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He lay tossing and turning in bed, his mind too full to actually calm down and go to sleep.

After processing his feelings, his mind raced to the next part: could something actually happen with Will? Could he make that leap, could he actually get the courage to ask Will out?

Mike had never asked anyone out, nor had he had an actual girlfriend (Or boyfriend). Even when he did have a crush on someone who he was pretty sure felt the same, He was too awkward to actually do anything about it. His mind would obsessively run through everything that could go wrong and by the time he actually worked up the courage to do something (which didn't always happen, sometimes he would give up) the girl had already moved on.

But this was different. This time, it was Will. 

He was 17, he should have the courage to actually do something about his feelings. And if he was being honest with himself this crush was somehow different. It just felt  more exciting, stronger. 

Mike couldn't think about anything but Will.

By the time the sun finally rose, Mike had decided: He would ask Will out. And he would do it today.

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They had scheduled to go to the movies at about 4, which meant Mike had to go straight from school. The school day passed in a blur of fear and anticipation. Mike didn't know which was stronger.

He decided to walk to the mall- It was just better, that way he had some time to plan. Besides, he saw Troy looking at him weird from besides the bike rack and he really didn't feel like trouble. 

The walk was pretty long, but Mike didn't really get much planning done. 

Why? well, after a few minutes of walking he realized Troy was right behind him, along with some guys who had graduated the year prior. 

They weren't close to him per-say, but something in Mike screamed danger. For some reason, he knew he had to keep walking and walking fast.

So he did, making sure not to look back at his pursuers. The roads were strangely empty. For every step he made, he heard almost like an echo the footsteps of the guys.
They probably aren't following you, he tried telling himself, they're just walking.

But still, the next interaction he turned, making the way about 5 minutes longer. Just to be safe.

The problem was, when he looked back they were still there. Walking a bit faster, looking at him.

Mike started walking even faster, so that he was almost jogging. He looked back every seconds, but they were still walking faster. His eyes locked with Troy's, and his suspicions were confirmed.


Troy could beat him in a fight anyway. Now, with those two human mountains? It wouldn't even be a fight. His only chance was to outrun them. 

𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now