Chapter ten

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Dahvie's point of veiw

He hurt my baby. I am still pissed about what happened yesterday morning afternoonish. Me and Jayy were walking by when we saw and heard him talking so I texted Ashley to get Andy and quietly come outside. They did that's for sure. I have no clue what happened to Tristan honestly. I know Scarlet must be hurting. I wish I was on the bus to comfort her but she has got over protective guys with her. Ashley and CC always know what's going on with her. I sighed. I got out of the bunk.

"JAYY!" I yelled.

"DAHVIE!" He yelled back.

"When are we arriving at the next stop?" I said as he came up to me.

"In two hours." I smiled. He is already ready so I got the bathroom. I got a pair of black skinny jeans, and a t-shirt. I changed, did my hair and then my makeup.

"One hour and we are there!" Jayy yelled.

"Got it!" I left the bathroom and went to the front. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Andy.

To Andy: You need to give Scarlet her phone back please I miss not being able to text her and I haven't been able to talk to her since yesterday.

From Andy: She has her phone back. You can text her but she is getting ready. See you in a hour or so.

To Andy: Got it

I sighed and sat down on the couch bench thing.

~~~~Scarlet's point of veiw

I am bored and I just woke up. Maybe I need to change, yea I need to change.

I pulled out a gray tank top that is loose and flows with a black upside down cross in the center, a normal black tank top for underneath, and black skinny jeans with no rips. I went into the bathroom to get dressed. I noticed that Ashely has slept in my bunk. I wanted to laugh. I did my makeup and decided to curl my hair. My hair was now bright neon green, really bright neon green with a bright shade of blue. It looked really cool. Kind of similar to how Hannah Hospital had her hair. She was the one that dyed my hair. It looked really good, and I love it. I did my makeup really plain today, as in not as much. I did all of my eyelid black and then added some rainbow glitter eyeliner on top it looks cool. I honestly don't care, and I have been trying not to think of Tristan. I shouldn't have even asked me! I shouldn't have ever said yes! I wanted to cry again. But thought of CC being his stupid self and laughed. I left the bathroom to run into dad.

"I am so sorry daddy." I said. Yea I say daddy got a problem with it. I just don't say mommy for some reason.

"BESTIE! I though you would never awake!" CC yelled. I laughed and he gave me a hug.

"She does remind me of Sleeping Beauty." Jake says.

"Yea but she doesn't need a guy to kiss her to wake up." Ashley said wrapping a arm around me. I laughed. Andy gave him a no look and he just walked and sat down next to Jinxx.

"Why good morning Jinxx." I said.

"Good morning Scarlet." He replied.

I sighed and looked at dad.

"Oh here is your phone I am tired of having to constantly listen to your phone going off because of Twitter or one of the guys texting you." I laughed and took it from him. I walked back to the bunks toning them out. I got back into Ashley's. I started going through everything.

I sent out a tweet saying I am sorry I was grounded and instantly was asked why. I didn't tell them the truth instead I said I plastic wrapped them to the beds when they were asleep. Everyone believed it because I have done it before. I read through the texts from Dahvie, Jayy, Kellin Quinn, CC, Ashley, Chris Motionless, and Brain Stars. Alot if it was directed to my dad saying they won't stop texting till I get my phone back. I laughed and responded to them.

About an hour later the bus stopped and Ashley came back and told me we where here. I sighed. I hate this. Mean I love it but I hate it. All because of Tristan. Why did he lie. Why couldn't he just kept it friends. Yea I would've had a crush on him. But I would respect he had a fucking boyfriend. I tried not to cry and got of the bunk, putting the phone in my back pocket.

"BESTIE! You came out of the bunk." CC yelled, picked me up and took off running off the bus. I was screaming and begging to be pit down but he didn't listen. Out of nowhere I was tooken and thrown over someone else's shoulder. I was laughing now but still begging to be put down. He ran for about hundred yards before I was tooken by someone else. This person was Ashley and I realized I had been being carried by Jayy. Jayy! I was laughing and begging to be put down when CC grabbed me and ran again. I was than grabbed by Andy and he took of running out into a field. See Warped doesn't start till tomorrow so everyone has the night to do whatever and get ready.

"DAD! Let me go!" I yelled I was then tooken by Jayy and he ran out of the field and begin some bushes before anyone could catch up. He put me down and we crawled into the bushes completely hidden. I was dead quiet when Andy, Ashely, and CC came running.

"Where did they go?" CC asked. The others were looking around. Dahvie and Jake came running up now.

"What's going on? Where did they go?" Dahvie asked.

"We don't know I think I saw them run off behind the tent over there but I can't tell." Ashley said. The others nodded.

"Let's go look." The five of them walked off. We waited till coast was clear to talk.

"You know I can run fast right, no reason to carry me." I said. He looked at me.

"Alright than. We will run as fast as we can to my bus, if you win I will pay for your first tattoo or piercing. If I win you have to let me and Dahvie prank you non stop for a full day." He said. I thought sounds fair.

"Ok it's on." I said. We stood up and brushed our selves off. We counted down and took off. He was fast. I was also fast to. I heard Ashley yell because he saw us and they all chased us which made me run faster. Jinxx and Ronnie Radke were at the bus waiting for us to arrive. I pulled ahead last minute and ran past them with Jayy right behind then the other.

"I WIN!" I screamed.

"You have to get me a tattoo or piercing. I don't know which one yet." I said between breaths.

"What tattoo and piercing?" Ashely and Dad said at the same time. I smiled.

"We were hiding in the bushes after you guys walked off we made a bet. If I won on the race back he pays for a tattoo or piercing. If he wins I let him and Dahvie prank me non-stop for two days." I said explaining.

"What makes you think you can get a tattoo at fifteen?" Dad said. I sighed.

"OR piercing." I said or really loud. He rolled his eyes and the guys laughed.

"Well what type of piercing do you want?" Ronnie asked.

"Ronnie!" I screamed and gave him a hug. He laughed. Then hugged me back.

"Umm my nose." I said, pulling away.

"Cool." He replied.

For the next hour we talked. Hanging with the guys was great. It made me forget Tristan a little. I ended up going inside because of mosquitos. I sat down with a Dr.Pepper, my favorite drink besides monster. I was just sitting there staring off into space. I wasn't thinking I didn't want to. I felt like someone was watching me, and got very still. I felt someone or somethings hand on my shoulder. I turned and looked. I saw her, my mom. I screamed and ran off the bus. I took off past the guys and out into the empty field. I eventually fell and broke down into tears. What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? I was crying and couldn't stop when Jayy and Andy had caught up.

Jayy picked me up and carried me back to his bus not the bvb one. I explained everything through crying. I don't know why I reacted the way I did. I don't really know what happened. They know I saw my mom but she is dead. Dead! She is never coming back either. I was now cuddled into Ashley but with Jayy on my other side. Everyone else was talking and slowly got into the topic of tomorrow and schedules. I need sleep. I sighed. Ashley rubbed my back alittle. I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

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