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"COME IN!" JANE's voice sounded from inside.

Mike exchanged another nod with Will, and opened the door.
Jane was sitting on the bed, reading a magazine. Light pop music was playing from her little radio on the dresser.

"Hey," Mike smiled at her, poking her head through the slight opening he had made in the door. Will was still on the outside.

"Hi! How are you?" Jane asked, putting her magazine on the side. Her face was at once full of that same pity Mike had hated earlier that day, but now he hoped that it was that pity that would compel her to help him.

"fine, fine. Hey, can you help me with something?" He said in a hopeful tone.

"Of course!" She exclaimed. Mike knew she was being overly cheery because she still thought he was upset.

He opened the door wider, reveling Will.

He was scared Jane would express some form of shock that would stress Will out further, but nothing but a slight wave of surprise flickered across her features: And Mike was sure he only recognized that flicker because he knew her so well. She impressed him, and it was at that moment he knew he had made the right decision coming to her.

"Hi, Will. Nice to see you again," She said. Mike looked at Will, scared the brunette would run out or have another panic attack, but Will just nodded and smiled shyly.

"Come in, guys!" Jane called, throwing the magazine on the floor and patting the bed besides her. Mike stepped to the bed, and Will followed him with hesitant steps.

It seemed like took ages for them to cross the short distance and sit on the bed. Mike thought he would break his neck, as he turned it around so many times to try and catch both Jane and Will's expressions. He was so nervous he wanted to hurl.

Finally, they sat on the bed. Mike kept Will's hand fastened tightly in his, placing it on his knee. He didn't know if the gesture was for his sake or Will's.

"Help me to decide, help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever- everybody wants to rule the world!"

The music, so soft before, was now the only sound in the tense room. Jane chuckled as if unaffected by the almost unbearably tense atmosphere.

"Sorry about that, let me turn that down," She said in a casual tone and rose up. Mike exchanged a questioning look with Will, silently asking him if he was still doing okay.

Will's face was determined, and he nodded.

Jane pressed the radio, and the music was gone in a beat. Without it, the silence was even more daunting. 

She went back to the couple on the bed, but instead of sitting up on the bed with them she sat on the ground. She was wearing a flannel shirt Mike knew belonged to her father.  Her hair was free and hanging on her shoulders, and she looked carefree and casual. Even just the way she was sitting, legs straight ahead and leaning on her elbows, made Mike feel just a little less uncomfortable.

She started humming the same song she had just turned down.

"I'm just obsessed with that song, honestly. It's so catchy!" She said, looking only at Will.

"Do you know it?" She asked. Will just shook his head.
"It's new- called everybody wants to rule the world." She said, "By tears for fears. Have you heard of them?

She was talking to Will like they were old pals having the most casual conversation ever. It didn't even seem forced: she sounded just like she did when she talked to any of her friends.

Will shook his head. "I mostly listen to rock."

Mike turned to him, in complete shock. Will seemed just as shocked, like he couldn't believe the words had come out of his mouth.

"Let me guess. The Smiths? Queen?" Jane asked, as if Will talking was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Yeah, also pixies and a lot of the clash," Will responded. Jane laughed.

"Basically what my dad listens to. I wish I had a taste in music, I just listen to whatever is on the radio." She shrugged, and Will laughed with her. All the while his face was completely alight with surprise and happiness. Mike wanted to cry from relief.

"What did you need help with, again?" Jane asked, looking at Mike with her eyebrow raised. Her eyes were glinting with a mischievous glint.

"Uh-" Mike glanced at Will, "Never mind, I guess."

Jane shrugged again. 

"Okay. Will, you have to come back and show me some good music." She said, smiling warmly at the brunette. He smiled even wider than her.

"I would really like that," He said quietly.

"Now- bye. I really do want to finish that magazine," Jane winked. Will laughed, and together Mike and him left the room. Will got out first, and Mike turned around to look at Jane once more.

"THANK YOU," He whispered. She just winked, and pressed the radio again.

"everybody wants to rule the world," The singer started again as Mike closed the door behind him.

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They left the house, and walked a few minutes in silence. Mike wanted to talk, but one look at Will's face told him the boy was deep in thought. Mike was so happy: at least he had proof that Will could talk to other people, when it didn't trigger something in him.

Finally, just when Mike thought he had somehow made Will mad at him, The brunette jumped on Mike, wrapping his legs around his waist and leaning down to kiss him a long, passionate kiss. 

"Thank you, Mike. Thank you so much!" Will said. The boy's eyes were filled with pure cheer, like nothing could ever make him  sad again.

"What are you thanking me for? It was all you," Mike smiled back, brushing aside a stand of hair from Will's forehead, "I'm so proud of you. You did so good."

Will actually looked proud, for once. He kissed Mike again, and this time Mike wrapped his hands around Will's waist and focused solely on the kiss.

That was, until a rock hit him on the back of the head.

He almost dropped Will as he stumbled unsteadily. Will leaped down at once, looking completely terrified. 

Mike looked to the ground besides him, where a small grey rock was lying. Stunned, he put his hand to the back of his suddenly aching head. It came out a bit red.

He turned around, and so he was almost unrecognizable he saw James.

"Hey, Hugsey and Mrs. Hugesy! Fuck out of our town!" He yelled, and proceeded to walk to the opposite direction.

Mike was so shocked he didn't know how to react.

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now