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MIKE WAS ABOUT to go after Will, but Mrs. Byers preceded him.

She jumped up, expertly landing her half- finished cigarette in the ashtray on the small comfortable, and ran down the hall to her son.

Mike heard the door of the room opening and closing, and decided he should wait outside. After all, important as Will was to him, she was Will's mother. She should get to talk first.

That story.  He couldn't even start to imagine being in Will's shoes. He tried to imagine finding Nancy- No. He didn't want to even think that. Nancy and him may fight a lot, but she's still his sister.

And his father? Will literally caught no break. No wonder he couldn't talk- and no wonder he couldn't talk to his mom! She probably reminded some part of his subconscious about everything. She reminded him of the trauma.

But why had he frozen around the group? They had nothing to do with his issues...

Maybe it was just general anxiety. Maybe Will had psyched himself out before hand, maybe it was a different aspect of the condition. Mike really didn't know enough about it to be sure. 

It didn't matter. All that mattered was that he finally knew what happened.

Had it been long enough? Could he go in the room now? Maybe not, but he didn't care. He needed to see Will, make sure he was okay.

He went down the hall and knocked on the door, then opened it wider.

Will was sitting on the far side of the bed, looking down. His mom was on the side of the bed closer to Mike, and her arms were reached towards Will. The expression on her face looked pained.

Will looked up, locking eyes with Mike. His face was white, his eyes red and puffy once again. Mike wasn't sure if he would be mad, or upset, but Will surprised him by jumping up and running straight into his arms. Mike hugged him tight, relieved.

"Thank you for staying," Will muttered in his ear, so low it was barley audible. Mike didn't think, he just hugged Will, and in the brunette's ear he whispered

"Of course."

From the side of his eye, Mike saw Joyce getting up.

"Will, I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I love you so, so much. I'll be in the kitchen if you want to talk- I mean, be with me: but no rush. Do whatever you want." Her tone was soft, and a moment later the door closed behind her.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked when he was sure they were alone. He led Will to the bed, and they sat down. He felt like he had said that sentence way too much today.

Will shrugged.

"I don't really want to talk about it," He decided, "There's nothing I can do about it anyway...  I'm stuck silent  because of something I can't even remember? This just confirms that I'm a screw up..."

Mike wanted to protest, but decided enough talking. He would show Will he was okay, and he would do it now. He really hoped his theory would work, because otherwise this would screw everything up further... The problem was, he didn't know how to show him.

But maybe he knew someone who could.

"Can you try one last thing for me?" Mike asked, "One thing, then I'll stop bothering you about the whole talking thing and you can keep talking just to me. Okay?"

Will looked puzzled, but nodded.

"Whatever it is, it's not gonna work..."  He muttered under breath, his gaze starting to shine with tears again. Mike's chest hurt.

He extended his hand to Will, and together they left the house. 

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They walked in the cool night in silence. The sky was illuminated in a cozy, silver light of thousands of stars. This was one of Mike's favorite things about Hawkins: There weren't any skyscrapers or big factories that would pollute or block the stars.  There we so many stars, in fact, that they scarcely needed the street lamps scattered on the street.

Suddenly, Mike felt a cold hand wrap around his own tightly. He didn't even look at Will, he just squeezed it tightly and hoped everything would be okay.

Because Will trusted him, and he didn't want that to change.

Mike never realized how close Jane and Will lived: The walk was barely 20 minutes. He hesitated for a moment before going up the road leading to the cabin- was this the best idea?

Yes. He was sure of it: If anyone could help him help Will, it was Jane.

He grabbed Will's hand, and together with their joined hands knocked on the door.
They hardly waited at all before steps sounded from inside and the door opened.

Hopper stood at the door, holding a bowl of cereal.

"Hey, Mike. Who's the friend?" He asked, gesturing at Will.

"Yeah, that's Will. Will Byers- he's new in-"

But Hopper stopped him, pointing at Will with his spoon (milk dripping everywhere)
"Byers? Is your mom Joyce Byers?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

Will nodded, and Mike couldn't read how he felt about the chief.

"I can't believe you're back in Hawkins! I went to high school with your mom! Joyce! Is she home right now?" (Will responded with a shaky nod) "I'm gonna go see her, I bet you went back to her old house! I can't believe you're back!"

He sounded excited. He pushed past the two boys, and moments later the car started and he was driving away.

Mike laughed, pulling Will on inside.

"Don't mind Hop," He said, "It's his daughter we're here for."
Will nodded again, looking very stressed.

Mike stopped inside the small living room. looking at Will cautiously.

"I think Jane can really help you, but I don't want you to do anything that will make you uncomfortable, okay? So if you don't want to see, her you can tell me and we'll just leave now." 

Will thought for a moment.

"Let's talk to her." He decided, smiling a shy smile. Mike returned it, and leaned down to kiss Will.

"You're amazing," Mike muttered, and knocked on Jane's door.





Sorry for the short chapter:)

Also, I know Joyce's name wasn't Byers when she met Hopper but I couldn't find what it was so just roll with it haha

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