Chapter four

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Tristan's point of veiw

I woke up on the floor. I heard voices in the kitchen and outside. What time is it? Fuck I have no clue. I looked around. Jinxx was carrying a couple of bags outside. Scarlet was alseep on the couch. I smiled she is so hot. I stood up and went to the kitchen. I looked at the stove 5:34 am. Holy shit it is early. Andy was making pancakes. "Morning." I said. He turned around and smiled.

"Do you like my daughter?" He asked. That came out of nowhere. Yes! She is hot, funny, different in a good way. What are you talking about Tristan?  You just met her yesterday!

"Umm she is cool, and funny, and cute. Don't kill me!" I said. He laughed. What this is daughter I just called cute. He can easily kick my ass.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Because as long as you don't brake her heart you can date her. Just beware of her best friend CC he will help me kick your ass." He said with all seriousness. I quiet. Why would I hurt her? He laughed.

"Ashley is on the bus outside tell him to come here." I nodded and walked away. Scarlet looked so cute when she is asleep. I walked outside. The bus is huge. I got on.

"Ashley! Andy wants you!" I called.

"Ok!" He yelled. He came out from where all the bunks are. He smiled.

"Here this is yours. Mine, and the guy's numbers are already in it. Uh Scarlet's isn't in it you can ask her for that. Oh thank CC for it, its a iPhone 5s same as Scarlet's but hers is white and yours is black. Your bunk is above Jinxx's right there. So it's Jake, Jinxx, you, and than me. On this side. CC, Scarlet and Andy are on that side. There is a extra bunk. Now what does Andy want?" I was in complete shock. He laughed. I followed him off the bus and inside the house to the kitchen to see Scarlet very sleepy eating pancakes.

"Oh I see you were given the phone. Your going on tour with us. Oh and Scarlet we already took your bags and sat them on your bunk." Andy said. She looked up nodded and continued to eat. Andy handed me a plate of pancakes and I sat down eating. Everyone else started eating to. When we were done Andy very quickly did the dishes and we all got on the bus. This is it I am leaving this place to go on tour with bvb.

The very back room is where the xbox and that stuff is Scarlet challenged all of us to a guitar hero competition. We have an nine hour drive so everyone said why not.


Jake- Scarlet. Scarlet won but he swore he let her win.

Jinxx- Scarlet. Scarlet won.

Ashley- Scarlet.  Scarlet won and everyone is starting to get pissed off.

Andy- Scarlet.  Scarlet won again.

Then me and Scarlet. We tied so we went again. I won. She had 95% I had 97%. So then it was

Me- Jake. I won.

Me-Jinxx. I won.

Me-Ashely. I won.

Me- Andy. I won.

Me-Scarlet. We tied. We did it again and we tied. The other guys found this hilarious. I finally won on the fith time. It was around. 11:45 and we all went to other parts of the bus. Jinxx kitchen, CC and Ashely living room place, Jake stayed to play Black Ops. Me and Scarlet went to the bunks to unpack. I was shocked to see all of the clothes and a note.
To Tristan
Ok so you had nothing, literally. You got a phone now. There is a laptop, camera, and a sketch book. The clothes are band merch and shit given to us from some other bands. Have fun.

I laughed and opened the two bags. I grabbed grey skinny jeans and a sws t-shirt. I went into the bathroom to change and fix my hair. I stared at myself for a moment. I can't believe this. I thought I had nothing, I was going to end it all. Now I am with Andy and the guys. With a really cute girl Scarlet. I will aske her after at least a week. Other wise that would be rushing it right? I sighed and went to my bunk. I got on it and took my phone put of my pocket. Time to download music.

Scarlet's point of veiw

After Tristan was done in the bathroom he came out and sat on his bunk. I guess he started downloading music. He will be doing that for awhile. It took me close to four hours to get all of my music downloaded. I sighed and got off the bunk and went to the front of the bus. Jinxx was on his phone. Andy was humming while reading a batman comic and Ashley had went to the back with Jake and CC jumped up and gave me a hug.

"What's Tristan doing?" Jinxx asked.

"Downloading music onto his phone." I said simply he went back to doing whatever he was doing on his phone. I went to the fridge and grabbed a monster.

"Tonight we will be arriving at the first stop of Warped tour. Tomorrow is when we play. Oh I forgot to give you two your backstage passes. It works for every band, if there is any problem text me. Also Brain Stars is going to interview us tomorrow." Dad said. I smiled and nodded and went to Tristan's bunk. He has the third so I climbed up.

"Hey you downloading music?" I asked.

"Yea, umm what's up?" He said taking out an earbud. I laughed and handed him the backstage pass on a warped tour lanyard. He smiled. "Thanks." He said. "No problem Andy told me to give it to you we will be there tonight." I said. "Cool." He replied.

I took his phone and pushed play after unplugging his earbuds. Bones Exposed by Of Mice and Men played. I put it on full blast. Then gave Tristan's phone back. We both started screaming it and when it was over we were laughing our ass's off. I looked at him and he smiled. God his hair is perfect, and his eyes. He is just hot, and funny and has a great taste in music. Before I realized what was happening I felt his lips on mine. I was shocked but I soon kissed him back. We pulled away shortly after. We were both blushing like complete idiots.

"I, umm... sorry. I don't, know.. what I was thinking. Your beautiful." He stuttered. I smiled. He called me beautiful. That's when I did something I thought I wouldn't. I kissed him again. He kissed me back. I pulled away and he did the same. I heard Ashley coming so I jumped down and got on my bed and pulled out my phone and quickly opened youtube and then a random video.

"What you guys doing?" He asked. I stayed quiet no clue what to say.

"I'm downloading music and she is watching a video on YouTube." Tristan said. Thsnk god he said something. I actually looked at the video I had on. Falling Angels by bvb official music video. Ashley looked at my screen and laughed.

"I like that video to." He then left and went to talk to Andy. Tristan got off his bunk and went to the front. I wonder if my dad would kill him. Probably.

Tristan's point of veiw

I got off my bunk ans went to the front.

"Hey Tristan." Andy said. I nodded and took the monster from CC that he was holding out for me. I sat down next to Jinxx.

"So were you really downloading music?" He asked. I nodded a yes and took a sip of the monster. "Was it you who blared the music or Scarlet?" CC asked.

"Scarlet." I said. They laughed I don't know why though.

"I'm tired I am going to go to sleep." I said. They nodded. "Be prepared for tonight we get there around five so you still have a night full of metting people. You and Scarlet stay together walking around I don't want tk have to hunt you both down. I looked at the time 3:39. I might as well not even sleep. I walked to the bunks.

"Hey Tristan, the kiss does it mean something?" I looked at Scarlet.

"Scarlet would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked. Her eyes lit up.

"Yes" she said. I smiled and sat on her bunk. She cuddled into my side. We ended up watching the Walking Dead with her adorable little kitten Charmander asleep in my lap.

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