Chapter twenty two

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Ashley's point of veiw

We are in Ohio for tonight then leaving tomorrow morning. I have been a hawk all fucking week. Tristan is eveywhere. Every show sinve the first last week. Scarlet hates going off the bus because of it. I refuse to let her leave. Yesterday me, her, and CC went to the mall and she got some new piercings for her nose. I don't think she is a big fan of me being over protective, but I have always been here for her. I sighed.

3:55 four hours till our show. I am already to go, the other guys arn't.

Scarlet came into the front.

"Babe I am bored." She said. I chuckled and pulled her into my lap.

I pulled out my phone and she took it.

"Hon give me back my phone." I said.

"Nah. I am bored I want your phone." She replied. I sighed and leaned back. She giggled and kept her attention on my phone. I smiled. She leaned back onto me and sat her head on my cheast still one my phone. I closed my eyes.

"Babe do you think you can take me to get another tattoo today maybe two?" Scarlet asked quietly. I opened my eyes and looked into hers. She was wearing white contacts and did purple and green eye makeup today. Her outfit was all black. Black non ripped skinny jeans, one of my all black t-shirts, and her combat boots. She had bracelets and necklaces on. I glanced to the back of the bus then at her again.

"Why not what do you want?" I asked. She grinned.

"To Weird To Live and To Rare To Die. Panic! At The Disco obliviously on my left ribcage. Then on my left arm from the sholder blade to the back of my middle neck I want a trail of stars." I smiled.

"Ok... let's go we got four hours." I said. She grinned and pecked my lips and I swore it wasn't just a peck. I love her... I love her.

She stood up and went to tell Andy we were leaving. Well that we will be back before the concert.

I got into the rented car and Scarlet got into the passenger side.

"I love you... and I am paying." I said pulling out and driving down the road listening to the gps. I finally found it after getting lost which made us lose ten minutes of time. Not to bad but still.

I got out first and went to Scarlet's door and opened it for her letting her out. I closed the door and locked the car and we walked inside.

---- Scarlet's point of veiw

"Hello. How can I help you guys out today." A girl about my height said as I walked to the desk. She had bright purple hair, two complete sleeves of tattoos one exactly like Andy's.

"Wait your Andy Biersack's daughter!" She said smiling. I nodded and Ashley came up putting an arm around my waist.

"Holy shit. Your here?! In this place wanting tattoos?!" She said super happy. I laughed.

"Um I am the one getting the tattoos. I want a Panic! At The Disco one on my left ribcage. Then on my left shoulder to up to the middle of my neck a trail of stars." I explained and she nodded.

"Ok well I am Maddie and I can do the rib one however I can not do stars so I will have Wolf do those. Wolf!" She yelled. He came out of the side room and smiled.

"We have two tattoos for this young lady, and me now. Anyway you need to sketch out the trail of stars that are going to be from her shoulder to her neck, left side while I do the one she wants on her ribcage." She explained. He chuckled.

"You want a ribcage. I would love to see how it turns out." He said before walking off. Maddie led us to a back room and started to get everything ready.

"Any color? Most get it all black." She asked.

"Rainbow. As in like if you could blend in the colors in each letter or something like that. I nust don't want to regret this." I said. She smiled as I rolled up my shirt and laid down.

"Of course I can do that." She said. I smiled but it faded when the needle hit my skin. I have to say it hurts like a mother fucker but I don't even have a tear come to my eye.

An hour and half later.

"Ok your all done. She said smiling and putting it down. We stood up and I carefully walked to the mirror it looked awesome. The best thing ever.

"I love it!" I said smiling. She nodded and smiled.

"Ok your done. Lets get those stars started." Wolf said. I don't know why but I am not a huge fan of this guy. I went back into a different room with Ashley by my side.

I sat down on the chair and pulled my hair into a bun. He started with the begging, it hurt but I didn't mine the pain. "So your the one and only Scarlet Biersack. Ever thought of ditching Biersack and going to Purdy?I ask because your one purdy girl." I want to slap him but he tattooing me. "Are you flirting with my girlfriend?" Ashley said. Wolf chuckled, then shook his head a no. "Nah I am just messing around. Besides I am suprised you don't really remeber me, mean we only met a couple of times... Tristan's friend. I got to let you know though, I don't want you hurt... so don't stay on the bus alone and actually go inside where ever you possibly playing. I am sure you have realized him being at every show already, trust me when I say after his boyfriend was killed he has gone crazy. Take this as a hint he wants power over something and to bring others pain. Now your all done, follow me to the mirror to see." he finished. I was truely shocked. I don't know what to do or say, or do. Ashley seemed the same way. We stood up and he instantly grabbed my right hand. "I love it, Thank you for the tat and about Tristan." I quickly walked to the front, signed a couple things for Maddie, and then paid. 30 minutes till the show starts and don't know what to do. Maybe I can go over to a friends or Jeffree's bus, he is here to for a concert right after ours. Yea that's smart. "Take me to Jeffree's bus, tell the guys what we found out. I love you." I said looking at Ashley. "Babe I have loved you since the day we met, I just could't call you mine. Now I am making sure you are safe so to Jeffree's we go." He said. I nodded and pecked his lips. I stepped out of the car, knocked on Jeffree's door and then let myself on. "BITCH! GET YOUR ASS IN THE FRONT, GIVE ME HUG!" I yelled. He came to the front and gave me a hug, of course he hit my new tattoos and I flinched.

"So tell me why are you here?" He asked sitting down.

I explained everything I was told by Wolf and he seemed to be thinking.

"I don't want anything to happen to you so you can stay here for as long as you want. Are you wearing my lipstick?!" I completely forgot that I was.

"Uh yea... I always like the red." I said. He smiled.

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