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FOR THE NEXT month, Mike and Will hung out basically very day.

 Mall, movies, arcade, restaurants, wherever. It didn't matter. It was strange how much Mike liked being with Will- considering he still hadn't uttered a word. 

The first week or so, they were mostly seeing each other at places where they could sit down and have a written conversation: restaurants mostly.  But there were only so many restaurants at Hawkins, and so many hours you can sit down without getting bored. 

So slowly, without either of them really realizing it was happening, they started going different places, places you couldn't really write in. A lot of walks through Hawkins. The notebook Will used to write in kind of disappeared over time- somehow, they didn't really need it anymore. They just understood each other.

Somehow, Mike found himself having conversations with Will that were more interesting than a lot of ones he had with his friends- all of this with ZERO words spoken.

Somehow, even without talking- Will understood Mike. And Mike understood Will. Although, in many aspects he really didn't.

He still had no idea why Will couldn't speak, and knew close to nothing about Will's childhood. He didn't know why Will moved to Hawkins, where his dad was, even where his brother was studying.  Will always moved the questions back to Mike or started Mike talking about some comic book or musician. 

But Mike was still determined to find out.

Also, for some reason Will still didn't believe Mike was spending time with him on his own free will. Even though his punishment was over, as he had repeatedly told the brunette, it didn't matter. It bothered Mike, because he felt closer to Will than most of the other people in his life- maybe except for Jane.

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"Earth to Mike," Lucas called, waving a hand in front of Mike's face and bringing him back to life.

"Huh?" Mike called, confused. Will and him had been out late last night, and he was practically falling asleep on the grass. 

"I said," Lucas rolled his eyes, "We're going to see 'the untouchables' tonight. You in?" 

"Oh, I already saw that." Mike answered, stifling a yawn. 
"What? with who, exactly?" Max asked in disbelief, raising his eyebrow.
"Will," Mike said. His friends sighed.

He knew he had been talking about Will too much, but he couldn't help himself. He was a boy possessed. Will was taking more of his min space than healthy.

"Fine. Something else than," Lucas concluded. 

Mike blushed, "umm, actually-"  Lucas looked at him with an annoyed glare.

"What now?"

"I have plans today..." Mike said.
"Let me guess: With Will," Dustin interjected, and Mike nodded.

He saw them getting irritated. He knew he hadn't been spending enough time with them lately but he only had so much free time- and he really wanted to spend it with Will.

His friends got back to their conversation, whatever that was, and sent him dirty looks once in a while. Mike couldn't care less- he was just too tired. He let his eyes flutter closed and right there on the grass of Hawkins High he fell asleep.

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When he woke up, he was alone on the grass. He checked his watch, and sure enough it was 10:43 and class had started hours ago.

Why didn't anyone wake him? Were his friends getting their revenge? honestly, didn't matter. He needed that nap and missing two periods of chem wasn't too bad.

He stretched, thinking he he should probably get to the last few minutes of class anyway. He turned towards the school- and almost bumped head first into Troy Harrington.

"Mornin', Hugsey," Troy said with that annoying smirk. Mike rolled his eyes.

"Watching me sleep, Harrington? Wow. I mean I know everyone has their kinks, but I mean-" He replied, trying to move past the bully. Troy blocked his path, the smirk off his face and his eyes ablaze.

Mike might've been taller than Troy, but Troy was buffer. He was sort of scary in many ways: everyone knew Troy Harrington hung out with the wrong people.

"Very funny. So I guess your thing is mute boys? Like that faggot I keep seeing you with?" Troy hissed.

Mike was Not expecting that. He knew he had seen him with Will that once a while ago- but how had he known Will was mute?

Mike let out a laugh, trying to seem nonchalant, "What- are you spying on me? Do you not have anything better to do?" Though he was struggling to keep his tone light, his eyes were scanning around the empty grass around him for a teacher or something.

"It isn't hard to figure out, especially since you keep fucking  parading him around town. If you want to be gay do it in your own room, don't go around shoving that down our throat!" Troy replied.

Mike didn't know why his stomach turned when he said gay. Will and him weren't dating! he wasn't gay- at least, he didn't think he was... He had never really thought about it...

"So I guess I can't have friends? does that mean you're screwing James? Wow-" before he even had time to complete the sentence, Troy's hand flew to his face, punching him in the chin.

"Fuck!" Mike yelled, caught off guard. He grabbed his aching chin. Had he just been sucker punched by TROY HARRINGTON?

"Call me gay again, see what happens. Also, stop with that fag of yours or the next time will be much worse." Troy said, sent him one last glaring look and started walking to the school.

Mike walked from the other route, heading to the bathroom. He was shocked. He really didn't know how to react to that- yeah, Troy could kick his ass. Especially with that older crew he was always hanging out with. But had he really just punched him?

He looked in the mirror in the boys' bathroom: a smallish nasty bruise was now on his chin. Ugh.

Maybe it was just him being a teen. Maybe it was just him being him, stubborn as a mule.

But as he walked back to class, Mike knew he didn't give a fuck what anyone thought. He was going to see the sweet brown haired boy again, and he was going to see him as much as he wanted.

And he wanted to, a lot.

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now