chapter forty: the others

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'You're going to be OK,' Jasper signed to Madej.

They'd gotten back into the house, and Jasper had helped Madej clean himself up, changing his t-shirt that had been stained with blood, wiping his face of the dry blood there. Madej had accidentally torn the t-shirt off, forgetting that he had weird super strength. It annoyed him, knowing that he was now too strong for his own good. At least the strength would die down to regular vampire strength, become something he could try and manage. Until then, it seemed Jasper would have to try and help him get dressed.

Jasper had just laughed at him tearing the t-shirt and helped him put the new one on. Neither of them said anything about the lines scarring his torso, the magic deep within, that venom couldn't fix. It had been odd to see them, to see the physical damage that had been done to him by magic. He wondered if the damage would stay frozen as it was, or would become worse as time went on. He was scared of that idea, of the damage getting worse, hurting him and rendering him useless until someone had to put him out of his misery. Madej didn't know how this old magic would work with the vampire venom; knowing that the venom had kept it in place, that risked the potential of it being reversed.

'How do you know that?' Madej asked, and it was almost weird for the two of them to be just signing. Madej had been so used to hearing with his hearing aids, and to now live a life without sound ... well, it was going to take some getting used to. 'Who's there?'

'Your mom, Benedict, Angela, and Paul. Angela's going to see you and the others will give you space. Carlisle and the rest of the coven are there, but won't come near you unless you tell them they can. You'll be ... antsy, and they know not to piss off a newborn vampire.' Madej nodded, glancing away. Jasper reached out, fingers going under Madej's chin so he could look at him again. 'What's wrong?' he signed with his other hand.

Madej shrugged, trying to find the right words. 'I ... expect them to treat me differently because you turned me and I'm deaf. I don't want to go over introductions again, I want it to be normal.' He put his arms around himself, then leaned forwards just enough to rest his head against Jasper's chest.

It was going to be difficult, but they could get through this. Madej just had to get over his anxiety and social awkwardness first.

"Hey, where's Bella and her boy toy?" Madej asked, feeling the rumble of laughter in Jasper's chest before he pulled away so he could see Jasper's answer.

'On their way. I told Bella what happened to you whilst you were turning. They should be back soon.'

Madej frowned. "Won't I wanna murder Bella?"

"Probably," Jasper said with a shrug, and Madej felt himself laugh. Trust Jasper to not care about that. 'Ready?'

Madej shook his head, but let Jasper lead him out to the others.

Angela was the first one he saw. Her face lit up as she saw him, and she raced over to him, arms around him in a tight hug for her human strength. He returned the hug, trying not to break her. Was this really how humans felt in a vampire's arms? Madej was surprised he hadn't been crushed to death when Jasper had first hugged him. Humans truly were fragile.

She pulled away from him, hands shaking as she signed to him. 'Don't make me wait again.'

'Sorry,' he signed, smiling at her.

Emmett was next, and he tried to put Madej in a headlock, now that Madej was indestructible.



It had been alright, all things considered. The others knew that Madej couldn't hear, and had done their best in signing to him to communicate. It was clear that they were still new to it, and they'd get better at it as time went on, and Madej had to stop thinking about just how much time they had on their hands now. That was always a terrifying, looming thought he hated.

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