" Where are we going again?" Tobias asks for the thousandth time.
"I told you, we have to feed my cousins guinea pig while she's on vacation" I groan
"What the hell is a guinea pig?"
"It's a hella furry rat" I mutter which causes him to laugh.
We pull into the driveway of the quaint house and stop the car. Tobias slowly gets out of the car, stalling. I flick his ear and walk to the front door.
Squeaks and squeals fill the hallway as we tiptoe into the house, causing Tobias to jump. I snicker slightly at his reaction while he glares at me.
I pull the furry pig out of the cage and clutch it to my chest, snickering as it squeaks. Tobias stares at me like I'm crazy, which may or may not me true. I giggle and offer the pig to Tobias, who cringes back and shakes his head.
"Hold it I have to change the water" I sigh. He hesitantly grabs the pig from my hands and holds it away from his body. Sighing, I show him how to hold it before taking the water into the kitchen.
When I come back Tobias lays on the floor, the pig by his head, squeaking in his ear. He rolls away as it nuzzles it's little nose into his ear. Laughing, he lifts it up and puts it on his chest, it nibbles at his chin, which causes him to laugh. The pig puts it's front paws on his face and licks his nose which makes Tobias burst into a fit of laughter. Seeing this, I fail to control my laughter and almost fall to the floor.
Tobias jerks his head up and stares at me, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. Smiling, I kneel down beside him and stroke the soft animal that sits on his chest, nibbling at the fabric. My hands close around it and lift it back into its cage. Tobias sticks his and in and pets it again before we go.
The whole way home Tobias sighed loudly and annoyingly, begging me to ask him why.
"What?" I finally snap at a stop light
"Oh nothing" he sighs
"Tell me because I'm not guessing."I smirk. He plants his hands on the middle price and looks me straight in the eye.
"Tris, I want a guinea pig." He says seriously. I burst out laugh while he grumbles. The light flashes green, signaling for me to press the gas.
"That's adorable." I snicker.
"Is not! They're just so fluffy" he defends
" Yep, completely adorable"
" I am the night, I'm not adorable." He says, trying to be menacing. I burst into another fit of giggles.
"Stop you'll make me wreck." I mutter. I change course and drive to a pet store to please my adorable boyfriend.
We pull into the front of the store, red decorations lining the front. Tobias turns to me, grinning fiercely.
"Thank you Soooo much Trissy!" He squeals. Sometimes I wonder...
Tobias immediately bolts to the guinea pig section and starts looking at the piggys. They have baby abyssinians of all different colors. Tobias calls over a sales person and asks to hold one with multi colored fur. He is given the pig and I ask for another one with dark spots, that squeaks furiously. The moment I hold it to me it bolts into my hair and hides itself. Tobias's however, sits contentedly in the palm of his hand. The pigs fur changes from black to brown to white with cute little brown ears. The animal isn't much bigger than an apple and purrs loudly when pet. Tobias turns to me and looks at me with huge eyes, pleading with me to get it. I smile and take the pig from his hands, cradling it in my own, it nuzzles itself into my hand and my hear immediately melts, telling me to get it.
"Is this the one you want?" I ask Tobias who nods vigorously. We walk around and pick out a cage and other accessories before we buy the little pig.
♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎Time Laps
Eventually, we set up the cage- I set up the cage, Tobias holds the pig and claims that he's 'supervising'- and get the pig settled in. Caleb was opposed to the idea of having a pet but eventualy agreed due to the cuteness. Tobias stares at the pig running around in the cage, squeaking and purring.
"What should we name it?" I ask
"Olaf" Tobias responds immediately
"It's not even white"
"Racist" Tobias mutters jokingly causing me to laugh.
"Fine then, Olaf it is."
For the rest of the day we roll around and play with Olaf, a nice contrast from the pressures of the last few weeks.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)' *:.。. .。.:*・.
This is unedited because I'm on vacation. Sorry. I'll be back to posting regularly soon.Stay fluffy🐼

Alone(A Fourtris Story)
FanfictionIn a chance encounter, two unlikely friends meet, slowly forming a bond that couldn't be broken by even the greatest distance. Tobias Eaton, a boy who has experienced the earthen version of hell for the last almost sixteen years of his life, includi...