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THE REST OF THE walk was weird. Mike tried to start casual conversation, but Will barely answered. He looked back in his state of deep pondering, but Mike wasn't sure why.

He himself wasn't too bothered by the incident. It was just an asshole, it wasn't like he wasn't used to assholes. His whole school was full of them. Mike was so used to being bullied, it didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. 

True, the insults were a bit much today, and the rock thrown at his head wasn't exactly a normal incident: but it wasn't a huge abnormality either.

Once the shock from the sudden injury had wore off, he wasn't even thinking about it anymore.

But for some reason, Will seemed to be. His kiss goodbye was weirdly rushed, and he bumped into his door frame as he stepped in. 

Mike honestly wasn't sure what was so bothersome about it to the brunette, why one rock had manged to change Will's whole mood. He was still pretty damn happy, happy things were finally working out for Will. The expression of pure joy on Will's face after he finally managed to talk to someone else was worth getting hit with a thousand of rocks.

He basically skipped all the way home.

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The next morning, Mike was sitting in the living room and reading a comic book when the phone rang. He had woken up early that day too, and naturally he was sort of grumpy. He was having the best time reading his book, finally finding the perfect position on the couch, and really did not feel like getting up to answer a call that was probably for his mom or dad anyway. He glanced at Holly, reading a picture book on the floor, but the girl didn't move.

"Can you get that?" Mike asked, but she shook his head and stuck her tongue out at him. The phone kept ringing.

"Ugh," Mike muttered, getting up from the couch and walking to the phone, all the while sending Holly a dirty look.

"Hello?" He muttered into the phone, wanting to go back to his book already.
"Mike?" Will's voice sounded from the receiver, and Mike immediately perked up.

"Will! hi!" He called. It was weird: He didn't think Will had ever called him before, he didn't even know Will had his home number.

"Hey," Will responded. His voice sounded far away, and was extremely quiet.

Then, complete silence from the other side of the phone.

"Is everything okay?" Mike asked after about twenty seconds of silence.

"Huh? Oh! um, yeah, sure. I just wanted to ask what time we're meeting today?" Was there something weird about Will's voice?

"We said 11, but we can do earlier or later or-" Mikes tarted, but Will cut him off.
"No, 11 is good. I'll meet at Rick's, okay?" 

"um-" Mike was caught by surprise. He always picked Will up! "Yeah, cool- and Will?"


𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now