Chapter twelve

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Two months later

Scarlet's point of veiw

I woke up to pressure on my lips. It was gentle and I smiled then kissed back.

"I didn't mean to wake you. I just love kissing your lips." Abigail said. I smiled. I am still very tired. What time is it?

"And I also wanted to be the first to say happy birthday to my girlfriend Scarlet on her 16th birthday." She added and kissed me again. I kissed her back.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning and then stretched. Abigail laughed.

"Nine in the morning. Don't think if going to sleep either. We got to get you ready you will love what your getting. Besides I am having Jeffree be here in an hour to do your makeup while I do your hair." Abigail said.

"Fine." I said.

I got out of bed. Yes actual bed. I am home with the guys. Well dad anyway. The others live at there homes. You know Jinxx and his girlfriend and blah blah blah. I looked at the dress laid out for me to out on. I sighed. It's cute don't get me wrong. I like it alot. I just don't want to wear a dress. I pulled my black fluffy pajama bottoms off and then pulled my white tank top off. I heard Abigail laugh quietly.

"Aww does my love like seeing me undress?" I said. She blushed.

"What?... no not on all. Please continue though." She said. I laughed. I changed into a strapless bra, and some new under wear.

I slipped the dress on. It was a all black dress.

The top was strapless and a solid normal balck. On the waistband there is a bow you tie in the back. The dress ends at my knees, and it puffs out a little so it's not skin tight. I liked it and I looked pretty in it I guess. I sighed. I felt arms around my waist and Abigail was in the mirror behind me. I smiled. She pulled away and tied the bow.

I still have bed hair and no make up, while she was dressed in a skirt and a nice top that matched. When there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Is it safe for me to come in you to bitches?" Jeffree yelled. I laughed.

"Yes the two bitches are dressed!" I yelled back. He laughed and came in holding a huge ass make up case. This will be fun.

Two hours later my makeup and hair was done. Jeffree used his new lip stick on me. Prom Night the super pink one. I am not a huge fan of pink what so ever but I loved it. But I actually loved it. My hair was curled and was left down. My hair ends around my chest. I have also dyed it again in the last two months. Now it's dark brown with light, bright, blue highlights with some white in my bangs. It actually looks really cool. I had Dahvie do it for me. He loves doing my hair, Abigail loves dressing me. Well picking out my outfits. Jayy and Jeffree when I see them love doing my makeup. It actually works out really well.

I was sitting in the backseat of Abigail's car. Jeffree in the passenger while she drives. It was a 2012 mustang. I don't really care for the rest there are only a couple of cars I really love and know everything about. One of which is a 1969 dodge charger. That's my dream car. I snapped out of my thoughts when Abigail opened my door of the car. When did we stop?

She laughed and I smiled and I took her hand as I got out. She lifted it up and kissed it. She then pecked my lips.

"Alright bitches lets party-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Like it's prom night." I said. We laughed. We then started walking towards the building.

It's fucking huge. We walked in and it was completely empty. What the fuck. There was tables in the back with all the presents. Holy shit that is alot. Where the fuck is everyone? There are more tables up against the side wall with snacks and drinks. Then a huge tower of cup cakes in the middle. I am not a huge cake fan.

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