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MIKE LEFT WILL At the arcade soon after, claiming he had an urgent homework assignment.

He just had to get away from Will.

He biked away, his mind completely confused. What was happening to him?

He didn't even know where he was biking. He just peddled through the dark evening, letting his feet carry him wherever they pleased. 
Apparently, they wanted to go to Jane's because a few minutes later he found himself at the entrance to her house. He knew she was probably at the movies with the rest of the guys, and it would make more sense to try and catch her there: but he just wanted to see her and her alone.

He left his bike on the lawn and rang the doorbell. He waited outside for a full three minutes  before footsteps sounded and the door opened.

It was Jane, her hair wrapped in a towel and wearing a robe. She was soaking wet, so Mike assumed he had caught her mid shower.
"Mike!" She smiled, "come in!"

Jane led him to her room and instructed him to wait a few minutes. Mike sat on her bed, looking at photos of all of the party, of him and her as kids. If he could talk to anyone about what had just happened, it was her.

Minutes later Jane entered, dressed in her dad's shirt and a pair of shorts.
"Thank god you came, Papa left to see a friend and won't be back until late and I really don't feel like being alone yet", she said as she walked to the bed. 

Her father, chief of police Hopper,  had adopted her when she was about 5, and they had a really unique relationship. Mike knew Jane didn't love anyone as much as she loved her dad, and they spent every evening together. Jane made sure to almost never miss their evenings.

She sat crossed legged on the bed next to him and started brushing her wet hair.
"So, What's wrong?"She asked before he even had a chance to start.

"How did you-" He asked, and she just smiled.
"I've known you forever, Mike. Just spill," She said. 

"Okay, well- this is sort of weird," he started, running his hand through his hair nervously. 
She didn't say anything, just waited in complete silence.

"So, I was at the arcade with Will. And you know we've kind of been seeing each other a lot but- I don't know," he sighed, no idea how to phrase it.

"He did something, doesn't really matter what not something big, and I don't know. Something just-changed." He admitted. He noticed how even his best friend, who'd been staring at his face for a few minutes now, hadn't noticed his bruise. Somehow it made Will noticing it even more significant. 

"In what way?" Jane asked, her tone casual. He silently thanked her for that.

"I think I maybe- like him?" He said shakily. Saying it out loud felt surreal. He looked at her, waiting for some sort of change in her face, but she just shrugged.

"and..." She asked, as if waiting for something.

"I don't know! isn't it-  weird at least?" It's not that Mike had a problem with gay people, it was just he didn't know any.

It wasn't a thing in Hawkins, he didn't even know of someone who was gay. He never thought about it, really.

Jane looked at him skeptically. 
"I like girls exactly like I like boys. Why do you care what other people think? you know what you feel and that's that." She said it so simply, like it wasn't a big deal. 

"huh," Was all Mike could say.

Boys and girls. Bi-sexual. His best friend was bisexual.

And maybe he was too?

It just made sense. He had had crushes on girls before, but he most definitely had a crush on Will right now. He hadn't been sure, but Jane had made him see how simple it was.

"Wait. I know boys you liked, but what girl do you like?" Mike asked, and Jane turned completely red.

"Jane Hopper! I told you every one I ever liked." he pleaded, smiling.
"Fine, fine. Don't judge me, though!" She smiled.

"Max, okay?!" She exclaimed, covering her face with her hands.
"Ooo, Janey's got a girlfriend!" Mike said in a sing-songy voice, trying to embarrass her.
"Hey, look who's talking!" She shot back, and he smiled slightly.

"My crush is dating someone, your friend Lucas, remember? But your crush is completely single and TOTALLY into you, So I guess you could say-" She took a deep breath and yelled out,

"Mikey's got a boyfriend!" it sounded kind nice, he had to admit.
"Ugh, shut up!" He hit her with one of her pillows, "and how do you even know if he's into me? You've never even met Will." 

"He spends about every waking minute with you- I think it's pretty obvious. And I'd love to meet him, you just never bring him anywhere!" Jane complained.

Mike realized he never told her about his muteness. He had told his friends they had met through the charity, but never told them about the other thing.

And it was the perfect time to explain. So that's what he did for the next few minutes, leaving Jane's mouth wide open.

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"You have to find out why!" She said when he finished, and he nodded.
"I know! I just don't even know where to start," he replied. The sky outside was now completely dark, and Mike knew his curfew was soon.

"I don't know what to say, I can't really help you," She said, "but it sounds like it's gonna take some digging."

He nodded in exasperation, and got up.
"Curfew's coming up. See you tomorrow, and thank you so much!" He said. She surprised him by getting up and giving him a tight hug.

"Thanks for telling me. And just so you know, you're the first person I've ever told too."She said, and he hugged her even tighter.





(ElMike is the friend-ship of Mike and El) Like honestly they so don't fit romantically
But I'd liveee for just them being besties

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now