chapter fourteen ; aftermath

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It had been difficult. Madej's mom was worried, to say the least. They knew that they couldn't run from Dominic forever, that he'd find a way to get to them, but moving away to another part of the country was an option they were unsure of whether they should take.

'Find us anyway. Doesn't matter where we go.' Madej signed to his mom as the vampires had gone hunting. Edward and Alice had been told to stay behind and keep an eye on them, in case anyone tried to attack them. As quick as the vampires were, Madej wondered how well they would do against a powerful witch.

Madej was sat on a stool, Benedict was pacing, and his mom was standing in the middle of the living room. The two vampires had offered to make food whilst they discussed what they had to do.

'But if we keep moving, he'll have a hard time trying to get to us,' Benedict offered up, though Madej saw the uncertainty in his brother's eyes.

Madej frowned a little. 'Leave me behind instead?' he asked, and saw the resolute horror on his mom and brother's faces.

'No chance in hell!' Mandy moved forwards, putting a hand on Madej's cheek as she shook her head at him. She pulled away to continue signing. 'If we did that, you would be left at risk, more than if we all left together. We have to stick together.'

"But you'd both be safe, he's only after me," he said, shrugging his shoulders. 'He got Zeke, now he wants me. How likely will he want you two after?'

Benedict slapped him upside the head, on Madej's other side. 'He wants to murder us all, boy, he won't stop if he kills you, he just wants to get rid of the biggest threat. That's you.'

'Pardon me for breathing,' Madej signed back at his brother. 'I want you two safe.'

'We want you safe too, stupid.' Benedict gave him a tired look. 'You're my brother, I'm not leaving you, even if you're a pain.'

"What are you three talking about?" The Joneses looked over to Alice and Edward, who looked apprehensive.

"Madej is being an idiot." Mandy told them, pulling Madej into her arms. "But, I think, we've made a decision. We're going to stay in Forks." She nodded, then rested her chin on his shoulder. "Dominic will know where we are, regardless of where we move. We stay here, train, and let him come to us. Then we kill him."

Alice smiled a little at that. "I'm sure Jasper can agree that Madej's an idiot. Is there any way we can help you with getting rid of Dominic?"

It was weird to see little Alice so willing to help them go along with killing Dominic. But it was a threat on their lives; when it came down to it, Dominic was going to try and kill the three of them, just because he thought he had the power to do that. They weren't going to let him get away with murdering another of them.

"Keep an eye out," Benedict said for the two of them. "We'll figure out a way for you to see his future; it's blocked naturally, but since we're direct from his bloodline, I'm pretty sure I can find something out to get you on his case." Alice grinned at that.


Madej was slouching against Jasper, watching him and Emmett play some new game that Emmett had found. He was taking a break from reading from a book he'd gotten about witches. None of the Cullens had been able to read it, but Madej had read it with ease. He knew the language it was in.

At the island in the kitchen, Mandy, Esme and Carlisle were talking quietly, trying to find a way for them to have a new home.

"Madej, it's not normal for you to be in pyjamas all day," Emmett said when Jasper killed his character.

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