chapter four ; confrontations

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Madej was tired. He'd not had much sleep the previous night, and now he was going to have to deal with someone he really didn't want to deal with. He'd even gotten into an argument with his mom. The day just wasn't going well.

He turned around on his heel and came to see that that asshole - Chad? Brad? He didn't know - was stalking towards him. It was the same guy who had tried to take his hearing aids. He was fucking back.

Good god, could people not take a hint and leave him alone? He knew he looked like hell, so couldn't Chad leave him the hell alone? Madej just knew that wasn't how his luck worked.

"Chad, I do not give a shit -"

"My name is Logan, asshole."

Madej dodged the punch aimed at his face. "Really?" he asked, ending up a few steps back from Logan. He planted his feet, just in case.

He had dodged random ass attacks from his brothers, he'd dealt with his father. He had this under control. This Chad guy was nothing compared to what he'd grown up with.

Logan tried to throw a punch at Madej, who avoided it again, then grabbed Logan's arm, twisted and threw him over his shoulder. Logan landed on his ass with a dull thud and a yelp.

"We done?"

Considering how Logan was hissing and spitting as he got to his feet, Madej reckoned it wasn't over.

He kept letting Logan try and punch first, show how he was only being defensive, trying to protect himself. He had to make sure that Logan didn't end up bleeding; there were several vampires close by.

Eventually, Madej punched him on the nose. It made a cracking noise and disorientated Logan, but it wouldn't bleed.

"You broke my nose!" Logan kept touching his nose, expecting a river of blood. It was almost as if Madej knew how to punch.

"Fucking please."

"Logan Sampson! Madej Jones! I will not have fighting on school grounds." Madej sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets as he watched the principal speed walk over to them. "My office, the pair of you. Now."

Well, that was a great start to the day.

Twenty minutes later, Madej found himself sitting in one of the chairs outside of the office, hearing aids barely picking up the faint shouting behind the closed door of the principal's office. After being dragged to the office by the principal, Logan had been taken in first, and the door had been shut for eighteen minutes, and the principal hadn't stopped shouting for seventeen.

He pulled out his phone and sent a text to one of his friends: I got in trouble for fighitng the resident racist lmao

Poison Evie 🍃🍃:
dont die dumbass xo

Madej smiled a little as he replied: no promises xoxo

"Mind if I sit?"

Madej looked up to see Jasper standing there. He shrugged and jerked his head towards the seat as he put his phone away. Jasper sat beside him, making a sighing noise before he stretched out his long legs. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"My brothers, Benedict and Ezekiel. They'd try and kick the shit out of me, so I'd kick the shit out of them first." Jasper huffed an amused laugh, and Madej could see the smile out of the corner of his eye. "What d'you want?"

"Free period, I'm just wasting time." Jasper looked over at him, an expression that said he wasn't just wasting time.

"Clearly." Madej could feel the tension in his back. "Why are you bothering me?"

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