Chapter nine

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Tristan's point of veiw

I woke up to nothing. I usually wake up with Scarlet asleep next to me but because of what happened last night that can't happen. I pulled her curtain back a little she was still asleep. This is normal I am usually always the first awake. I check the time 7:20. So we got and hour or something like that till 8:20 great. I grabbed my back and opened it up. I pulled a Misfits t-shirt out, black skinny jeans, and my black beanie. I went into the bathroom to get changed and to do my hair. My phone started ringing when I finished so I walked off the bus standing next to the door leaning against the bus.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey baby how is it going." I smiled. I loved Tyler with all my heart, more than Scarlet. But Scarlet loves me and she is hot, but Tyler is to. Only I wasn't able to move in with him so I was still in the streets.

"It's going great. I love you." I said.

"I loved you to baby. When are you going to brake up with her? I miss you and I see no point in why you are sticking around with her." I sighed when he said this.

"Yea but she is really sweet and I know you hate me dating her while I am dating you. This is stupid but I love her too Tyler." I said. There was a pause.

"Yea but you love me more. You are dating her for the fame." He said. I sighed again. It's kind of windy out here and I woke up thirty minutes ago.

"I do love you more than Scarlet Tyler. Your my everything and only thing. I love you. But I need to figure this out I like her to you know." He sighed this time.

"Baby just promise me you will only be mine soon. You should've never dated her in the first place all your going to do is brake her heart. As your doing that I am missing you which is braking mine." Tyler said. I understand I really do I am just confused. Why did I start dating her? God I am so stupid.

"I love you I got to go baby." Tyler said. I smiled.

"I love you to more than ever. Bye baby." I said. I hung up and turned to face the people I didn't want to hear my conversation.

Andy, Ashley, Jayy, Dahvie, CC and Jake were standing there all with arms crossed and one hell of a pissed off Andy, they also were still in pajamas and had bed hair. But still I am going to be dead.

"You are cheating on my daughter?!" Andy said loudly. But enough to almost send a chill down my spine. When the hell did Jayy and Dahvie arrive. They had to be walking by.

"Look Andy it's not as bad as it sounds really. I am actually cheating on my boyfriend with your daughter." I am so stupid.

"You think that's better. It's still going to brake her heart. She fucking trusted you!" Ashely yells the last part. I sighed.

"Yea I know ok I am stupid I don't know why I asked her out other than the fact that I was lonely because my boyfriend Tyler is out of state for a month." I said.

"Your cheating on me?" Her voice cracked a little. Fuck this isn't good.

"No Scarlet I am not, it was all a misunderstanding." I say. I know I am lying through my teeth.

"Your a fucking ass!" Jayy yells, punching me right in the jaw. I back away a couple of feet. Fuck that will leave a bruise. I am so stupid. God Tristan really!

"Get your stuff and leave! Have fun getting a ride home. I don't ever want to see you or hear from you again. Go back to your boyfriend you belong with. Next time don't ask a girl out make and make them believe you love them all because you are fucking lonely. I can't believe you. Just get out! Your a asshole!" She screams the last part. She comes up to and kisses me and then kicks me right in the spot. I fell to the ground wanting to cry. God that hurts. Before I can get up she kicks me in the stomach. I role over and she storms onto the bus. I still don't move instead I watch as Dahvie, Jayy, Jake, and CC go calm her down. About five minutes later all my bags are thrown outside by Scarlet. Andy and Ashley get on the bus. They have to leave now to go to the next stop on Warped Tour leaving me here in pain. GOD I AM SO FUCKING STUPID! I screamed in my mind.

Scarlet's point of veiw

I am pissed off, heart broken, and sad. I feel betrayed, and a total mess. I had woken up to everyone outside and Jinxx on the couch bench watching from the inside. I had asked him what thwy were doing all he said was to go outside but be prepared. I was I kissed him the last time before kicking him a couple of times to. I was on Ashley's bunk. I was pissed and needed to calm down. So I got in Ashley's bunk and got on his phone, he was stupid and left it there. No I didn't text anyone or did anything like that. Instead I went on YouTube.

I watched the old interviews of Andy in the Bryann Stars interviews only now its BryanStarzzzz every time it's his interview. I always find that funny with four z's because of a dumb joke.

"What are you watching?" Ashely said getting in the bunk.

"Andy and Matt being idiots." I said. I was in the part of the interview where Andy starts eating paper and they are outside the back of the trailer thing.

"Cool." He said. I sighed and turned the video off.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. To be honest I had only talked to one person before him and that was Dahvie around 10:25 am. Now it's 1:47 in the afternoon. I wish it was nine in the afternoon though.

"How would you feel when you find out your boyfriend was dating a guy and only dated you because he was fucking lonely." I guess I didn't need to sass back but I honestly don't care right now. He sighed anf pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and cried. I usually don't cry but I never really dated a guy before snd the one I do is already in a relationship you had no clue about. About thirty minutes pass I think. "Hey come on little one the guys are bored and want to see you. Trust me when I say they can make you feel better." Ashley says smiling. I smiled a little for him and get out of the bunk. My head still hurts from last night but I just think of something else.

It's almost nine and the guys actually made me feel better. I guess me and Tristan were not perfect. But I guess you have to learn from your mistakes.

Andy's point of veiw

I want pissed. I knew something like that would happen. I didn't even know he was bisexual though. I know Scarlet is which is perfectly ok, but I didn't think he was though. I sighed. I was sitting in the back. My phone started ringing.

"Hey beautiful." I said.

"Hey Handsome." Juliet says.

"So how is Scarlet doing I would love to talk to that teenager." She says.

"Well she is a wreck and the guys have been spending the whole day cheering her up well trying to, she has been pulling fake smiles and laughs. I know they can tell but they haven't given up." I said. She sighs.

"Wait why is she a wreck Andy?" She asks.

"Tristan has been dating this guy named Tyler. He has been out of state for awhile so Tristan lied to all of us and then Scarlet found out and well kicked him off the bus and then kissed him right before kicking him in the balls and kicking him again when he hit the ground." I said.

"Let me talk to her please. She needs a girl to talk to." I smile.

"Scarlet!" I yell. I hear footsteps snd the door opens.

"Mom?" She asks. I nod. She nods and takes the phone.

"Yea it's true, yup, yea, well see..." She then walked out the door. I sighed I need to sleep.

Scarlet's point of veiw

"Aww baby I am so sorry. Tristan was never the guy then. Now I know your hurting about you getting drunk?" Mom asked. I sighed.

"We were playing truth or dare and some more stuff happened as in getting drunk. Dad has my phone for two days and my laptop for two weeks. Two days without a phone because it's the weekend and the guys don't want to be with me, considering I can't have Ashley or CC with me because they got me drunk my first time. So it's the other three that goes with me out of the bus." I explained.

"Well I agree with your dad and your punishment for once. Then again you don't get into that much trouble by yourself. Ok sweetie I got to go. Did your dad fall asleep?" Juliet/mom asked. I got out of Ashley's bunk and walked ti the back. I peaked the door open.

"Yea he is. Bye. Love you." I said.

"Love you to." I humg up the phone with her. I put the phone next to my dad and walked to the front. I then got back into Ashley's bunk. I don't know why I like it, maybe because mine smells like Tristan and me. I sighed and fell asleep.

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