chapter thirty-two ; the clearing

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Madej watched as the Cullens approached the small clearing they were in. Madej held onto the branch he was sat on, concentrating on the feeling of the bark on his palms.

After Madej had gotten home, he explained to his mom and brother what was happening. Mandy hadn't looked pleased, and didn't want Madej to go and help them. It was Madej's choice, and he had agreed to help, and she knew to let him do what he wanted, if it helped keep Bella alive. Benedict had offered himself up as aid for Madej, and the possibility of being there for the actual battle.

"Here already?" Carlisle called up to him. Madej looked over at Benedict for him to do the talking.

"Early birds and all. Plus, it's a good day," he said, gesturing to Madej on his last sentence.

Madej looked down at them and smiled brightly. "Haven't puked today, so I'm just dandy." He grimaced, looking to the side. Two new vampires appeared. They had red eyes and looked like danger. The Cullens retreated a little, but then Jasper walked forwards to greet them.

"Benedict, Madej, this is Peter and Charlotte." Jasper called up to them. The two vampires looked curious at them so high above the rest of them. Peter had dark blond hair, and Charlotte had short brown hair, and looked to be between Madej's and Benedict's ages. "Madej and Benedict are witches. They're here to help."

"Help's a stretch," Benedict said, and Madej had to look away, trying not to laugh. "You bringing my brother into your mess is what's keeping us from just leaving you to your damn mess."


"Well, if Edward and the others knew how to take out James and the others, we wouldn't be here now, would we?"

"Benny, I'm gonna burn your kit if you don't shut up."

Benedict scoffed, obviously thinking back to the new drums he'd had delivered just the day before. "And you'll fucking pay for replacements too."

"Just what kind of witches are you?" Peter asked, looking confused. "We've never heard about such creatures."

"First of all, that's racist," Benedict said, pointing a finger at the red eyed vampire.

"Second of all, shut up." Madej said with a large fake smile. "Also, you're ignorant for thinking it's just, like, vampires. I'm an elemental witch -"

"And I'm not. We don't actually know what I am."

"Well, I know you're a dumbass," Madej said under his breath, but only some of the vampires chuckled at it.

They watched as Jasper gave the general knowledge of what to do. Jasper and Peter had grinned at each other before fighting. It was as scary as it was beautiful. It was intimidating to see them blurring as they fought. Madej wondered just how in over his head he was.

He sighed before he turned, ending up upside down on the branch like a bat. It was helping to stop the whole floating in mid air thing he had going on. He could feel it starting up, and didn't want to hang onto the branches by his fingers.

Below them, Jasper and Emmett had started to train. It was more like a brotherly fight more than anything else. It was amusing to watch, if just to see Emmett getting his ass handed to him by Jasper.

Edward and Bella were slowly approaching, making their way to the small clearing, to see what Jasper had in store for them.

"Madej?" Bella called up to him, then seemed to frown when she took note of Benedict up in the tree beside Madej. He looked down at her and gave her an upside down wave. "Why are you up in that tree?"

"Because I don't want to be near them," he said, pointing towards the vampires she was surrounded by. "Also, when I'm near nature, it makes me feel less terminally ill."

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