"Okay I'm gonna start!" exclaims Zeke"But it's my house" I counter he just shrugs and starts anyway.
"Okayyyyyy" he says, scanning the room " Four! T or D?"
"Umm T-dare?" Four says causing Zeke to grin evilly.
" I dare you to pick someone in this room to make you something to drink, with anything they want in it, and you have to drink the whole thing." Zeke says. Four looks from Zeke to his grapes and back to Zeke
"Fiiiinneeee" Four groans, scanning the room his eyes land on me. good choice! Mabey I'll go easy on him. I smirk and walk I to the kitchen and put the blender on the counter. I go in the fridge and grab a tub of ice cream some cake and frozen chocolate. opening the fridge I pull out leftover macaroni and French fries. I blend it all together and it turns out to be a murky brownish color. Gagging, I walk back into the living room and hand the cup to Four. He glances at it, holds his nose and downs it in two gulps. everyone stares in awe as she shivers and puts the cup down. They look to me and I shrug.
"That was nasty! What did you put in it?" Four asks me
"Ice cream, chocolate,cake, macaroni and French fries" I say and Four gags.
I sit back down and Four looks around the room stoping on Mar.
"Marlene T or D?" Four asks
"Um truth" she says
PANNSYCAKKKEEEEEEE" Uri sings and we glare at him.
"Who do you like?" Four says, that was weak(assume no ones dating anyone)
Marlene mumbles something unintelligible. We ask her again and she looks uncomfortable"Uriah" she says quietly and uri blushes
"Chrissy T or D?" Mar asks
" dare"
"Let Uriah pick your outfits for a week"
"He'll naw you crazy" she says piping a grape in her mouth.We play for a little while longer and Four loses all his grapes. one for having to kiss Zeke. one for having to run down the block naked and a few others for licking toilets.
"Four, bro, Truth or Dare?" Will asks
"Dare! I ain't no PANSYCAKE" four yells. greatttt now he's doing it too
" I dare you to prank call your parents." damn you will. Fours face drops and I look for a way to help out. The clock reads midnight.... perfect.
"Damn guys it's late *yawn* let's go to bed" I say and everyone nods. Four shoot me a grateful look and I smile. We head to bed because everyone's parents said it was cool to stay the night. I change into long furry bottoms and a tank top. Slipping into the warm covers I drift off to sleep.
I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder. my eyes flutter open and stare into deep blue eyes.
"Hey" I say groggily
"Hey" Four says sheepishly " can't sleep"
I smile and pat the bed. Four grins and crawls under the covers. We fall asleep with my head pressed against his chest and his arms draped over me. His steady heartbeat pounding in my ears.
A few hours later I hear voices muttering at the edge of hearing. Eventually I hear what the voices are saying.
'Awwww so cute''I ship it'
'Omg take a picture'
What? My eyes flutter open and I'm met with Fours handsome face. it startles me so much I scream and jump back, rolling off the bed. This wakes Four up and when he sees me on the floor he almost falls off the bed laughing
"Well we were going to blow air horns in your ears and then we walked in on this cute little Fourtris moment" I scowl and walk downstairs to fix breakfast.
After we eat Zeke says that they should head out. I agree and they all leave, except Four of course. I smile at him and look at the clock. it's already noon! We have some time to kill.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask, why is he smirking?
He clears his throat
at this point I clamp my hands over his mouth and shake my head. We walk into the living room and I look for a movie." What do you want to watch?" I ask him
" Froz-"
"Hell.No." I say
"Well then" he mutters " HUNGER GAMES"
I smile and pop it in, walking back to the couch to turn it on. It starts and I curl up under a blanket. A few minutes later I notice Four shivering so I scoot closer to him and drape the blanket over both of us. He smiles at me and then turn my attention back to the movie.
About half way through my eyes start to close and I lean my head on Fours broad shoulder and drift off to sleep. I wake up a while later and see Four next to me with his head falling to the side, asleep. I smile and turn him so he's laying down on the couch so he doesn't hurt his neck. glancing at the clock I see that it's 3:30 an hour and a half until dinner with the mayor. Stretching, I go upstairs to change. I rummage through my closet and find a dark blue skirt that goes to my calf and a white halter top. I decide to curl my hair and leave it down and to go without make up. I look at the time, 4:30 I better wake Four up . I secend the staircase and walk to the couch where Fours sleeping form takes up the majority of the plug surface. I crouch down by his head and shake his shoulder. His eyes snap open and he looks at me.
"Whatttttt" he wines
"Go get cleaned up we have a guest coming over."i say and he frowns."Oh and Four?" I ask nervously
"Did you want to stay here,like, permanently?" I say looking away
"That sounds awesome, I'd love to" he exclaims and I shoo him off
He walks up stairs and gets ready. fifteen minutes later he comes back down stairs to see me setting out food on the table.
"Who's coming" he asks me. Should I tell him?
"Guess" I say causing him to roll his eyes
"Justin Bieber "
"What the hell? No"
"Oh my god stop I'll tell you" I say while he smirks"Okay whooooo issssss ittttttt" he asks
"Marcus Eaton, the Mayor" I say. I see his face fall and something in his eyes glints at me.
"Oh HELL NO" He exclaims " I'm not here, duces" he says taking his plate upstairs. Jeez I don't like the guy either but damn. The door bell rings snapping me out of my thoughts. I put my hand on the knob and pull the door open. There stands Marcus Eaton.

Alone(A Fourtris Story)
FanfictionIn a chance encounter, two unlikely friends meet, slowly forming a bond that couldn't be broken by even the greatest distance. Tobias Eaton, a boy who has experienced the earthen version of hell for the last almost sixteen years of his life, includi...