chapter thirty-eight ; wait

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Madej had started screaming. Sometime into his transformation, between the first and second day during the night, he'd started to move, writhing in pain, and then he'd been screaming at the top of his lungs. Emmett had to haul Benedict and Jasper out of the room, though the look on his face told them he wished he could help Madej as much as they did.

Benedict was sat outside, on the steps of the porch. He could still hear Madej screaming. It was faint, but it was still there. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, made him feel physically sick. He'd done this to his little brother.

Jasper was nearby, and if Benedict tried, he'd be able to locate him from his senses alone. He didn't have the energy to. All he could think about was his baby brother in there, screaming and crying as the venom burned into every cell of his being and changed what he was.

Mandy and Angela were still inside the house. Benedict didn't know how they could stand it. The rest of the Cullens were still inside too.

"Did someone tell Bella?" Benedict asked, words slow as he tried to get the energy to talk.

"I don't think so. She and Edward are still on their holiday. Nothin' ruins a holiday like hearing your friend was attacked, almost murdered, and is currently turning into a vampire," Jasper said from Benedict's left.

"Bit of a buzzkill."

They went back into the silence, hearing Madej's screaming faintly. This was going to be something Benedict would never forget. This was his fault.

"They - OK, that can't be normal," Benedict said, turning to look at Jasper.

"It wasn't normal that he was quiet yesterday. Maybe it takes longer because he's a witch, and this is ... the beginning of it for him."

Benedict got to his feet. "No, 'cause it sounds like he's being fucking tortured and I can't just sit by and do fucking nothing -"

"What do you want to do? None of us know how Madej will react to it." Jasper shrugged a shoulder, and Benedict could see the way he tried to hide his pain, the way seeing and hearing Madej like that broke him. "We can't do anything to help him. He just has to survive it."

"You are really shit at comfort," Benedict said bluntly. "Like, what the fuck does Madej even see in you." He turned and went back inside, making his way to the living room.

Mandy was sat on one of the couches, an arm around Angela, Bree on her other side, arm around her. It looked like the screams were finally getting to the two of them. Carlisle and Esme were standing together, both as concerned as ever, unable to help Madej. Rosalie and Emmett were quiet, holding hands in their corner as they listened to Madej. Alice was trapped in another vision on the couch. She'd been trying to look ahead, to see what Madej's future would be, but everything turned up murky, undecided.

"You should go. You shouldn't have to listen to it." Benedict said to his mom and Angela, sitting beside them.

"Maybe you should go," Angela said but kept her eyes on the floor. "Figure out what to say to everyone else because Madej won't look like he's dying of cancer when he wakes up." She clenched her jaw, shutting her eyes when another piercing scream tore through the house.

They winced as magic pulsated, and it knocked the vampires off their feet.

"Ow," Emmett complained as he got up, then helped Rosalie to her feet.

Mandy let go of Angela and followed Madej's cries and screams. Benedict could feel the power from the room they had left Madej in. He didn't want to go in there, see what he had caused.

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