Chapter twenty one

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Scarlet's point of veiw

"What the fuck do you want Tristan?!" I yelled.

He chuckled.

"Did you think I was just going to let you leave. Yea it "hurt" but come on you know you love me, and besides arn't you single considering Abigail left you." He said. I felt my cheeks getting red. I hate him. Ever since he has left I have been getting texts to where I changed my number.

"One just because I am "single" don't mean I want you." I said. He smirked.

"Don't lie. I know somewhere down in there you like me." He said. He moved his hair to the side, it was now all black and just long enough to be in his eyes.

"I don't love you anymore." I said. He chuckled. What is wrong with him?

He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me.

"STOP!!" I screamed. He laughed again and stopped only to push his lips against mine.

I pushed him off and punched him in the face. He grinned and pulled me into him and he kissed me again.

"GET YOUR MOUTH OFF OF MY GIRLFRIEND BEFORE I FUCKING KILL YOU!" I heard Ashley yell. Thank fucking god they showed up. Ashley pulled Tristan off of me and punched him in the face. I saw Tristan start to fight back but I have no clue who is going to win probably Ashley.

"Are you ok?" "Oh My God you dating Ashley!" "Was that Tristan?!" "Oh shit! That kick must have really hurt." "Someone get them to stop!" "This slut is the reason this all happened!" More and more and more questions and comments filled my ears. CC grabbed my arm and led me outside with Jinxx. Andy and Jake I guess tried to break up the fight. Just what we need. Me starting this whole thing the first fucking show! This is all my fault.

"Scarlet are you ok?" CC asked his voice was full of concern. I nodded a yes and the three of us walked to the bus.

Jinxx's girlfriend called so he went outside to talk on the phone. CC was answering tweets and stuff about what just happened. I need to not think. Why did Tristan come back. Why can't he just go away?!

I opened the fridge in the back and got a bottle of Jack Daniels. I opened it and took a couple of gulps. I sighed and sunk down against the wall. I took another couple of gulps. Then some more.

I don't know what's worst I am actually trying to drink my thoughts away or the fact that Ashley is going to get hurt trying to beat the fuck out of Tristan.

"Scarlet?" I heard him call. I think.

"Yea.." I said quietly. I think.

"What the fuck! Give me that! What are you doing. Your going to be completely wasted. Wait you probably already are, the thing might as well be empty." He said. I sighed.

"So." Was all I could say. He looked like shit. He had a cut above his one eye, and a busted lip, that was starting to swell.

"So your going to bed. Come on." He pulled me up and I lost my balance half way up and fell again.

"Yea definitely bed." He said. He picked me up and put me in the bottom bunk that was someone's. I laughed. I don't know why but I like laughing.

"I love you. Now sleep." He said. He closed the curtain and walked to the front. I passed out.

----Ashley's point of veiw

Damn she got drunk. I also beat that guys ass. I think he is never going to come around again. Andy was talking to the manager telling him what happened, because now this venue never wants us back. Jinxx was eating a sandwich. Jake was on his laptop. CC was just lost in thought, like me. I sighed and stood up.

"Jake. I put Scarlet in your bed because it's the bottom, goodnight." I said. I walked to the back and climbed into the bunk with Ashley. I kept her by the edge just in case she jumps up and runs to the bathroom. I put my arm around her and she snuggled into me. I smiled and closed my eyes. Damn my lip hurts.

--- Scarlet's point of veiw

I feel like total shit. Complete absolute shit. Ugh I want to die. My head hurts and my stomach. What happened last night? Wait, oh yea, Tristan showed up and Ashley beat his ass I think and I got drunk.

I felt an arm hold me tighter then a head snuggled into my neck. I smiled.

"Babe. I feel like complete shit. Let go." I said. He sighed then let go and looked at me as I slowly rolled over to face him.

"Hello beautiful." He said. I glared at him.

"Beautiful. Really. No I am not beautiful right now, right now I am a total piece of shit." I said. He rolled his eyes and then chuckled. He pecked my lips.

"Babe what did you do tp Tristan last nigh?" I asked.

"Uh... well I beat his ass. Of course I got a busted lip and the cut above my right eye, but I managed to bust his lip, bloody nose, and a black eye before a couple of fans and Andy and Jake pulled me off." I smiled a little.

"Ok. Babe go turn off every single light, get me actual pajamas, I neeeeed aspirin, and I really really want a Double Chocolate Chip Frappe from Starbucks." I replied. He chuckled, pecked me on the lips and then got out of the bunk. Is this Jinxx's bunk?

I heard laughter from the front, but tuned it out by playing Hospital for Souls by Bring Me The Horizon.

About 20 minutes later

"Here you go babe." Ashley said handing me Hello kitty sweet pants, a black tank top, and a Double Chocolate Chip Frappe.

I had him hold my drink while I got dressed. I then took it and went to the front of the bus. CC and Jinxx were laughing at something and it hurt my head.

"WOULD YOU GUYS JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LAUGH IN YOUR HEAD!" I screamed at them. Worst mistake ever. They looked at me shocked then chuckled instead of laughing. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Daaaaad." I quietly said as I sat down next to him. He was on Skype with mom. I somewhat waved a hi.

"Sweetie are you alright? You look like shit." She said.

"Yea I am alright... not... and it's so great to know I look like shit. I clearly already know that.""I'm going back to bed." I stood up and my way back to the bunks. This time I actually climbed into my own. Not Ashley's not Jinxx's or the others. Mine. I sat my drink down and then fell asleep.

What if Tristan doesn't stop. I swear he went psycho. Why does he want me back so bad? Ugh. To much thinking. Think of something else. Uhh. Ashley. Yea I will think about him and then pass out.

Ok so somewhat short chapter. Let me know what you guys think. Should I add a character or should something happen and rip her away from everyone. Maybe just take her life?...
Nah I honestly don't know I will think about it later.

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