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(Longer than usual but worth it)

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THE NEXT WEEK was like a bizarre dream.

In all his life, Mike had never been as happy as he was with Will. He didn't know he was capable of being so utterly happy.

Everyday, Will would wait for him behind the school. Mike would rush to meet him, and they'd just walk. Their walks were different now that Will could physically respond to Mike's questions, but if he was being honest, not as different as he would've thought.

He had understood Will even without words, and Will still didn't talk much. Maybe he was just a quiet person, or maybe he just wasn't used to his newfound ability to talk. 

Their walks always found a way to end at Rick's, which was a damn long walk from the school- a few hours. There, they'd share a cup of hot chocolate. Nowadays, every time Mike tasted chocolate his mind immediately went to Will. Nothing seemed to taste better than that cup of hot chocolate they enjoyed together.

From Rick's, it was either a cab or a bus back to Mike's house. They knew it was stupid to go that far for a cup of hot chocolate, but they enjoyed the walks together. 
When they got to the house, it was almost always dark out.

They would go to Mike's room, where the real part of the day would begin. No talking, no nothing. Just long, wonderful make out sessions on Mike's bed. 

When it got truly pitch black out and Mike's mom would bang on the door and remind them it was a school night (not that she had any idea what her son was doing in there) Mike would reluctantly drive Will home. 

When Will gave him that goodbye kiss at the door, it was like they didn't just spend hours doing just that. Mike could keep kissing that beautiful boy forever.

At night, it was only Will he dreamed of. At school, he could only daydream about seeing Will again.

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And then suddenly it was Saturday. The day of the meet up at Max's house.

Mike was nervous as pulled up into Will's driveway. He walked to the door slow as he could. 
please let him agree to come. Please let everything go well, he begged silently- to who? he didn't know- but he thought it was better to pray just in case.

He knew he should've asked Will to come eons ago, possibly the day after Jane and him had made the deal. But he always found a way to put it off, and now there were barely three hours until the meetup was actually happening.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. 

Joyce opened, already dressed in a red sweater and dark pants. She smiled warmly at Mike, reaching up to put an arm on his shoulder fondly.

"Hi Mike, honey. How are you?"

"I'm good, Mrs. Byers. How about you?" He responded politely. She smiled even wider.
"I'm fine. Let me get Will for you." She stepped into the house, leaving Mike outside the door- not sure whether he should come in.

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now