chapter nineteen ; birthday

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Things had gotten harder; Madej and Benedict had spent several sleepless nights going over each and every old book they had, translating the dead languages, figuring out spells that had been lost on them. Mandy had helped as best she could, both her and Benedict setting up the spells around the house. They had felt relieved at the intense safe feeling, but the brothers kept reading at every free moment they had, trying to find something that would keep them safe until they could deal with Dominic.

As hard as Bella had tried, they knew it was her birthday. Madej didn't really understand why she was so weird about birthdays and age. Maybe it was because she spent a fair amount of her time hanging around immortals. Madej didn't think about it too much.

He had decided to walk to school today; it was nice enough, and he felt bad always getting a lift there. Plus, he wanted to get into shape, and dancing required more energy than he thought it did. Maybe he was just old and out of practice.

The school came into view, and he walked into the student parking lot, and waved in greetings to Angela and Jessica, both of whom waved back.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked once he was close enough.

"I'm feeling gay!" Jessica replied brightly, smile on her face as she held hands with Angela.

"As you should be," Madej said, and the two girls laughed at him.

The three of them started talking about essays, and they shook their heads at Madej when he complained about the Romeo and Juliet essay.

"But they're in love."

"I'm pretty sure Juliet was thirteen. Too young for that kind of shit, right? Plus, they only knew each other, what, three days max? The hets are always at it."

Jessica shoved at his arm whilst Angela tried to hide her smile. "They're fictional, does it matter?"

"If it doesn't matter, then why are we learning about it?"


Mike and Eric appeared, grins on their faces, watching Madej suffer at the hands of Jessica.

"Did you insult R and J?" Eric asked as they got closer.

Madej nodded. "When don't I? Hey, Jessica, did you know Shakespeare came up with your name?"

"Did he?"

"I think so, but I don't have enough knowledge to really confirm or deny it."

Eric was already on it, phone in hand. "It's got Hebrew origin, says Google. Means gift, which I find hard to believe -" he was cut off when Jessica thumped his arm. "- oh, it says Shookspeared used it in The Merchant of Venice. It was spelled really different back then, so today's is a definite improvement." He smiled at Jessica, who raised an eyebrow at him, looking a little unimpressed at Eric.

"Well, I have Shakespeare to thank for my beautiful name, of course I'm a gift to you all, he knew what he was doing."

"Of course he was," Angela said, leaning over and kissing Jessica's cheek.

They heard the familiar engine of the orange truck before it came into view. Madej waved at Bella as she drove in and parked her car up. He looked over at Angela with a raised eyebrow.

"It's Bella. Bella. Hi."

"Today's the big day, Bella. Uh, R and J essay due?"

Madej grimaced. "What a stupid book."

"Wherefore art thou, Bella?" Mike said, like he was the funniest shit. The others chuckled meekly.

"Let me take a picture of you guys." Bella said. "My mom wants me to put together, like, a big scrapbook full of memories."

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