Chapter twenty seven

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Scarlet's point of veiw.

I was huge and about to pop any day and it is going to be today. I slowly got up and hobbled to the kitchen when my water broke. Shit.

"Ashley! Water! Broke! Hospital! Brandon!" I screamed and he rushed down the stairs while pulling his shoes on. We carried me to the car and called my mom first.

"Meet me at the hospital. Her water broke!" He yelled and hung up. We got to the hospital and I honestly think he is more worried then me. I screamed in pain as they laid me down and gave me medicine and stuff.

"Ok push!" The doctor said and I screamed as I squeezed Ashley's hand.

"One more!" He said. I threw my head back and yelled.

I heard crying and my whole body relaxed.

"Here is your son." They handed me Brandon after they had cleaned and weighed him. I smiled as he was wrapped in a small blue blanket.

"He looks so much like you baby." I said as tears came to my eyes.

"Yea. I love you so much Brandon. I am your daddy." He said as he took his tiny hand in his own.

We cooed at the baby when my mom and dad the band came in.

"Hey Andy and Juliet. Come meet Brandon." I said smiling. Soon everyone helled Brandon and he was asleep when he was passed to me. After another twenty minutes everyone left and I still had to stua the night.

I love these two so much.

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