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THE MOMENT THEY got home, Mike went upstairs.

He knew it was useless trying to explain himself to his mother any further: she had made her decision. So he did his best to make his annoyance clear in other ways: stomping loudly up the stairs, slamming his door loudly as he could behind him.

He jumped on his bed with a sigh, looking up at his ceiling in silence. Without his comics or television, he had nothing to do. He debated turning his radio on so he'd have some music, but he'd need to get out of bed for that- and he did not feel up for that. 

So he just lied in silence, listening to the quiet around him and trying to imagine what punishment his mother would come up with.Would she ground him? take away his bike? anything was plausible.

He wished she would hurry up and decide already! the silence was driving him crazy. He started bouncing his leg just to hear the mattress springs squeak. He was so bored!

"Michael!" he finally heard after a few long minutes. He sighed, sitting up with a groan. He stretched, and made his way downstairs slow as he could. He wanted to annoy her. It was his way to be defiant without actually being defiant.

Finally he reached his mom, sitting crossed legged on the brown living room couch. Her hair was still up in the tight ponytail she had worn for Jazzercise, and her purple eye shadow matched the purple top she was wearing. If she hadn't had the wrinkle in the middle of her forehead, the one that showed her displeasure and worry, she could have looked like one of those perky gym instructors down in the mall. 

She signaled for her son to sit down, and he obeyed, taking residence in his father's LaZboy. He crossed his arms, waiting for his verdict.

"First, I want you to know this is very disappointing to me. If something is bothering you, I want you to talk to me, Mike. Don't go out and vandalize your school!"

Mike tried to contain the snort of laughter building up inside him. talk to her. Right. That's totally something that could happen.

"I thought about it, and I think you need to understand responsibility a little better. You're 17, you need to learn to be mature and responsible. Your act had showed you don't know how to do that," she looked at him, and he stared back.

He prepped himself to what she knew she was about to say "curfew at 8... no friends until you get a B or above in three tests in a row..." The usual 'responsibility' crap. But she surprised him.

"So, for the next three weeks you'll be volunteering at HUG. At least four days a week, no exceptions. "

Mike couldn't help a groan.

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HUG, or "Hawkins for the Underprivileged, General ", was his mom's charity. 

It resided on the very edge of town, and had earned his mom many newspaper articles. It was a place where underprivileged people, especially teens and kids, could go for help.

Any kind of help: educational, mental, even food and medical services were provided there, all for free. (therefore the General in the name: HU just didn't have the same ring to it)

It was Mike's least favorite place on earth.

Yes, that sounds bad. It wasn't that he was against the CHARITY, or against helping people. It was just that that charity had caused him so many troubles at school... and besides, good as it was, Mike's mom had started it not from sheer kindness but mostly from boredom and extensive amount of money.

Basically, she had too much money and not enough to do with it. It always seemed to be a lavish way to show their wealth to their community. It loomed over the town, reminding them that even though the Wheeler's didn't have the biggest house or fanciest cars, they had enough money to keep a charity this big running. They were still the most powerful family in town.

And that disgusted Mike. It made him feel like every good it did didn't count, and every time he volunteered there he felt like a hoax, like he was putting up a show.

Kids had made fun of him for the charity since he was in elementary school: Bullies would take his meals and laugh "Hey, shouldn't you be charitable? What would HUG say?" (although HUG was a place not a person)The less clever ones would simply block his way in the hallway, until he gave them "a HUG". (elementary schoolers had such a clever sense of humor) Which led Mike to the less than desirable nickname, Hugsey.

Believe it or not, even at 17, Mike still heard that nickname A LOT. It was so common that once a sub teacher actually called him that, for the whole day. She thought it was his actual name.

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"... I wouldn't argue if I were you," His mother continued, snapping him out of his thoughts. She had a warning glimmer in her eyes, and Mike realized he had stretched her too thin. Another groan, or protest, would lead to unwanted consequences. He nodded and got up, ready to head back to his room.

"You'll come with me tomorrow morning, and we'll get you set up," she added, and he almost yelled.It had to be on his weekend, too? "I have plans with friends," he said lowly.

"You better cancel them, then. We'll be back around lunch time." She said in an infuriating calm. He wanted to scream at her, but he was afraid she would make the three weeks a month if he did. So he stayed silence, sending her a furious look.

"I'm going to change, then I'm picking up Holly and going on some errands. I'll be back in time for dinner. Do NOT go out of this house." She said, getting up. Needless to say that about 5 minutes after she left Mike was already halfway to Dustin's house.





We're doing slow burn guys... stick with me, pleasee:))) Will is coming soon, promise.

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now