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THEY DIDN'T SAY Anything else.

When the kiss was over (after a few good minutes) they simply got up and walked into the mall, into the movie (or the half they hadn't missed). 

Mike was trying his best to act like his heart wasn't beating out of his chest- but when the darkness of the movie theater finally surrounded them, he could no longer keep the large, goofy grin from showing on his face. Happiness welled in him like a fluffy cloud.

He didn't know what it meant, how Will had taken it, but when after a few minutes he had the courage to interlace his fingers with Will's, he didn't move away. He actually squeezed Mike's fingers tightly.

And throughout the rest of the movie and the walk back home, they kind of stayed that way. And when they said goodbye, Will got on his tip-toes and kissed Mike swiftly before running inside his house, smiling shyly.

So that Mike was left speechless and frozen in the entrance, his cheeks warm and his heart fluttering once again.

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His steps were fast and cheerful as he made his way back home. He kind of felt like he was floating. He could barley make himself NOT whistle, because he didn't want to be that much of a cliche. But be couldn't help it: He was so happy.

A few minutes before he actually got home, Mike decided to change directions. He was so close to home, in fact, that it was sort of ridiculous- but he HAD to tell Jane. Maybe it would've been easier to just call her, but his dazed happy mind wasn't exactly thinking straight.

So he floated his way to Jane's house, knocking a cheerful tune on the door when he got there.

fast, hard footsteps from inside- and Jane's dad, chief Hopper, opened the door. He was wearing his police uniform and a weird grimace, but when he saw Mike he smiled warmly.
"Hey, kid," He smiled at Mike and opened the door wider.

Mike returned his greeting, and stepped inside the house. The light was dim, the TV on and a can of beer by the sofa chair.
"Jane's right in her room," Hopper said above the chattering of the television and went back to his chair, sitting down with a groan and ignoring Mike completely. 

Mike knocked on the wooden door: "I DON'T WANT TO TALK, DAD!" Jane yelled from inside, startling him. He jumped slightly, and from the corner of his eye saw Hopper smiling to himself mischievously. 

"No, umm- it's Mike," He said to the door. Even the screams didn't ruin his good mood.

No reply, just a few steps and Jane opened the door, still in the clothes she wore at school that day and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that," She said when Mike stepped in, closing the door behind them.
"Is everything okay?" he asked her, and she nodded.

"Just a stupid fight."

Mike nodded and floated to her bed, falling back on his back and smiling at the ceiling.

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now