Chapter three

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Scarlet's point of veiw

I woke up to my phone's notification ringtone. The Da da daaaa from belt in the croods.

"Hey I got you a super cute gift! It's in the living room in a cat cage. I think that just told you what it is, anyway its a boy. Me and the guys left to go to the store behave." It was from Ashley. I grinned and got up. I was only wearing a all black sports bra and basketball shorts I stole from Jake, but the guys are not home so I decided to just go downstairs. There was a tiny cage with a little meow coming from it. I smiled and opened it. AWW! It was adorable. It was a little orange kitten and at the end of the tail puffs out into a little ball. A Flame! I picked it up cooing. It was so adorable! I know what its going to be named. One its orange, two its tail, three its name is. Charmander!

I held it in my arms and went upstairs. Charmander was purring he was so cute. It was two days till we leave for Warped so my room was just a room. Well I had a bag of t-shirts, hoodies, tank tops, and my jewelry. Another bag had all of my jeans, pajama pants, belts and chains. I had a another bag completely full of makeup and hair shit. Then the last bag was a black and grey messenger bag which held my laptop (yes I have a desktop and a laptop. Jinxx got me laptop because I never left the room with my computer in my room), laptop charger, all black earbuds and all white earbud headphones. My phone charger, my two song books, a white and a black. And a couple of other things.

I replied to Ashley.

"Thank you thank you thank you. It's name is charmander. I have it with me and it fell asleep on my pillow." He replied shortly after.

"Glad you like "charmander?" We will be back soon. Be ready." Ready for what?

"Ok wait ready for what?"

He replied.

"Just get dressed into normal clothes." I sighed. Ok whatever.

I decided on my black ripped up skinny jeans, a Motionless in White t-shirt, a couple of bracelets, my normal necklaces I always wear, and black combat boots. Perfect. I went into the bathroom and straightened my hair, and added hair spray. There was a knock on my door.

"Is miss Scarlet ready?" It was Jinxx. I laughed. "Yes I am ready. Come in if you want." I called back. I heard my door open and close. I walked out to him playing with Charmander. "So what did I have to be ready for?" I asked he looked up and laughed.

"Well we are going to the park." He said. I shrugged and grabbed my phone and stuck it in my back pocket. My skull earbud heaphones, what I only have four pairs the other pair are just all red. I put them in my front pocket. I kissed charmander's tiny head and made sure he had food and water in my room he can get to. I ran down stairs screaming Swings.

We all got into Andy's car. I was begging for them to let me drive because I recently got my permanent but nooo. So instead it was Andy and Ashley in the front, Jake, Jinxx, and CC in the back, and me sitting on CC's lap. Hopefully no cop pulls us over.

We finally got there and I went to the swings. I kept looking over at a bench by a tree. There was this boy he had bright blue hair, way brighter than mine. He was wearing a Black Veil Brides t-shirt. I laughed the others are just now walking to me. "Daddy, I think someone likes your band!" I yelled. The boy looks up and I jumped off the swing and walked over to him.

"Hey I am Scarlet that is my dad Andy, and then there is Ashely, CC, Jake and Jinxx. Looks like you already know though." I said. He smiled. This guy is hot.

"I am Tristan, I can't believe I am actually talking to you guys." He said with his smile. He had snake bits, and brown eyes. His hair was long, well long enough to fit the 'emo' style.

"Hey Scarlet snap out of it!" CC yelled. I jumped. "Hey Andy looks like your daughter has a crush!" Ashley said. Oh god. "What are you guys talking about!?" I said. Jake and Jinxx started laughing. Tristan looked in the middle of confused and hopeful, hopeful for what?

"Andy it's obvious. He looks like he is embarrassed and so does she. They like eachether!" CC said. I am going to kill them later.

"So Tristan why are you here." Andy asked.

"Where else can I go?" He replied looking down at his hands.

"What do you mean?" Ashley asked.

"I mean my mom kicked me out a couple months ago. I don't know my father, so basically I go to the homeless shelter at night and the park during the day." Tristan said. He smiled though.

"Look I don't want to be a problem or anything I got to go anyway. Umm it was great meeting my idols. I would ask for pictures or something but I don't have anything to take a picture with." Tristan said. Ashley whispered something to dad and then he said something to the other three.

"No you are not leaving. Well you are but with us." Ashley said. My eyes lit up more than Tristan's.

"See Andy your daughter has a crush!" Jinxx, CC, and Jake yelled at the same time. I instantly felt my cheeks turn red. I'm going to kill them. I looked away.

"Oh he is to!" The same four yelled again.

Ashely laughed and we all went back to the car including Tristan. Andy and Ashley are in the front. Tristan is in the middle, Jinxx is sitting on Jake's lap by the door and I am sitting on CC'S lap by the door.

"I want food dad!" I yelled so you can hear me. What we had Bring me the horizon blaring.

"How is pizza?!" Andy yelled back.

"PIZZA!!" Me and CC yelled at the same time. Everyone laughed.

We got to Pizza Hut and went inside. We got a booth and orderd three pizzas for now, well see you got six guys and I alone can eat a whole pizza if they would let me.

They started talking about how tomorrow we are leaving, which is a Saturday instead of Sunday while me and Tristan talked.

"So you were adopted by Andy but Ashley just went with?" He asked. I nodded taking a bit of my pizza.

"So Andley does not exist." I laughed and shook my head a no. He laughed to.

"Why did your mom kick you out?" I asked. He was quiet for a moment before answering.

"She was only keeping me in the house so she got more money from taxes and that shit, when she got married to my step dad who is supposedly really rich she didn't need me anymore. So she kicked me out. I went back a week later but all she did was give me a paperwork saying she had given up all parental rights. After that I never went back, never seen them either. My dad who knows what happened to him, he left after he found out my mom was pregnant with me." I felt bad for him.

"Oh..." was all I could say.

"What about you? Why were you put into adoption?" He asked. I smiled alittle.

"When I was little I had a strong bond with my dad I loved him, but he changed the last year he was with us. My mom hated me. My dad was the one who taught me how to play bass. Anyway, he was drunk and got in a bad accident he passed that night. My mom blamed it on me. She kept me for a week before taking me to the adoption place. She left me there when I was ten I am now sixteen." I smiled because he looked like he looked sad, but then he smiled back.

"I am seventeen." I don't know what caused us to start laughing but we sat there laughing for at least five minutes. When we finally quit laughing we had the guys staring at us in complete confusion. They soon just shrugged it off and we left Pizza Hut to go back to our house. Ashley and CC made Tristan come along not wanting him to sleep out on the streets.

It was around 7:30 pm. When we got home we decided to watch a movie. Batman! Dad picked. I fell asleep on the couch with Charmander I had taken him out of my room and I think Tristan fell asleep on the floor.

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