Chapter six

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Andy's point of veiw

I was happy for Scarlet, and Tristan. That is wierd for me to say but I can't get pissed off for her having a boyfriend mean she is fifteen though. I was sitting in the front by myself. I don't know why but I was. I heard voices and laughing and then the door to the bus opened. Ashley, CC, and Scarlet came on. Well Scarlet was thrown over Ashley's shoulder.

"DADDY! Help me! These two idiots kidnapped me from the tent!" She screamed. I laughed.

"Ashley put the girl down! Then tie her up!" I said with all seriousness. Scarlet looked scared and shocked. Ashely did what he was told and tied her up even with her trying to fight.

"Now what shall we do for punishment for the last prank you did." I said a grinn. See she antiqued us again.

"No, No, No I will do anything!" She screamed. We laughed and Jake, Jinxx, and Tristan came out from the back.

"Oh I have an idea make sure she is super tied up and then put headphones on, make sure they can't fall off and play Justin Bieber on repeat" CC said.

"I thought you were my BESTIE not the devil!" She screamed.

"I like that idea hand me her phone and then heaphones." Tristan grabbed them and I put baby on, god I hate Justin Bieber so much and she is going to hate me to death.

"NOO!!! SOMEONE ANYONE HELP ME I DONT WANT TO LISTEN TO JUSTIN BIEBER!!!" She screamed really loud. We all laughed.

"Lets say a full hour, that's when we have to get ready for our show, so that's when you can quit listening to it." Ashley said. We all laughed. I grabbed a bandana and tied the heaphones on her head. I put it on volume seven. Loud enough you can't hear us talking and not loud enough to go death. She instantly started yelling shut it off, I'm going to kill you all and other stuff.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Ronnie.

"Hey man come on in." I said.

"Thanks, what's up with all the screaming and yelling?"

"Oh Scarlet pranked us again so we decided as punishment to make her listen to Justin Bieber for an hour."

"What the fuck! Are you Satan himself? Shit that is messed up, how the hell is she not killing you?"

"Well see she is tied up and in the living room as you can see. No I am not the devil either I actually think it was CC who came up with the idea."

"Her own bestie did it and her boyfriend didn't save her... you all better be hiding whe she is untied." He said watching her lookin pissed off, quiet, sitting in the chair.

"Hell I think she is already plotting revenge on you mother fuckers." He added. I laughed.

"That's why because you showed up just in time, we are going to get ready for our show, she has 50 minutes left of listening to it. You GE to untie her. Uh guys lets get ready and leave in forty." I said. They all nodded and we went to the back and Ronnie sat down in front of Scarlet. Tristan decided to watch us back stage. Thirty minutes later we were all ready I waved bye to Scarlet and we walked off the bus.

Scarlet's point of veiw

I am going to kill them all! I screamed in my mind. They just walked off the bus. I swear my head is going to explode listening to this song. I couldn't hear anything they said so I am screwed. Ronnie was sitting in front of me. He waited a moment I guess to make sure the guys are not coming back then leaned forward and untied the bandana and took of the heaphones. Thank god! He than untied my hands and feet. I jumped up and vave him a huge hug.

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