chapter two ; school

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Madej thought the high school looked a bit ugly. It looked more like a jumble of other buildings rather than a properly built school.

That was public school, for ya.

He could feel the nerves winding up inside him, and he knew it was because he was starting in the middle of the semester. His accident had happened in mid-November, and it had taken the rest of November and the whole of December to recover. During that time, his mom and Benedict had found a place for them to relocate. His father had been forced out of the picture, and Madej had to come to terms with what had happened to Zeke.

It was a little difficult, but he found his way to the reception, feeling as awkward as ever as he had to ask the receptionist for the map, his timetable, ID, etc. But she was kind enough, and even more so when she clocked his hearing aids sticking out, piping and plastic visible around his ears. Her words came out slower and more pronounced, and Madej felt himself die a little inside. He pushed some hair around his ears, trying to hide the BTEs. People didn't need to act like that; just because his hearing was crap, it didn't mean they had to be like That.

"There you go, Mad- uh -"

"Madej. Like mah-day." he said, knowing just how much people got confused over his name. At least his was easier to spell, unlike his older brother's name. Zeke's had been easy enough to spell.

"Right, well, I hope you enjoy your first day at Forks High, Madej," she said happily, and he just nodded, gesturing a little with the papers in his hands before he retreated and made to try and find his way around the damn building.

He had Chemistry first. One of his worst subjects, despite being put in a class in the year above him, and he didn't know how that shit worked out. He was at least relieved to see that PE wasn't on his timetable. His mom was an angel sometimes.

"You look lost," a voice said to his right, and he looked over to see a tall blonde woman. She had golden eyes, and Madej felt his chest tighten with nerves. He'd not sensed her; he was getting sloppy, letting his guards down.

Oh jeez, she wasn't a supernatural person like him, right?

He felt the defences go back up, and it felt like alarms were blaring in his head. This was not good.

"Story of my life. I'm supposed to go to Chemistry with Mr Garcia," he said, hoping he didn't sound as nervous as he felt.

The woman smiled. "Well, Emmett here is with Mr Garcia first thing too, I'm sure he'd be happy to help," she said, gesturing to the tall man beside her. He had a buzzcut and the same golden eyes. They were both beautiful beyond what was normal for teenagers.

Oh yeah, they were definitely supernatural. Where were the Winchesters when he needed them?

"Awesome. Uh, I'm Madej Jones,"

Emmett smirked. "Madej?" he asked, tone teasing.

"Because I made my mom's day when I was born," he said, widening his eyes a little for dramatic effect.

"I'm Rosalie Hale. It's a pleasure to meet you Madej," she said, offering her hand. He took it, feeling how drastically cold she was to him. He'd have to ask his mom about it later. The eyes were putting him off. What supernatural being had golden eyes, of all things?

"Alright, Mad Madej, let's get the intelligence bored out of us."

"Bold of you to assume I have any intelligence to begin with,"

Emmett grinned, booming laughter coming from him. It took Madej by surprise when Emmett threw an arm around him, pulling him in the direction of the Chemistry classrooms, simultaneously breaking Madej's shoulders with the rough pull into his stone cold body. "See you later, Rose!" he called over his shoulder, and Rosalie just laughed in response.

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