Chapter fifteen

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Abigail's point of veiw

Where the fuck is she? I woke up at ten this morning and no Scarlet. She won't answer her phone and I don't know whether to be pissed or worried. I grabbed my wallet and stuck it into my pocket. I then grabbed my phone and called her one last time.

"... ... ... ... Sorry you have reached the voicemail of Scarlet Biersack. Sorry I missed your call I will call as soon as I can. After the beep you can leave a message." The stupid computer voice said.

"Scarlet whete the fuck are you? Your mom will be here in two hours and I am going to tell Andy if your ass isn't here in a hour." I said and hung up. I opened the bedroom door.

"Andy!! Where the fuck is my girlfriend!?" I yelled going down the stars.

"What do you mean? I thought she was upstairs." He said as I went into the kitchen.

"Well she is not. But her car is here and I have checked the whole house and called her multiple times, no answer." I said I then sighed.

"I will call the guys have them all meet up here. Juliet will be back in a hour or so. I have to pick her up from the airport." He said. I nodded and took two pancakes that he was making and then a a couple slices of bacon.

--- Scarlet's point of veiw

What the fuck?! I am in Texas's apartment. God I have a headache. Yesterday night, gang, Dahvie and Jayy, Dustin, high, making out with Texas. Fuck I cheated on Abigail with her brother. What kind of girlfriend am I. A horrible one that's what I am. I should tell her, mean I was high and drunk.

"Your awake. Come on I need to cover that hickie with some makeup. You also need to change. Oh anf your phone has been going off none stop from calls from Abigail and your dad." Texas said coming into the room shirtless. I sighed.


I went into the bathroom and he did my makeup. I did my hair. I then got dressed but left the actual dress there. We got into the car. The ride was quiet and he dropped me off a block away from the house. I sighed and started walking.

"Where the fuck were you?! Andy called saying you left sometime last night and didn't tell anyone. Bestie!! I would've died if something happened to you!" CC yelled, and the picked me up threw me over his shoulder and started walking to my house which isn't that far now.

He opened the front door and put me down.

"Scarlet!" Abigail yelled. She ran to me and higged me. She then kissed me. I smiled.

"Where were you." Dad asked as the rest of the band came inside.

"No where." I lied.

"Don't lie to me." He said.

"Fine. I went out with a old friend. I accidentally fell asleep watching a movie. Nothing happened Abigail so don't worry." I sighed. I lied again. They look liked they were thinking.

"Fine. By the way, change of plans your going on tlur with us Scarlet." Andy said. He grabbed his wallet, car keys, and phone.

"I am going to pick up your mom." He said and left.

The rest of us stood still.

"You went with Texas to you know where." Abigail said breaking the silence.

"What?" I said shocked.

"Don't lie to me. I am not stupid. I bet you met Dustin to. I swear don't ever be part of what they do. They kill people for no reason and I don't want that person being you. I dropped out at 16." She said. I was quiet the other guys looked confused but didn't say anything.

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