chapter seven ; bad day

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It became a regular occurrence that Jasper would pick him up for school and drop him off. The day after he'd told him they were mates, Jasper had laughed when Madej had come out with his rainbow sweater, looking far more pleased with himself than he probably should've been.

"What's with this?" Jasper had asked, reaching over to touch the soft material.

"People think I'm the resident gay, might as well fit into that stereotype,"

Now Madej had gotten used to Jasper picking him up. He'd also gotten a new rainbow backpack, because it felt like everything he did was to spite others, and he was going to let those assholes who threw slurs at him know he was comfortable with his sexuality, and he would express that however he liked.

Mandy had been surprised when the bag came in the mail, but all she did was raise an eyebrow at him and tell him she still had the brush that had rainbow face paint on it if he wanted rainbows on his cheeks. He'd told her that was for pride month.

Madej left his house to the familiar car Jasper drove. He got in and saw the amused look that was always on his face whenever Madej got in. "Can we stop by to get hearing aid batteries? I don't have many left."

"Sure, before or after school?"

"With your speeding, we can probably go before."

"Sure thing, darlin',"

Madej wasn't sure how that nickname made him feel, but Jasper seemed to be stuck with saying it.

He was still right; they got there with plenty of time to spare. The two boys went inside, and went in search of batteries.

It didn't really go well.

They didn't have any in store, and would have to order them in, which would cost extra on Madej's behalf, which felt like a scam. They ended up leaving empty handed.

"I could get Carlisle to get some for you," Jasper suggested as they set off back to school. Madej was slouching in the passenger seat, looking displeased. "He could probably get them, get off his shift at the hospital and give them to your mom."

"Yeah," Madej said, following it up with a sigh. "I'm just annoyed. They really don't have any in stock? Those tiny batteries?"

Jasper offered a meek smile. "That's how America works, darlin',"

"America is really fucked up, you've lived through a lot of that bullshit." Madej looked over at Jasper, and he saw the eye roll. "You know what else is bullshit? Having to pay to hear. What kinda crackheaded shit is that?"

"You're very eloquent," Jasper said, smile light on his face, tone teasing.

"That's part of the charm."

One thing Madej had found himself unable to stop thinking about was the whole soulmate thing. It was inconvenient, and it made him think about things he hadn't thought about in a while - like kissing and hugging, and all of that was Jasper's fault. Specifically because he was centred around those thoughts.

Southern bastard.

School was still school. Things had died down a little now that Madej was constantly wearing rainbow attire in some form or another. Bella had found out later than he and Angela weren't straight, and had offered up that she identified as bisexual herself. It had been a nice solidarity, and it comforted them to know they weren't alone.

"You and Jasper?" Bella asked as they went into their shared hour break in the library. They sat down at their designated table, books pulled out of their bags.

Madej shrugged a little at her question. Sure, there was something going on, and Madej reckoned that was just the realisation that they were probably soulmates messing with his head. "Friends," he told her.

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