Chapter eleven

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Andy's point of veiw

What ever happened yesterday was fucked up and scared the shit out of Scarlet. I thought her mom left her at the adoption place thing. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I pulled my phone put and checked Twitter. I then actually got out of my bunk and walked to the front.

"Hey daddy." Scarlet said not looking up from her phone.

"Good morning." I replied. Ashley was sitting across from her on his phone and they were both texting away. I pulled mine out and took a quick picture without them knowing. I pulled up and Twitter and then posted the photo saying. So Scarlet and friend are texting away should I be worried, or is normal for the looking like they will kill me.

I instantly got a ton of likes and comments. Ashley and Scarlet finally looked up but only for them both to flick me off. I laughed.

"Hey Scarlet, when did your mom die?" I asked. She looked up at me and put her phone down.

"The week you adopted me. Actually the day I was told she had died. I know she treated me like shit and everything and finally just left me, but I can't shake her put of my mind. I never could. I loved my father though and when he died I didn't eat anything for four days. Now I love my new fsther because he is the best. But with my mom, I don't know why I thought I saw her." Scarlet said. She seemed to think for a moment. Me and Ashley were silent. She has been my daughter for a couple of months now. She hates saying stuff about her mom and dad, and when she does, it breaks my heart.

"I'm sorry. You got us now though. Let's try to forget yesterday so it doesn't stress everyone out. If it happens again we will figure it out." Ashley spoke up.

Scarlet nodded and stood to get a pop tart. I say that because she is now eating a pop tart. I laughed and sat down, me and Ashely started talking about the show tonight.

Scarlet's point of veiw

Well now they know about my mom, ans dad are both dead. I was now just on my phone. I wasn't on anything actually just staring off into space. I miss Tristan. I really do. I try and hide it, fake smiles and laughs. But I think Dahvie and CC are noticing it and now are in a war to end that. I want to be in his arms again. His little kisses. God why did he only date me because he was lonely? Why didn't he just not ask me out? Why was I so stupid? Why am I blaming him? I kicked him out. Where is he now? Probably back with whatever the guy's name was. God I hate this so much. I got up and walked to the bunks. I got on what was Tristan's after swearing I never would. I put my heaphones in and turned my music on. Lead me out of the dark by Crown the Empire came on. I stared out the window trying to hold in the tears. I gave up and cried.

I cried about everything for the first time. From never crying when my mom left me, to promising my dad I will be strong for him and try not to be weak. Being bullied, loosing Tristan, not full filling promises. I don't know why it is all important right now. I just can't stop crying. When I try to stop something else comes to mind and I cry again and again.

I had finally stopped about three hours later. I am actually surprised none of the guys came back to me. My eyes were red and sunken from crying so much. My makeup was a mess and so was my hair. I decided just to fuck it, not actually fucking it though. I grabbed a new outfit my makeup bag and my hair supplies bag. I then went into the bathroom.

I was wearing a plain all black tank top, with a neon green tank top layering it flowing down by my waist. I was wearing black skinny jeans, and black and neon green high tops. I took off my makeup and was about to redo it when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Scarlet. It's Jayy I want to do your makeup we all know you were crying and we have arrived. Dahvie is going to do your hair." I sighed. I opened the door and let him in. He than went straight to work on my makeup. Usually if I don't get my face wet or anything my makeup will last a full two days if not smudged. I sighed and he looked me in the eyes.

"You miss Tristan don't you?" He asked. I think it was more of a statement though. I nodded.

"Look I want you to come with me tonight get out and have some fun. Around here because of you know your age." I sighed. I nodded again a little. He left and I heard talking than Dahvie came in. He curled my hair and made sure it was all nice. It's six at night. We got up and walked outside. We went to where we could find Black Veil Brides. That or my dad if they are not all together.

A couple of fans surrounded us and we decided we could talk. There was three girls. Tiffany who has Neon green hair like mine. Abigail who has black hair with bleached tips and pink highlights. Then Tori who had really bright red hair. There was two boys. One was named Luke he had normal long 'emo' brown hair. Then there was Austin he had black hair and a similar style to how Dad's is. The one who has my most attention though is Abigail.

"I am so glad we were able to actually talk to you guys. I would ask for you to sign something but I have nothing." Tiffany said. We laughed. Well me, Dahvie and Jayy. They smiled.

"Dahvie would it be a problem if ee brought the five of them back to the bus and hang out. I am tired of standing around and if dad wants me he can call."

The shrugged.

"Well me and Tori have to go. You guys can go on and hang out." Luke said. He took her hand and they walked off. We all shrugged and went back to the bus.

"Ok. Do you guys want anything. Wait! DAHVIE WHERE IS THE FUCKING CANDY!" I screamed the last part.

"Right there!" He pointed behind me. I turned around.

"Oh."... "Do you guys like candy?" I asked. They nodded and looked at me wierd. I picked the basket thing up and dumped candy all over them. They started laughing and then we were all laughing and eating Dahvie's and Jayy's candy. They can get more later.

"Scarlet your bisexual right?" Abigail asked.

"Yea I am. Why?" I replied. She is really funny and I don't think she realizes it. She is also really pretty. Her hair, her blue eyes, and the way she laughs. She was about an inch shorter than me two. I am 5'6 so she is around 5'5 or 5'4. We were all quiet and she hasn't replied yet.

"Nothing I am to though and your really cool." I smiled when she said that.

"Thanks." I winked at her before the others saw and she blushed. Oh my god her blush is so cute!

It was almost nine when CC came running on the bus.

"BESTIE!" He yelled. He have me a huge hug and I gave him one back. He laughed and we sat down. It was now me, Abigail, Tiffany, Austin, CC, Dahvie and Jayy. We were all talking when I exchanged numbers with Abigail, Tiff, and Austin. I made them swear they will not give my number out to any fans. They did and they went back to where ever they are staying.

I ended up back on the bvb bus and in my actual bunk tonight. I was texting Abigail about random stuff. I really think she is cool. She is seventeen, two years older. Not that bad. She has a little brother that lives with her mom while she lives with her dad. Also if I can let my dad let me have a friend live with us she can come on tour. But with what Tristan did, I doubt the outcome will be a yes. Everyone was asleep considering it's like 3:20 am. I need to sleep but right now we were talking tour and bands. I was about to laugh but quickly stopped myself. I swear if the guys saw some of the meme's made of them it will be hilarious. That's it tomorrow when Abigail comes over we are showing them the pics. She sent the last text.
Hey I am going to go to bed so i am not a fucking bitch when i wake up, get ready, and come over. I like you btw. Your cool and funny see you tomorrow. Xoxo.

I smiled. Than replied.
Ok see you tomorrow.

I sighed and put my phone on the charger. Then rolled over and fell asleep. I actually think I like her.

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