Chapter seven

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Scarlet's point of veiw

The guys all look at me and the other three.

"Ok look you had it coming, you had me listen to Justin Bieber for an hour, I won't do anything like this again. As long as you don't put me through the torture again." I said trying to stay quiet and be able to talk out what is about to probably happen.

"Ok sure we believe you but you are not going to forget. Laptop now." Dad said.

"But daddy! Why not no monsters or no leaving the bus for a day, or putting the blame on Ronnie he helped." I said. Tristan still had me in his lap.

"No it's final laptop now Scarlet." Dad said with a complete serious face. I sighed and got up went to my bunk grabbed my laptop and went to the front handing it to him.

"I am going to be kidnapped tonight same as Tristan. Jayy said so, he was going to kidnap me, so I am going to kidnap Tristan." I say. Dad gives me a no look but then sighs and shrugs. I am taking that as whatever I got your laptop so go face. I went to the back and grabbed a two extra outfits, what I don't know if they will antique me. I grabbed an outfit for Tristan to. I went back ti the front. Jayy and Tristan were waiting. Andy had started talking to Ronnie. Tristan took his hand in mine and we all started walking to botdf's tour bus. It was around eight at night. So we right in.

"SCAR!!" Dahvie yelled. Yea he calls me scar for short. Only he does it though, thank god. I laughed and he gave me a hug and I gave him one back.

"Scar are you ever going to let me that song book of yours. You said I would forget before being able to remind you bet I remember so you better let me see it." Dahvie says. I get nervous. He was not supposed to remember its been like a week since he saw it and I had to get it back before he opened it. No can see those, I am not that good anyway.

"Oh I forgot it at the bus. Sorry Dahvie." I said adter a minute or two. We laughed and all sat down. Of course Tristan pulled me into his lap, he gets jealous of me which I find adorable.

We started playing truth or dare which isn't a good thing with the four of us but we played anyway.

"Jayy truth or dare?" I ssked smiling.

"Dare." He grinned. I laughed.

"Make out with Dahvie for a minute without stopping." They looked at me and then eachether. I quickly pick up my phone to get a video. They leaned in and started making out as I hit record. After a minute they pull away and I erupt into laughter. Tristan was laughing to. I just posted it on Twitter tagging Jayy and Dahvie saying look who got dared to make out. They shrugged it off.

"Scarlet truth or dare?" Jayy asks me, hmm.

"Dare." I said he laughed. He pulled out a cigarette, I might be fifteen but I have already smoked before yea yea I know it's bad, but you only live once.

"I dare you to smoke this, and then go back to your tour bus and get that songbook." Jayy said. I felt nervous and I probably looked it to. I took the cigarette and lit it. I haven't smoked in awhile so it tastes fucking wierd. I get half way done with it when Tristan takes it from me.

"What I want a smoke and now you can go get that songbook." He said pecking my lips. That traitor! I sighed and stood up. Dahvie stood up to, I guess he is going so nothing happens to me. We walked off the bus. My bus with the guys is like ten away.

"Sooo." Dahvie said stretching the o.

"Yessssss." I replied stretching the s.

"When are you going to change your hair?" He asked. It had to be soon, it's losing color of the blue, I still had black with the dark blue and Tristan still had bright blue honestly I want to keep my hair black but just go crazy with highlights, I also need to recut it.

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