his leg. I sit opposite from him, so my legs are behind him. He starts swinging, making a surprised screech rip from my mouth when we plummet downwards. I pump my legs in opposite rhythm with him, making the chain creek with the speed of the swing.

"URIAH" I shriek as he suddenly stops us. He just laughs uncontrollably, clutching his sides.

" Chris?" A voice calls from the other side of the park. My head spins around so fast I'm surprised I don't have whiplash.

"Will?" I ask ,shocked

"What...whats goings on" he asks timmedly

"Uri and I were hanging here" I say nonchalantly

" Oh." He sighs " I came to talk to you"

" Yeah okay. Sorry Uriah" I sigh, clambering off of Uriah's lap to strut across the wood chip- covered ground.

" I'm so sorry Chris" he said as soon as I was within arms reach. " I'm the biggest idiot even and I'm sorry and-"

"Shut up" I commanded " I'm not mad"

"Im so- what?" He asked, bewildered

" I'm not mad" I repeated " I'm fine with whatever you want to do and if I'm not part of that it's fine. I never was mad I just wanted to reach you a lesson for playing with my feelings."

"I love you" he proclaimed. I gasped in shock as the words flew from his lips.

" I love you,too." I said, bringing my mouth to his in a swift kiss. " Now come one, lets go play."

We raced back over to the park where Uriah stood under a tree, trying to smack the branch. He stopped as we approached, smiling before chasing us around with a stick.


I HAVE AN EXPLANATION! I'm so so sorry the chapter was late, I've had so much homework recently that it slipped my mind.

I don't, on the other hand, have an explanation as to why the chapter is so short. I've had this writes for a while and it was just a bit of a filler. Honestly, I just don't ship uristina/ criah. I was stumped as to what to write for this, since there wasn't much in the book about their relationship.

Stay fluffy 🐼

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